I do not own WWZ

I do own my OCs

I apologize for the long wait, but I am working on a full story for the 131st company. The first chapter should be up within a week.


241. Lawns

People have two kinds of lawns these days.

The first is the less common variety, a nice neatly manicured lawn with no bushes, high grass, or short trees. Makes it easier to see if any Zack are coming to pay you a visit.

The second, far more popular type, is basically not having a lawn at all. No grass, no bushes, no short trees, only nice tall trees with sniper perches and no place for any Zack to hide.

242. Fate Worse than Death

She rose from the river four days after she fell in, dead and rotting like the rest.

Dead, rotting, and aware of her state.

243. Hips

These days, it's important for women to have big hips.

After all, there isn't any place you can get a C-section if the baby doesn't want to come out the natural way.

244. Obesity

"You don't see any fat people around anymore. There a number of different reasons, not enough food, disease, but the main reason is Zack. I admit that the fat guys who actually tried to run had pretty nice deaths. Heart attacks are much less painful than being consumed alive."

245. Alligator Gar

They are utterly immune to Zack. It probably has something to do with being dinosaur-fish with near bullet-proof scales.

They are not, however, immune to starvation.

246. Egypt

There is a theory (admittedly not one that is kind to the Egyptian pantheon) that the first ghouls where children of Isis and Osiris after the god's resurrection.

247. Contraception

"Do not. Do not give me that bullshit that passes for 'reasonable religious objections'. Your daughter will get an IUD. You will do the same. This is not a world that you can get pregnant and raise a child without extensive planning. You are a citizen of New Sunnyvale ma'am, and you will obey the laws or leave."

248. Thriller I

As amazingly hilarious as it would be to see ghouls doing the famous dance, it isn't possible because dancing requires some level of coordination.

249. Piercing

People don't get them anymore, it just isn't practical or sanitary enough.

250. Shingeki no Kyojin

When all things are considered, Rust and the 131st company vastly prefer killing Zack to fighting Titans. The major reasons behind this choice all stem from familiarity, they much rather fight an enemy they understand.

251. Boxer

It is in fact possible to kill a ghoul by punching it really hard while wearing 8 ounce gloves. The problem with attempting this particular kill is that is really, really difficult to perform safely.

On the other hand, it looks really cool.

252. Thriller II

While the song is still played, the music video was completely re-shot. Some may say that doing so is a travesty against music, but the general population doesn't mind in the slightest.

No one who lived through the Great Panic and the Ghoul War can watch the original without being affected in some way.

253. Sewing

These days everyone knows how to sew. Being able to tailor your clothing is a necessary survival skill, both for ease of movement and to remove easy hand-holds.

254. Sagging

You know that annoying saggy pants trend? That disappeared real quick once people started to smartened up during the Great Panic.

255. Trailing

"Now, I know that fashion designers are supposed to make unreasonably extravagant outfits, but this is just stupid."

"Why is it longer in the front than in the back? What does it even do? Why does the drawing show three different layers under the first?"

"The world will never know. Now let's keep moving, this house isn't completely cleaned out yet."

256. Memory

Eventually, Anegel knows, people will forget about the terrors of the Ghoul War.

What happens once the war becomes nothing but a fading memory is anyone's guess.

257. IUD

These days what passes for an IUD is the traditional t-shaped copper wire. Sure it hurts when it goes in and it doesn't do much for preventing PMS, but it is the most effective way to ensure that women don't get pregnant.

And don't give me that shit about not having sex, hard to never have sex when every outsider you meet could be a rapist.

258. Sexually Transmitted Disease

It's like the Middle Ages all over again, STDs everywhere.

259. Long Hair

It's so impractical that it's become a disturbingly popular fetish.

260. Cardio

People don't go for long runs around the country cause if you aren't careful you can end up will a little parade following you home.