As this is my first fanfic I hope to hear from everyone what they think about it. (What you feel can be improved, what you liked, what was awkward, etc.) Any advice at all is good advice!

Dedicated to: All the awesome peeps on the MSN RoChu group. (Probably would have never written ff without them)

A big thank you to Doitsu who beta'd this chapter for me! (Read her fics! *coughcough*)

Disclaimer- I don't own Axis Powers Hetalia ;_; (Or the country of Russia.....or China....or America.... *angst*)

On with the story~

Chapter One

Yao sighed, ruffling his long black hair in frustration as he looked down at the illegible scribbles in front of him. China was sitting at his large wooden desk and had been sitting there for the past 6 hours. In those hours he had glanced at the phone 37 times and killed a number of trees trying to convey his feelings on paper. Yao turned to look at the clock with tired eyes. The elegant hands were pointed at the twelve and two symbols. 2 AM. He should really get to sleep. As a country he has a full schedule of work in store for him. Yao couldn't suppress a groan as he thought of the mindless paperwork and documents he needed to review. His body screamed for sleep but he couldn't comply. Physically, his body was tired. But his mind, his mind was running circles in his head. Yao wanted the phone to ring, wanted to hear the childish voice of his northern neighbor.


The mere thought of the taller nation caused Yao to blush and bury his head into his arms. He had not moved from his desk for several hours and felt his joints groan in protest at the sudden movement. Turning his head in his arms, Yao allowed himself to stare at the phone once again. He and Ivan had not spoken for five days. Five days since their…misunderstanding. The image of the hurt look in Ivan's amethyst eyes and his long beige scarf swaying in the air as he walked away from him played in Yao's mind like a bad movie over and over again.

It was a misunderstanding. A simple misunderstanding that caused the riff of silence between them.

"Yao~ What is this I hear about you having a date with America tonight?"

Outwardly, Ivan was smiling. His eyes closed and his mouth turned upwards in his usual smile that his body used to disarm the defenses of others. But when one looked closely at Ivan his lips were twitching slightly and his hands were twisting around the pipe he carried around with him. Yao could tell from Ivan's tone of voice that he was pissed.

Ivan was out for blood, American blood.

Yao puffed his cheeks in annoyance, crossing his arms across his chest, the sleeves of his tangzhuang scrunching together. Turning his head to glare at the wall he replied.

"It's not a date aru! Merely a business meeting!" Yao's face turned a slight pink as he avoided Ivan's eyes.

Ivan dropped his smile as he saw Yao's face darken in color with each word of defense he spoke. Walking up to the shorter Chinese man, Ivan grabbed Yao's arm, effectively unwrapping them, and shoved him against the wall. Yao gasped and the look on his face turned from that of annoyance to one of surprise. Using his pipe to keep Yao's arms above his head, Ivan leaned closer to Yao and said.

"It can't be that Jao is tired of me already, da?"

Bringing his head even closer, Ivan took this moment to burry his nose in Yao's hair, inhaling the strong scent of peonies and summer. Yao struggled slightly in discomfort, attempting to move his arms and possibly loosen the Russian man's hold on him. But Ivan did not budge, one hand holding the pipe in place and the other with a firm grip on Yao's hip. Ivan used his tongue to trace the shell of Yao's ear, chuckling at the discomfort he caused the other. Ivan wanted to remind Yao of the nights they shared together; warmth that was taken and given as their voices became one as they found themselves in each other's arms. Deep down Ivan feared being forgotten, of being replaced by that goddamn American and his cocky overconfident attitude. Ivan was determined to erase any thoughts Yao might have for Alfred. Yao held back a moan as Ivan made his way down his neck. Yao's mind began to grow foggy, his brain barely processing his surroundings anymore. Ivan, noticing that Yao was no longer struggling, released Yao's arms from the prison created by his pipe. Yao's arms fell onto Ivan's shoulders, slowly making their way through the blonde's hair.

Satisfied with the mark he left on Yao's neck, Ivan moved to claim Yao's lips, savoring the warmth the other man invoked within him. The sight of Yao losing control of his body lightened Ivan's mood considerably. Yao was about to submit to the spell Ivan had created, to relinquish his control----when he heard footsteps coming closer.

Quickly shoving the larger man off of him Yao fiddled with the collar of his tangzhuang in hopes of hiding Ivan's claim on him. Ivan was still recovering from the turn of events when they both looked to the right to see Alfred and Arthur approaching. Alfred, always the enthusiastic one, quickly jumped to greet them.

"Yao! Ivan! Still here after the meeting?"

Alfred's face turned from the noticeably uncomfortable Chinese man to the innocently smiling Russian. Arthur strategically placed himself outside the awkward atmosphere and sighed at the lack of tact the American possessed.

Tuning out Alfred's rant about how many hamburgers he ate today and what an awesome hero he was, Ivan returned his face to Yao, seeing how he was handling the situation. Yao was nodding at every other sentence, attempting to pretend that he was listening while from the corner was eyes he noticed Ivan staring at him. Clearing his throat, Yao tried to interrupt Alfred.

"Uh, America….about tonight…aru…"

Alfred, stopping mid sentence about his heroic actions of the day, allowed his mind to click in realization.

"Tonight…oh yeah! I bet you're excited to be spending it with someone as heroic as me, right?"

Yao refrained from grabbing Ivan's pipe and banging it against his head multiple times at the American's stupidity. (Or crashing in into Alfred's thick skull but he didn't want to cause anymore brain damage.)

Quickly grabbing Yao and ignoring his sounds of protest, Alfred began to drag him in the direction of the Englishman.

"We better get going! A Hero can't be late!"

Yao turned to face Ivan in a final attempt to explain himself. Ivan was staring at the ground, his blond hair creating a dark shadow over his face. But Yao could see the look in his eyes.


Turning and walking in the opposite direction, Ivan could hear Alfred's loud voice questioning Yao.

"Eh? Yao, what's that on your neck?"

"It's nothing," Yao mumbled, "a mosquito bite, aru."

Author's Note: Some of you might think this is America/China/Russia. It wasn't my intention. XD

R&R Please?

Suicide Monday