CODE GEASS: Lelouch of the Revolution, Resurrection

Path 01: Lelouch Vi Britannia

It's been 15 years since the death of the 99th emperor of the Britannia-Lelouch Vi Britannia. The empire he created also ended with him. The next empress Nunnally Vi Britannia declared that the world will be unified under Britannia but at the same time the power to run the territories will be retained by the natives of the land to operate by the means of democratic governments This was the first act passed by the empress and was accepted worldwide. 3 years later after the act, under the acknowledgement of all the noble families, the empress was wed with Zero under the pretext of unification.

There were many who wanted to unmask Zero, but the idea wasn't supported by 'Order of Black Knights' which still possessed large influence, not only over Japan, but throughout the whole world. Zero, being the head of the organization of justice, and Nunnally being the empress one can say that a perfect peace was achieved. Henceforth, till today no one knows who zero is, even, the 'Order of Black Knights'. There are only two who know the true identity though, one is the empress Nunnally and the other one is the son of Nunnally and Zero - Lelouch Vi Britannia.

There is still lot of unrest among the people. Perfect Peace hasn't been achieved yet. As soon as the cloud of war was lifted, people began questioning Zero's identity. And the fact that the crown prince was named after Lelouch was still not accepted by many. And also the empire's crown prince still hadn't shown his face to the people. His identity was also kept secret under the pretext of security. People not knowing who is leading them, the empire seemed to be falling apart. The 'Order of Black Knights' were still trying their best to suppress these unrest as they didn't wanted to have a rebellion against the empire. Although there was a little possibility of any force rebelling against the empire as that meant going against the world, the empire didn't take the matter lightly. Zero took complete responsibility of the Order and was traveling around the world to suppress even a tiny spark of them. It's been 10 years since he has been even in contact with Nunnally and still hasn't even seen the face of his son!

The Imperial Palace at the Pendragon(Rebuilt)

Nunnally was in the garden looking at the album. It was a family album of her with Lelouch when she was in Ashford Academy. It was the photo of 'Student Council'. She had tears in her eyes as she recalled her days with Lelouch. When she was still in her memories, she heard footsteps approaching her. She knew who it was and closed the album and looked at the person. He was a 11 year old boy who was the exact copy of 99th Emperor 'Lelouch Vi Britannia'.

"What is it Lulu?" she asked gently

"Mother" answered Lelouch, "I have decided to go to the outside world. I would like you to grant me permission to do so"

"What?" this shocked Nunnally. She resumed her calmness after few seconds and replied "No, the request isn't acceptable. You are not to set foot out of this palace"

"Why not?" asked Lelouch calmly, "If you are worried about my appearance, then don't be. I take proud in the fact that I look like my Uncle."

"No it's not that" answered Nunnally

"Then, is it the fact that you think I will be lost from you"

"No… It's not that either" answered Nunnally slowly

"Please, I am sick of being a caged bird inside the palace. I want to set out of this wretched place"

Nunnally was silent. She didn't reply.

Lelouch continued "Mother, I understand that you care about me. That is why you wish to protect me and I am grateful for that feeling. But, I too have my life to lead. I know in 7 years I will be crowned the Emperor and will be stripped of my freedom, please allow me to be myself at least now."

Nunnally's understood that the resolution Lelouch made was firm

"Do you know Lelouch? Why I have ordered you not to go out of the palace?"

"What…? Yes, it's because I resemble the 99th emperor of Britannia."

"No" answered Nunnally

"Then why?" asked Lelouch

Nunnally sighed, "I suppose you must have figured out by now, what actually happened on the day of death of my brother"

Lelouch became silent for a moment. He then continued, "According to my knowledge and the data I have gathered, I concluded that Father always carried vengeance against Uncle, so I thought it was an act of revenge, but I was wrong. It was recently that I found out that he had put his life in danger so many times when Uncle's life was in danger. He was almost killed too but didn't fail in protecting the Emperor. This made me think about the possibility that he carried his loyalty and still carries it now to the emperor Uncle Lelouch."

Lelouch looked at his mother. Noticing she was silent, he concluded it was the truth and continued, "Former Knight of Uncle Lelouch, Jeremiah whose life was dedicated to the service of the royal family ordered the troops to retreat instead of capturing Zero, this makes me almost certain of my theory, and I ended up coming on a conclusion." Lelouch stopped. "Mother, the fact I said now is true; isn't it?" asked Lelouch

Nunnally looking at a bit surprised and proud looked at her son and nodded yes.

"Then just answer me one thing. If this holds true, then I have figured out what had happened that day"

"What is it son?" asked Nunnally

"Zero who lead the Black Rebellion and the 'Order of Black Knights', was Uncle Lelouch, right?"

Nunnally felt a jolt on hearing this. She heard something which she didn't wanted to.

"Looking at your reaction, I feel like I am right" sighed Lelouch.

"That trait of you… resembles brother very much Lulu" said Nunnally, Lelouch didn't reply, Nunnally continued, "He was a genius from his very birth, but he always held an inferiority complex against Brother Schneizel which stopped him from reaching his full potential. But, he finally defeated him and became 'True Genius' at the end"

"So…I am right, It was Uncle Lelouch who planned to be killed while the whole hatred of the world was on him"

"Yes…You are…right" answered Nunnally

"Mother, you too hate yourself don't you?" Lelouch suddenly framed an unimaginable question

"What?" Nunnally was completely speechless

"From what I know, Uncle always said that he wanted to turn the world to a peaceful place. I had a feeling that he was Zero from when I found about this. He wanted to change the world because he wanted you to smile and live in the peaceful world without any fear, all he did was for your sake, but in the end you never completely understood him. You became his enemy thinking that you can save him from falling into darkness. But you only became a burden to him. You were led by Uncle Schneizel's words and didn't even try to understand what Uncle experienced in his life to protect you…"

"Stop it" Nunnally held her head as if her head was split in two

"You were grateful for Uncle Schneizel that he saved your life and decided to follow him, not thinking of Uncle even for once who sacrificed his entire life just to keep you smiling…"

"Stop it", Nunnally sunk deeper and deeper

"If only you had tried to understand him better, then he would have had a much less cruel death. At least he would be at peace knowing the little sister he cared so much for, trusted him for her entire life and never doubted him…"

"Stop itttttttttttt" Nunnally shouted

There was a heavy atmosphere between them now. Nunnally was extreme pain and Lelouch now was at loss of words

After a while, Lelouch apologized, "Please forgive my rudeness Mother, I didn't intended to hurt you". He saw his mother in tears

After a while, Nunnally replied, "No, what you said was truth. I didn't even try to understand what brother felt and took actions on my own. Brother and you have every right to be angry on me…"

"But I am not…" Lelouch was interrupted

"Yes, I know you are not brother. But you don't feel out of place Lulu" smiled Nunnally with her tears

"What do you mean mother?" asked Lelouch surprised

"When you were born, both I and your father wanted to name you after my brother because we didn't want to forget him. But, more than that we thought that if you were named after him, we would always have a presence of a brother around us…"

"So, you thought me as a replacement for Uncle. Is that what you are implying mother?"

"No, it's not like that Lulu… It's just that…" Nunnally didn't speak.

"It's alright with me being the replacement Mother" Lelouch smiled

"Eh? What?"

"If I am treated as a replacement, doesn't that mean I am capable of substituting Uncle right?"

"You… are right. You don't feel out of place Lulu. When I am with you, talk with you, smile with you, it feels just like it did with brother…You don't feel out of place at all…" Tears filled her eyes yet again, "Oh, no! What am I saying?... I am your mother and still saying that I am treating you like brother…What is wrong with me?" She wiped her tears in a mess

"Mother, I feel ease as now I know that you didn't hate Uncle" sighed Lelouch

"What are you saying Lulu?" Nunnally asked, "And why are so much worried about Brother? It's unnatural for you to stand for him when you haven't even met him once"

Lelouch paused, "It's just that, deep in my heart, I feel like I know him. I respect him and his intelligence and for unknown reason always look up to him. That's why I can't tolerate anyone speaking ill of him"

"I am happy to hear that too. I am glad that you didn't turn out to hate him like the major noble families"

"And also about that…" paused Lelouch

"Yes Lulu, what is it" asked Nunnally

"No, it's nothing…" he stopped, "Mother after having this conversation with you, I hope you don't deny my request of stepping to the outside world."

Nunnally remained silent for a moment, "By outside, where exactly do you mean?" she asked

"To Japan, I want to join Ashford Academy for my education and want to live in the same house as you did"

"What? Why there?" asked Nunnally

"Because Uncle once lived there" Lelouch answered plainly

Nunnally looked into the firm eyes of Lelouch. She realized that he had made up his mind.

"Very well then, but I will oblige to your request on two conditions"

"What is it Mother?" asked Lelouch

"You must allow me choose you a guardian from the 'Knights of Round'. Also you must promise me not to use either your real name or your authority as crown prince unless your life is in danger and emergency reasons only"

"Does that mean… I will have a new identity and life?"

"Yes. That's true"

"Then on one condition, you must allow me to use my name as Lelouch and can alter only the rest. I will not accept anything other that for my first name and I clearly state that I won't undergo a face change"

"That's unacceptable Lulu, you will be hated if you do that" Nunnally tried to convince him

"That's fine with me. One can trust people if they choose the one for whom he truly is. If he gets chosen for something he is not, then his life would be full of misery"

"I understand. If you want to face the world alone, I won't stop you. I will just consider this as a part of your training. I trust you and have faith in you. Just don't regret the decision you made Lulu"

"Thank You, Mother. I am very grateful to you" Lelouch bowed and walked out of the room.

"I don't know what you are planning Lulu, but please don't die. You are the only one who can make this a peaceful world better than me. Please…Brother, look after him"

/*My Space- As many of you know, my other stories have been a standstill. I have received many mails asking to continue the stories. I am grateful that you are interested in my stories and Thank you for your time spent on them and I assure you that I haven't dropped any of the stories I have taken. It's just that I am at my final year of College (or High School in Japan) So, I am a bit busy studying. But I promise to finish the stories and would like you to support me. Thank You-with regards ~^_^~ */

Path 02-Itsuki Kaname