Author's Note: Well, my good readers, this is it. The very last chapter. I'm just as sad as you are...I love this story. And here's the Anonymous Review Reply:

Fire-Dragon10-Why thank you VERY much. Yes, I've bet you've been waiting for Nicole being safe throughout the story, huh? LOL! Only kidding. I'm happy Nicole's safe too...for now. I know! She's been through a lot, and she's very dramatized by the whole thing. Yeah, I feel sorry for Damien too. Damien: Uhh...merci...*hugs back* Anyway, as I promised, this is the real last chapter. Richard didn't even know why Gintaras wanted Nicole's brain. The world may never know the mysterious and insane life of the BLU Pyro. LOL! Don't worry, you'll see more. I promise.

Crumb- Aww, I'm sorry it made you sad. Here, have a cookie. *gives a cookie* But I'm happy you love reading this story as much as I love writing it. Thank you very much.

Animed2Fox- Don't worry, I'm not going to end just yet! I promise! Thanks for the review!


I would like to thank EVERYONE for the support while writing this story and I hope you enjoy the last chapter!

It was a peaceful day in New York City. Clouds scattered across the skies, hiding the sun. Cars filled the streets, people crowded the sidewalks, and noise filled the air. In Central Park, everything was lush and green, thanks to the beautifully cut grass and well-grown trees. The park was surrounded by the giant skyscrapers, almost making the park look out of place.

Nicole sat on a bench, watching various people pass by. She was glad to be back home in her time, although she did not like the fact that her parents almost had a heart attack when she stepped into her house. For three days in a row, her parents had been all over her, almost watching her every move and making sure that she wouldn't disappear again. She knew that she was going have unwanted attention at school, mostly among her friends. But worst of all, Nicole knew that she would have to keep her secret and practically come up with lies in order to satisfy everyone.

"I'm glad it's summer…" Nicole said to herself, "That way, I don't have to worry about everything 'til August…" she smiled at the thought of pure chaos at school with her friends pouring questions on her.

Nicole was also happy to play her video games once again. She had played Left 4 Dead on her computer for five straight hours the first night she came home and loved every minute of it. She even played her Pokémon games for the other two days she was home. It had been a while since she had seen highly developed technology.

"I wonder what the guys would think of Left 4 Dead…" Nicole thought out loud, "Maybe Jake would love it if he came over for a visit! Or would he have nightmares for a while…I know I did when I first played it." she laughed to herself.

An old man came by and sat on the bench next to her right. At first, Nicole was quite nervous, hoping that the man in the grey coat wouldn't do anything. But then she shook the feeling away from her thoughts, knowing that she was perfectly safe.

"Excuse me, but do you know the time?" the man asked.

"Sure, it's 2:35 pm." Nicole answered, looking at her phone.

"Thanks." The man smiled.

Nicole grinned sheepishly. "Um…you're welcome…"

That's when her phone vibrated. Nicole looked to see that a text message arrived. "Ah, Cassie, I knew you would be the first to ask me that…" she muttered to herself, typing on the mini keyboard on her phone.

"First to ask of what?" the man asked, overhearing Nicole.

Nicole jumped in alarm. "Oh, sorry, it's nothing, really. I'm sorry…I kind of talk to myself, and it's a little embarrassing if you ask me…I'm trying to control it right now."

"I see…" the man frowned, looking away.

Nicole blushed of embarrassment. Once she sent the message, she placed the phone in her jean pocket and looked down, hoping not to get into a strange conversation with the man.

"Hey, what kind of medal is that on your shirt?"

"Huh?" Nicole noticed the medal that Kyle had given to her pinned on her green shirt. "Oh, this? I…have no idea…"

"That medal reminds me of World War II or so."

"Oh, cool…" Nicole nodded at the man, "A good friend gave it to me…"

"He must have been a real war hero."

"Yeah…I think he was…" Nicole smirked, thinking of the RED Soldier. She looked down again, wanting to avoid eye contact.

Then, a thought came to Nicole. She had realized that the man sitting next to her was wearing a coat, and it was the middle of the summer. Even she was wearing a short sleeved, green T-Shirt with light-colored jeans. "Hey, isn't a little too warm for…" when she looked back at the man, she almost screamed.

The old man was no longer there. The man that replaced him wore a fine blue pinstriped suit and matching blue tie. He wore black gloves and polished dress shoes of the same color. The balaclava he wore was a rich, dark blue. A lit, brown cigarette dangled from his mouth. His chocolate brown eyes were staring into her bright amber ones. "Bonjour, ma petite chéri, good to see you again. Quite a place the future is, no?"

Nicole was left speechless, her mouth wide open of surprise. "…J-J…Jèrèmie?!"

The BLU Spy nodded. "Oui, the one and only." He chuckled.

Nicole gasped as a smile appeared on her face. "Wow…I never expected to see you so soon."

"That is because I have something to give you." He handed her a small, black object. "You left this back at the Fortress."

Nicole was surprised to see her iPod in his procession. "Oh! I was wondering where it was! Thanks!" she took her iPod and put it in her pocket. "How did you get here? And how are you going to get back to the Fortress?"

"The RED Engineer's invention, of course." The BLU Spy took out a small device, "I 'ave this to return back to the Fortress in my time whenever I need to."

Nicole laughed. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot…" she suddenly frowned. "You didn't kill that man you were disguised as…right?"

Jèrèmie laughed. "Of course I didn't…Unlike that RED Spy, I have standards."

Nicole's smile reappeared. "Good…you almost gave me a heart attack."

The Spy chuckled. "Sorry, I almost forgot that you can be easily frightened."

Nicole nodded. "Yes, Jèrèmie…I can be easily frightened." She jumped in fright to feel a light tap on her left shoulder. She looked over to Jèrèmie and frowned. "Very funny, Jèr!" she growled.

"You are still fun to scare, chéri." Jèrèmie laughed, taking out the cigarette out from his mouth.

Nicole swallowed hard. "Yeah…I've noticed…"

"But that doesn't mean I'm the villain, right?" Jèrèmie placed an arm around her shoulders.

Nicole flinched at his touch. "Uhh…yeah! You're still a friend! I would never think that you're bad or anything like that!"

"Even if I do this?" the BLU Spy leaned towards her and kissed her on the cheek.

Nicole's face turned bright red. "Oh! Ummm…" she looked over at Jèrèmie in shock as her mind went blank.

"Well? I'm waiting for your answer." Jèrèmie sneered at her.

"Uh…You're still good!" Nicole answered shyly.

"You look tense. Are you alright?" Jèrèmie asked.

"Yeah…I'm fine! There's nothing to worry about!" Nicole replied hurryingly.

Jèrèmie then smiled. "You've never been kissed before, haven't you?"

Nicole gasped. "What?! Yeah I have, by two other Spies!" she shivered at the thought.

"But was a meaningful kiss?"

Nicole hesitated. "I…don't think so…"

"Then you haven't had a real kiss before." Jèrèmie smiled, "I'm quite surprised at jou."

Nicole frowned. "Can we talk about something else? I'm starting to get uncomfortable…"

"What's wrong? Do you get uncomfortable when the topic of love is brought up?"

Nicole nodded silently.

"I guess you haven't felt true love before…" Jèrèmie assumed, tapping his cigarette with his finger while ashes fell to the ground, "That's quite a pity."

Nicole blushed again, looking away from Jèrèmie.

"…Or…have you?" Jèrèmie smiled, placing the cigarette back in his mouth.

Nicole's eyes widened in fear. "Um…I don't think I am…I'm just…embarrassed is all."

Jèrèmie cupped his free hand under Nicole's chin and turned her head towards him. "Are you ashamed to say your true feelings?" he asked softly.

Nicole's left eye twitched. "Right now I am…" she admitted.

"Alright then, we don't have to talk about it anymore." Jèrèmie said.

Nicole sighed of relief. "That's good…'cause I was getting creeped out there…" she laughed.

"How about a walk around the park?" Jèrèmie insisted, putting his hand that was under Nicole's chin down.

"Um, I have to get home soon." Nicole frowned.

"It won't be for too long, I can even take you home if you like."

"As long as you don't show yourself to my parents and scare them to death, then I'm fine with that…" Nicole grinned.

"Let us proceed then," The BLU Spy stood up and turned to Nicole. "Shall we?" he held his hand to Nicole.

"Sure, let's go." Nicole smiled, taking his hand.

The two walked down the dirt path side by side. Jèrèmie's arm was around her, comforting her. It wasn't too long before the two started up a conversation about how things have been for the past three days. Nicole couldn't stop blushing through their time together, but she knew quite well that she was in caring hands.