A/N: Alright guys! This one goes out to MaJorReader619. Not a cracky friendship but what the hell :D Oh and sorry. I just love love love writing about anything Duncan. He's fun!

In Which Bridgette and Gwen Tear Apart Duncan


Gwen trudged down the school steps and took a seat at the bottom, not caring for the misty rain that poured down on her shoulders. Duncan was an asshole. A terrible boyfriend. A liar. And worst of all was that Gwen had believed all the words that he had said. She even…sexed him up when she knew he was dating Bridgette Patterson because of his words. And now he suckered Courtney Rodriguez into his little web of deceit and lies, she didn't blame Courtney though. He was a charmer, and an asshole.

"Is this spot taken?" A kind voice said from above her.

"Yeah. Sure." Gwen said, not bothering to check who it was and nearly biting off her damn tongue when she realized that it was none other than Bridgette taking a seat next to her. "Don't you…want to kill me?" Gwen asked slowly, scared that she could be jumped at any moment. Bridgette was popular…

"No. Actually, I want to thank you…" her voice trailed off as she paused to light a cigarette, then offered one to Gwen who refused. "I know, terrible habit. I picked it up from Duncan actually…" she laughed awkwardly and trailed off again, staring into the traffic ahead of them.

"Uh why would you do that? I was the one your boyfriend cheated on you with."

"Yeah but I know how you feel. Since he did the exact same thing to me when he was dating Lindsay. It's all just a vicious cycle. I hated you at first, but then I spoke to Lindsay, then Heather, then Leshawna's cousin Sasha. It was the exact same story for each of them. It was then that I realized how uncool Duncan was, and not you." she laughed again and looked at Gwen, trying to bring out some emotion other than that…emptiness.

Gwen sighed and this time accepted the cigarette offer, lighting hers off the tip of Bridgette's. It was true and she thought about it as she brushed back wet strands of hair and hugged herself. Duncan was the uncool one. He was the one that whispered nothingness into her ears about forever. She smiled up at Bridgette sadly and shrugged her shoulders.

"I should've seen it coming, you know? I mean he's Duncan Pierce. Never had a girlfriend for over a month. Player. Cheater. Man-whore. I should've let the rep speak for itself."

"Don't blame yourself. I think it's the unibrow's fault. The way he always cocks it when he smiles, like he's trying to figure you out. Without his unibrow he would be nothing."

At this Gwen laughed and bumped her elbow against Bridgette's. "I know right? I mean what is up with that thing. Sometimes I just wanted to shave it right off! And he's so short…"

"Oh my goddess! I know! And that stupid nose ring with the skull on it…"

"Can you say poser?"

After ten minutes of full on Duncan bashing both of the girls were in tears laughing, and Gwen had thought up of the perfect idea. Even better than when she put bleach in Heather's shampoo…

"Do you have any pictures of Duncan still?" She asked with just a touch of uncharacteristic evil in her voice.

Bridgette cocked an eyebrow like Duncan would and smiled. "Yeah. For sure."

"Well then I've got an idea…"


The moment Duncan got onto the school grounds the first thing he noticed was Bridgette and Gwen laughing and talking together, which was strange because he was almost certain that they hated each other. Then they waved at him in that girly way, you know wiggling their fingers. He sort of gave them a confirming nod then walked on, trying to ignore all the laughter and stares he was getting.

As Duncan got into the school he finally noticed why everything was so strange…

Flyers, posters, pictures, and lots of them. All of him naked…except…then photoshopped his dick! Shrinking the ten inch shaft down to a mere 4 inches. Everyone around him pointed, stared, and laughed. Harold the loudest, dancing around the school and screaming,

"Duncan the four inch!"

"Oh…my…god. That is disgusting!" He heard Courtney shriek from behind him. Slowly he turned around to face the wrath that she would inevitably bestow upon him. "My god Duncan! This is disgusting! I can't believe it!" He waited for the worst. "I can't believe you're not circumcised! My god you are just disgusting! We are so over!"


A/N: Anyways, sorry if that seemed a bit like a cop out. But enjoy!!!!

