Helplessly In Love

Sonny meets a new friend and he is called Justin. What will Chad have to say about this. while there on Holiday. One-Shot.

Chapter 1

Walking round the hotel Sonny bumped into someone by accident "I'm so sorry!" they both said. Sonny looked up and saw a boy around her age.

They Just looked at each other for a moment until they decided to break the silence "Hi i'm Justin" he said "Hey i'm Sonny"

Once they had introduced themselves tehy went for a walk round the hotel laughong and talking. and they became good friends.

THey had decided to meet up and hang out tomorrow. When it was getting late Justin walked Spnny back to her suite.

"Bye Justin, Thanks for walking me back. I had a good time" Sonny replied as they reached the door to her suite. "Bye Sonny I had a good time too". he hugged her and then walked away to his suite.

Sonny walked into the very large suite with sevral bedrooms that So Random! & Mackenzie Falls had to share.

Seemed No one was there except Chad.

"Where is everyone?"

"Pool" he replied

Sonny hadn't noticed she was day dreaming until she heard Chad shouting her name.


"Why are you so happy?"

"I have a new friend if you must know"

"A Boyfriend? or a Friend?"

"A F-R-I-E-N-D Chad!"

"I Just wonderd"

"He's called Justin"

"Really. a he"

"Yes are you jelous?"

"Yes. Yes i am"


Because your mine"

"Since When! I don't recall being bought by you!"

"Well that will be easy all i have to do is kiss you and you will be mine"

"Yeah course i will. But you don't go up to people and kiss them out of the blue"

Whilst she said that she hhadn't noticed that Chad was noe only inches away.

Then he kissed her

"Now that wasn't out of the blue we were talking about it wern't we Sonny?"

"Uh huh"

"Now you are mine because you helplessly in love with me"

"Yeah right you wish"

she sais as she walked into her bedroom and shut the door behind her.

Later that night the cast's still hadn't come snuck out of her room and sneeked up behind Chad who was watching T.V.

"Hey" she whispered in his ear. He moved his head sideways so that he could see herand she quickly kissed him, which was unexpected for Chad.

"Now what was I Saying oh yeah you are mine" she said as she walked back into her room and shut the door leaving Chad Helpleslsy in Love.

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