
pairing: Jasper/Bella

genre: romance/ drama

rating: M

About: Rich, bad girl Bella Swan gets sent to A boarding school. Here, not everything goes by the rules. In Washington Academy money and looks rule the school. So what happens to the prestigious academy when Hurricane Bella comes crashing through? Why, tons of drama and glares from the jealous girls! It also doesn't help that equally-as-bad/ playboy extraordinaire Jasper Whitlock sets his sights on Bella. Things are about to get fun...

Chapter 1

There was a time in my life when I went by the rules. When I was a good girl. All the teachers loved me and my mom wasn't ashamed of me. That was also the time when I got walked on all over. And I didn't do anything about it. So one summer, I underwent a change. I stopped wearing all the pink clothes my mom got for me, and got a whole new wardrobe. This one was filled with combat boots and ripped jeans and neutral colors. Black, red, gray. It symbollized my rebellion. The first time that I wore the clothes, my mom just about had a heart attack.

"Oh, sweetie, what happened? What's with those horrendous colors? How about you go back upstairs and change, hm? I got you this fabulous pink jumpsuit. It goes great with your skin!" Renee had gushed. I remember my response. It was the first time I had ever cursed in front of her.

"How about you take the jumpsuit and shove it up your ass? I'm not fucking wearing pink anymore." I had said to her. Her shocked expression filled myy heart with joy. We had argued that day. That day was when No-Shit-Bella had been born. And she was about to rock Phoenix.



"But, sweethear-"


"It's reall-"

"Fuck no."

Why the fuck would I wear that shit? I mean, pink pants? Really? I was fine with my black skinny jeans and the gray shirt. Why the fuck didn't she wear the crap? I could tell my mom was fed up with me. It had been 2 years since the "Phase" began. Renee did a good job of hiding me when important people came by the house but I could tell I was on her last nerve. Yay. I could hear the buzz of her talking but I was too fucking tired to care. Not to mention the fact that I was hungover as hell.

"Could you try to keep your shrieks down? My head is fucking killing me," I said, nonchalantly.

Renee's eyes flickered. I could tell shit was about to go down. I sat up straighter in the chair and actually tried to pay attention.

"You know something, Bella? I am done with your attitude. I thought that this was just a phase you were going through, but it's been 2 years! Grow up! You are seventeen years old and you have to start acting like it! Now, don't make me bring out the big guns, dear. Are you planning on behaving anytime soon?'' Renee screeched- I mean said.

"Nope," I said, popping the "P".

She sighed. Sometimes I felt bad that I was causing her all this stress. Then I remembered how she used to control me and what a bitch she was, and all the guilt melted away. Like magic.

"Why aren't you at school, today?" She asked.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? I got suspended again. 2 weeks this time." I grinned at her, putting my head back down on the table. The lights were making me very dizzy. And a dizzy Bella was a cranky Bella. Suddenly, I felt a fist pound on the table. The sound reverberated around the room and the sensation shook my head. I popped my head back up-which made me dizzy- and glared.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled at the demon.

"I am tired of this. You know something, this was the last straw. I called your father! I told him all about you acting out! We both agreed that I can't take care of you anymore! That's it. You're going to boarding school! I don't care about the money. I'll pay triple the expense to keep you there! Esteban is packing your things as we speak." Renee shouted in my face. I put a hand to my face and groaned.

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say, mommy dearest," I rolled my eyes at her. Dude, was that vein supposed to be sticking out of her forehead like that? I imagined her head exploding- and snickered at the thought.

"Keep laughing, Bella. We'll see who gets the last laugh. And I gurantee it'll be me."


The bitch was actually serious. She was actually sending me away. Fuck. I couldn't do anything about since my fucking head was still hurting so much. I just watched as Esteban packed up my room. I wondered how easy it would be to escape from this school. I was almost eighteen, anyway. A few months wouldn't hurt me. But then the fucking cockblocker would think she'd won. And I couldn't have that, could I? I always won.


4 hours later, I was in the limo. My head was still hurting like a bitch, and the fucking son was making it worse. I didn't even have time to say goodbye to all the fake friends I had. They weren't really my friends, they hung out with me because if you were friends with Bella Fucking Swan, you were untouchable. I put on my sunglasses as the limo rode up to the airport. This was going to be hell.


About 6 hours later, I was in another limo. This time riding to the academy. The flight had been annoying. I rode first class. The stewardess kept coming up to me and asking if I needed anything. She stopped after I told her to 'Fuck off'. I silently looked out the window as we traveled on a dirt road. Supposedly, the academy was in the middle of a forest. Or in the middle of nowhere. On the weekends, there were these special buses that rode to town so that the students could hang out or whatever. This sucked major balls. I could see we were riding up to the school. It was fucking huge. I put on my sunglasses again-even though I didnt't need, there was no sun- and stepped out of the limo, ready to go straight into the mouth of hell.