DISCLAIMER: the wonderful Stephenie Meyer owns the characters and world of Twilight.


This note is by way of an apology to all of you who have been kind enough to read and/or review my story Loving Edward over time and who have waited so patiently for an update of it.

I'm afraid that Real Life has scattered my writing muse to the winds for several months now and I must take the pragmatic view that I'm unlikely to settle down and write anything Twilight-related for the foreseeable future.

The fire has gone out of my Twilight obsession! Therefore, I must regretfully put this story on permanent hiatus.

Thank you to EVERYONE who has supported me in this endeavour. Best wishes to you all.

Meanwhile, I'd be more than happy to be a pre-reader for anybody who wishes to get their writing out there, but who feels their spelling is a bit dodgy or might need tweaking. Proof-reading is my stock in trade! Am happy to say that the authoresses who kindly let me pre-read their stories on here (and let me offer encouragement in doing so - the good ones always feel their work is never good enough!) have gone on to win awards - either for the stories I was lucky enough to pre-read or with their subsequent stories. My thanks to you guys - you know who you are!

If you have a story to write, then I hope you'll have the courage to put it out there. It's a wonderful feeling when you know someone appreciates your efforts. I only hope that the authoresses, who became my friends during the various collaborations, will continue with their writing and, hopefully, go on to write completely original material in due course.

Blessings on you all,
