Olivia walked into the precinct trying to hide how upset she was. She had just gotten back from the doctor.

"I'd say you have about a year left to conceive, Ms. Benson. I'm sorry, but your clock is ticking," Dr. Barnes said, giving her a sympathetic look as he broke the news to her.

"Thank you, doctor," she said before gathering her things as quickly as she could and heading for the parking lot.

42 years, wasted. There were plenty that I could've settled down with. But not him. He already has a family, Liv, don't do this to yourself. We're just friends. That's all we'll ever be.

She climbed into the Sudan and cried. It was the first time in a long time that she actually let a tear fall. 2 years, 6 months, two weeks, and four days since the night at Sealview. That was the last night that she ever let a tear escape.

She blamed her assault at Sealview for the fact that she couldn't have a baby. She'd refrained from anything intimate since the attack. She wouldn't let herself. It wasn't just that she didn't want to, but she was scared. What if she freaked out? The man in her bed would be hurt and gone in an instant.

She walked in and got settled at her desk. The only one who noticed there was something wrong was Elliot. Dammit. Just who does not need to know. He kept staring at her as she got out her case file she was working on. She tried to ignore him as best she could, but she'd already had a rough day. Her patience was wearing thin.

Ten more minutes passed and she finally snapped.

"What are you looking at, Stabler?!"

"Ok, what's wrong?"


"Oh, I see. Nothing's wrong, which is why you've been crying, look like you're ready to now, and just snapped at me."

"I don't want to talk about it. Not here."

He nodded, stood up, grabbed her by the hand, and marched her into the cribs.

"Ok, now talk."

"No, it's personal."

"A lot of things are, Liv. Spill. What happened?" He asked, giving her "the sweet-little-Stabler look".

He saw her go weak a little and the water works finally started. He pulled her into a hug, holding her while she cried. Every sob seemed to break him.

"I only have one more year left to become a mom. There's no man in my life. I've completely run out of time!" she cried, head buried into his chest.

He didn't respond right away and she thought he hadn't understood. Embarrassed, she pulled back, but he wouldn't let her go.


"What about me," he asked, sounding completely emotionless. She looked up at him, still holding each other.

"What? Elliot Christopher Stabler, this is no time for your jokes."

"I'm serious, Liv. I am a man, you know, and I think I've proved my capability in the baby making department."

"Elliot, you are a married man! Not to mention the fact that Cragen would kill us, or even worse, make us change partners."

He let out a laugh, imagining Cragen's face when they announced the big news.

"What I meant was, a test tube baby. My…products with yours."

"You know, that's actually not a bad idea. But," Of course, a but. There's always a but, Elliot thought, "Kathy. What would she think of all this?

Damn. I forgot about that.

Olivia could tell that a light bulb finally went off in his head when she said this.

"Well, I guess I'm going to have to ask, aren't I," He said, grabbing the keys out of his pocket, finally letting go off her, walking out of the cribs.

Cragen, I've got to go. I'll probably be back later. Can you manage without me for a little while," Elliot Stabler asked, peeking his head in the Captain's office door, trying his best to look freaked out.

"Yeah, yeah, go," The Captain said, obviously thinking something was wrong.

Elliot rushed out of the precinct as fast as he could, and drove home.

"KATHY! KATHY!" He called throughout his home, searching for his wife.

"Elliot, what is it? What's wrong?" She asked running down the stairs."

"We need to talk about something."