A little too drunk... pt. 5

Author's Note: I don't know why, but apparently, whenever I add in line breaks, they don't end up showing. [I don't know if it'll show this time either, but...] That's why, for the past couple of chapters, there were no line breaks and there were probably some confusing scene changes. Hopefully, you can guess where they are...

Wolfram stormed out of the room.

"Geez, why can't he be a little bit more serious about this?" He muttered. He quickly made his way to the dining room where everyone already took their seats. As he sat down, the others only continued to stare.

"Wolfram, where's Yuuri?" Cheri-sama asked.

"...I don't know..." Wolfram muttered, which only led to everyone else's silence.

"Oh, here he is! Yuuri~" Cheri-sama smiled as Yuuri made his way to the seat next to Wolfram.

"I'm here..." Yuuri mumbled. With Wolfram's last confession, there was just a silent awkwardness between the two as they quietly ate their dinner. Everyone else just continued to talk, hoping to lighten the mood.

But as that plan failed, Wolfram dismissed himself to bed.

"I'm just really tired all of a sudden." Wolfram muttered, and left the room without much more to say.

"Yuuri~ Go follow him!" Cheri-sama pushed Yuuri out of his seat.

"Eh? Why me?"

"Of course, it's because you're going to be his husband! He's probably just too shocked about everything, so go calm your wife down!" Cheri-sama teased.

"W-W-Wife? He's not my wife!" Yuuri stuttered in embarrassment and stormed out of the room.

"Wolfram, you in here?" Yuuri knocked, then slowly crept inside the dark room.

I ended up coming in here anyways...

When there wasn't a reply, Yuuri walked over to the bed and sat next to Wolfram.

"You okay?" He whispered, gently brushing his hand in a lock of Wolfram's hair.

"...Go away..." Wolfram muttered, then pulled the blankets over his head.

"This is my room too, you know."


"Wolfram~ talk to me! Why are you being so-"

Wolfram threw the blankets aside and sat up. "What?" He glared.

"...You mad?" Yuuri asked.

"Of course I'm mad! I bet you're not even taking me seriously, even though I confessed to you!" Wolfram smacked him with a pillow-But he calmed down soon after and just laid back down. "Just go away. It's awkward being near you now." He pulled the sheets up over his head.

"Really?" Yuuri just stared up at the ceiling. "I don't think that it's that awkward..." He kicked his legs back and forth.

Well, maybe a little bit... but it's not like I can't be anywhere near him anymore.



"You're an idiot." Wolfram mumbled. "An idiot."

"Hey, I might not have scored top on the exams, but I'm not that much of an idiot." Yuuri pouted.

Wolfram laughed.


"Stop calling me an idiot! You-!"

As Cheri-sama, accompanied by Conrad, walked through the corridors leading to the Maou's bedroom, they heard loud shouting and screaming insults from the room.

"What on earth are they doing now?" Cheri-sama sighed.

"I guess they're over the awkwardness." Conrad smiled.

But by the next night...

"W-W-What?" Yuuri screamed. "You want us to start now?"

"H-Hahaue!" Wolfram screamed.

"Well, you have to start right away, right? I mean, even though you just have to be pregnant before the end of the month, it's hard for males to get pregnant, right?" Cheri-sama made them follow her to whatever room they were being led to.

"W-What are you talking about? Men can't get-"

"Well, of course they can." Cheri-sama intervened.

[Goes on through some thorough, unwanted explanation of how it's all done...]

Wolfram and Yuuri both blushed and looked away.

"But, hahaue!" Wolfram screamed again. But she refused to listen. She first threw Yuuri into the room, without so much as batting an eye, then turned to Wolfram.

"If you want to lure him in, you have to be as seductive as you can, Wolf-chan~" She whispered with a wink, then pushed him inside too.

Wolfram only blushed in shock as he fell on the floor.

Cheri-sama closed the door shut and turned the lock.

"I'm not letting you two out until you've done it~!" Cheri-sama yelled through the door and giggled, before walking away.

"W-Wait!" Yuuri yelled, banging on the door.

"Yuuri," Wolfram blushed. "what are we supposed to do now? Does that mean we have to—"

"What are you saying?" Yuuri yelled. "Of course we're not going to do it!"

Wolfram flinched at the harsh words, but he really didn't want to do it either.

Still, he doesn't have to say it like that…

"So then what?"

"We're just going to have to think of a way out." Yuuri said, sitting down on the bed. "If anything, we'll have to climb out, but…" Yuuri looked up at the windows, which were all the way up by the ceilings.

"Even if we get out, we're inside the high towers of the castle. It'll be impossible to climb anywhere since it's so high." Wolfram kneeled by the door and pulled something out of his hair.

"What are you doing?" Yuuri asked, walking over to Wolfram.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Wolfram fumbled with the door using a clip.

"…you're wearing a hair clip?" Yuuri asked.

"S-Shut up!" Wolfram struggled to unlock the door, but luckily, they both heard a click. "Got it!" Wolfram pulled the door open and looked around.

"Good thing no one's around." Yuuri and Wolfram snuck out, creeping quietly down the stairs all the way to the bottom floor of the castle.

"Now that we're out, we should—" But before Yuuri could finish his sentence, a couple of guards surrounded them. "E-Eh?"

"Heika!" One of the guards exclaimed.

"We were told not to let you two out until—" But the other guard didn't finish his sentence.

"U-Um, we were just…" Yuuri tried to make up an excuse, but none came to mind.

"I'm very sorry, but we're going to have to escort you two back to your quarters."


Now that they were locked in that room again, they decided to just stay put.

"Hahaue is bound to let us out sooner or later. And it's not like she'll know if we really had sex or not."


"Hey, I'm going to take a bath, okay?" Wolfram remembered that he didn't have the time to bathe that day before his mother had pulled Yuuri and himself out of their room, dragging them to the room they were at now.

"Yeah, sure…" Yuuri started to doze off.

"…Geez, how can he sleep so peacefully when he knows we're supposed to be doing that…"

Well, it's not like I'd do anything to him, but he's being too defenseless.

Luckily, his mother had locked them in a room with a large bathroom and was supplied with snacks, drinks, and other necessities…

[And by other necessities, I mean lubrication, condoms, and sex toys.]

Wolfram sighed.

It wasn't like he was unacquainted with these things before, but he'd never thought that his mother was serious about having them screw each other here and now—and at a time where everyone else knew that they were probably going to be doing it too.

He blushed.

Wolfram undressed himself quickly after he set the water running at a warm temperature. He stepped inside, even though it was only a few inches deep. While he kept the water running, he relaxed inside the bath, hoping that he could finally just relax and think things over.

After all, everything was happening so quickly…

Just three nights ago, they were celebrating their alliances with neighboring countries and had gotten drunk. Even though he couldn't remember much, he remembered the feeling of pure bliss of being taken by the man he loved.

Because, for the very first time, Yuuri had finally reciprocated his feelings.

Wolfram could remember the sensation of being kissed and fondled, although he wasn't able to completely remember his large hands groping at his body. He could remember the feel of Yuuri's lips tingle his soft skin, but none of his memory held proof that it was true. Nonetheless, the thought of his touch that night led him to believe that Yuuri cared enough for him to love him.

Wolfram plunged himself under the warm water, then went back up.

Even if he didn't really have sex because he loved me, it means something that he slept with me when he was drunk, right?

When he finished, he reached for a towel and got out of the bathtub. He quickly dried his hair with a towel and put on his clothes before leaving the bathroom. When he did, he found Yuuri already asleep with his body spread over the whole bed. Wolfram pushed him to the side and laid next to him.

"Hmm…" He stared at Yuuri's face and its features, carefully looking them over as he traced them gently with a finger. "He's so good-looking and everything, and yet…"

Wolfram turned over and pulled the blanket over his head.

How can he be so clueless about everything?