Author's Note: I do not own FMA or its characters. Some of the following drabbles are AU, and none of them are in any sort of sequence.

Music Is the Literature of the Heart

I Say a Little Prayer – Cast of My Best Friend's Wedding

There are some things that are hard to avoid. One of them was friends who wanted to interfere. Well, not so much interfere as throw large parties for you. Roy and Riza had wanted a quite engagement dinner with their close friends to celebrate the event. It wasn't exactly what they got. And it was good to see everyone enjoying themselves. In fact, the group seemed more intent on partying than on the couple themselves. Neither Riza nor Roy cared about that. Though it would have been nice if someone had kept Breda from trying to sing.

Love Me Tender – Norah Jones

Roy carefully rocked the child in his arms, trying to keep his voice soft as he sang her an old lullaby. He didn't want wake Riza. She could use the extra sleep, and Roy didn't mind taking care of the two a.m. feeding for his wife. His daughter was snuggled up to his chest, half awake. This little girl filled him with complete wonderment. She was so tiny and so perfect. He had never really pictured himself as a father when he had been younger, but now Roy didn't think that his life would be complete without his daughter.

Two Thousand Years – Billy Joel

They had the seats of honor at the table. Riza smiled at her husband and twined their fingers together. Their family had gone over and beyond expectations in putting this party together. Today was the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. It was hard to believe it had been that long. They had seen so much together, both before they had been married and after. Roy smiled back at her, and they continued to watch their family. Winry was chatting with Al's wife while the Elric brothers were entertaining the mob of children. Ed and Winry's daughter, Trisha, was being fussed over by her husband, Chris Mustang. They were expecting their third child in just another few months. It would be Roy and Riza fourth grandchild. But what really held Riza's attention was her daughter, Rowan, dancing in the arms of her husband. Rowan reminded her so much of herself, and oddly enough, they did share some parallels in their love lives, though Rowan had been the superior officer and Daffyd the subordinate. Roy squeezed her hand and leaned in to kiss her. They had created quite a legacy.

One Sweet Love – Sara Bareilles

Riza sighed and shut her book. She should really be heading home to do her assignments. The young university student sighed again. It wasn't that she didn't like school, but this term had highlighted a number of things to her that she hadn't thought about before. In the past six months, all of her friends had either gotten married or gotten into serious relationships. And Riza was still alone. She gathered up her things and her purse and headed for the door. She would like to fall in love at some point, but she had never met someone who she felt would accept her as just Riza. Most men fixated on the fact that her great-grandmother had been the daughter of the hero Brigadier General Maes Hughes. They never even bothered to really get to know her.

She had just gotten out the door and headed down the street when the call came.

"Miss? Wait!"

She turned to find a dark haired man chasing after her. He held out a book.

"You left this at your table," he smiled.

"Thank you."

She felt a jolt of electricity when their fingers brushed.

"I'm Roy."


Unwell – Matchbox Twenty

Riza's gentle hand running through his hair was soothing. Roy sighed. He did not like being stuck in bed, but that had been one of the consequences of his insistence on being released from the hospital. The doctor had allowed him to go home on the condition that he would spend the next two days on bed rest. Roy didn't want to be stuck in bed. He needed to be doing things. Being stuck here just gave him time to think about what had happened and what had almost happened. At least he had the benefit of Riza's company. She had been unwilling to let him out of her sight. Roy knew that the whole mess with Lust had hit her hard, and that she needed the reassurance that he was still alive. He needed the same about her. At least if he was stuck in bed, he had good company.

The Lucky One – Alison Krauss

Riza fingers seemed to dance across the guitar strings, but that was nothing compared to the beautiful quality of her voice. She would not strike you on first impression as a musician, but it was another talent that she hid behind her stern exterior. Roy smiled as he watched his girlfriend practice with the other members of the band she played with. They were all university students, and this was something they just did for fun, but still, they were quite good. It had been one of the best decisions of his life when Roy had chased after the girl who had left her book in the coffee shop. It had taken him nearly six weeks after their first meeting to get Riza to agree to a date with him, but they had soon found that they suited one another remarkably well. Oddly enough, before he had noticed the book Riza had left behind, he'd been having a fairly bad day. But that one forgotten book had changed his luck for the better. Riza caught his eyes and flashed him a smile. Roy grinned back. Definitely changed his luck for the better.

This Shirt – Mary Chapin Carpenter

Riza's favorite thing to sleep in was one of Roy's old shirts. It was worn to the point were it was almost falling apart and extremely soft against her skin. It was long enough that it hit the top of her thighs and long sleeved, so she had to roll them up if she was trying to do something while wearing it. It also smelled like Roy. It was in incredibly comfortable and soothing piece of clothing. She liked to curl up in bed wearing it while reading a silly historical romance novel and sipping tea. In fact, that was her favorite routine to unwind after a long week. Riza knew that it was falling apart and that she should probably replace it, but she doubted she ever would.

Penitent – Suzanne Vega

Riza had a number of regrets in her life. However, she had long since decided that dwelling on them was not helpful. She couldn't change the past. She could only try and improve the future with the knowledge the past had given her. That didn't mean it was easy. And it was especially hard when Roy was dwelling on the past. It wasn't something that was good for him, though it did make him more determined to change things. When she found him dwelling, Riza tried to make herself a little more present in his life. It was Maes who had noticed that she had the power to draw Roy out of his obsessive moods better than anyone else, and it was a skill she used when it was need. Riza didn't know why hers was the voice that reached Roy, but she wasn't going to let him drown in his guilt.

Morningside – Sara Bareilles

Roy Mustang really was not a morning person. However, this being said, not all mornings were bad in his opinion. There was something about waking up with Riza curled up beside him that was almost magical. Riza was beautiful any time of day, but there was something special about watching her sleep in Roy's mind. He liked the way the early morning light made her hair glow, and the peaceful look on her face. He liked the way she shifted closer to him if he moved away from her. And he loved the fact that they were here together in this moment.

Eternity – Dreams Come True

Weddings were a great deal of fun. Riza had decided that they were more fun when you weren't the bride. It had been an extremely nice afternoon. She leaned against Roy as they watched Edward and Winry share their first dance as a married couple. They looked wonderful together. It was nice seeing so many of their friends again as well. Nearly everyone had attended the wedding. Roy sighed and pressed a kiss to her temple. There really was nothing like a wedding.

Fairytale – Sara Bareilles

There had been other men who were interested in her. Riza had never encouraged this, but it did happen. At least one of them had gotten it in his head that she needed to be "rescued" from the military, and the he was the man to do that. He had proposed marriage to her. Riza had tried not to laugh. More than anything else, it just showed how little the man knew her. She had done her best to let him down gently. When he had finally pressed her for a reason, she had told him.

"I can't settle for the next best thing."

And it was true. Riza couldn't settle for anything other than the man that she loved with all her heart. He might be arrogant and obnoxious at times, but he was Roy, and that was she had ever wanted. They might not ever get a fairytale ending, but Riza knew that she would never regret her life with him.

Iris – Goo Goo Dolls

Very few people really knew him. Roy could probably count the ones who did on one hand. Maes, Riza, his foster mother, and perhaps General Grumman. And of the four of them it was Maes and Riza who he was closest to. They were the only ones that he never worried about showing his weaknesses or his doubts to. When he had lost Maes, it was Riza that he turned to. She was really what got him through that. Roy was pretty sure he would have self destructed without her. Riza was the one who he could count on to see him as himself and still love him for it. And that was worth more than anything else in the world to him.

Rule the World – Take That

They lay back in the grass, watching the stars above. Riza was settled in the curve of his arm, and Roy felt a sense of contentment. As wonderful as the reunion of friends they were attending was, both Roy and Riza had felt the need for some time to themselves. It had been easy enough to find a spot out behind Winry and Edward's home, and it was a warm summer night, so they hadn't had anything to worry about bringing besides themselves. They had used to stargaze together back when they had been children, and some of the only decent moments in Ishval had included watching the stars together. Roy turned his head only to find Riza doing same thing. They shared a smile and a kiss before returning their attention to the stars.

To the Moon & Back – Savage Garden

She was a pretty little thing. All the boys in town thought so. Even so, no one had ever managed to get more than a polite greeting from Miss Riza Hawkeye. For all that she was a young lady of quality and should be out in society at this point, the seventeen year did not entertain nor did she attend any of the local society events. Some people blamed her father. Professor Hawkeye was known to be an eccentric and probably had no idea what a young woman her age should be doing. Riza quite frankly didn't care. She didn't think that there was anyone in the county worth bothering with. All of the men seemed to treat her like a porcelain doll with fluff for brains.

All this changed when Roy Mustang arrived to take lessons from the professor. People began to notice that when not at his studies, Mustang was almost always in Miss Hawkeye's presence. They would have been scandalized if they had ever heard the way the two really talked to one another. Almost every conversation was full of bickering and bantering. But the young men saw as perhaps a sign of hope that at last Miss Hawkeye had taken an interest in courting. They were even happier when Mustang left a year later.

However, Miss Hawkeye never did take up with any of them. And when her father died, it was Mr. Mustang who came and dealt with the details. Miss Hawkeye left soon afterward, off to go live with her grandfather. It was nearly a year later when the engagement of Riza Hawkeye and Roy Mustang was announced in the newspaper.

World On Fire – Sarah McLachlan

Neither of them slept much. Sleep meant nightmares out here. It was preferable to huddle together by the fire than to lay down and sleep. As much as Roy wished Riza had never found herself in this desert, he couldn't help but feeling comforted somewhat by her presence at his side. She was a reminder that there was something else besides the sand, ash, and blood. She also gave him a reason not to give in, not to lose himself. He had to do something to fix this, to make sure that this never happened again.

The Game of Love – Michelle Branch with Santana

Their coworkers weren't really aware of how much flirting happened in the office. In part this was because Roy and Riza mostly communicated in looks and actions these days instead of words. The deliberate brush of hands when they exchanged paperwork or one of them leaning over the other's shoulder to read something was not to most eyes flirting. Roy and Riza knew better. It was a game they played, pushing one another's limits. Seeing how far they could go without being noticed by the others. It was frustrating at times, but it was also a great deal of fun. But more fun were the games once they had left the office for the day.

You're My Best Friend – Queen

Maes once told him that the best thing he'd ever done was fall in love with Gracia. He'd only been five at the time, and Gracia had been his best friend, but it was something that had stuck throughout the years. Marrying his friend was wonderful, Maes had claimed, because they already knew your faults and liked you anyway. To Roy it just pointed out that he had probably been in love with Riza far longer than he realized.

You and Me – Lifehouse

The young couple circled around the floor as they danced their first dance of their married life. He wore a black suit while her white gown was elegant in its simplicity. It was clear that they were only aware of one another. Not that anyone in the audience minded. Every single witness was more than pleased that these two had finally had a chance to wed. There was something special, almost magic, about watching them dance together. More than one person there wished Roy and Riza Mustang a long and happy life together in that moment.

Theme: Name That Tune