Crescent Moon

6 of 13 in the ProwlxJazz LJ Community Halloween '09 Challenge

"This is highly illogical." Prowl was adamant, his doorwings held stiffly behind him as he regarded his fellow officer and now…partner. Jazz was looking far too amused about their situation for his own good, fairly dancing on his pedes as he hummed quietly. "Can't you take this seriously for once?"

"Aw, c'mon Prowler," Jazz grinned, elbowing him in the side. Prowl grunted, eyeing him distrustfully. "Ain't that bad. And you gotta admit, this' got some perks to it. Didja see the look on ol' Bucket-head's face?"

"I think the look on Megatron's face will follow me to the Matrix." Prowl replied dryly. "I didn't think he was capable of squeaking like that." Jazz guffawed and Prowl shot him a glare. "But that still doesn't change the fact that we don't have any rational explanation for why we've had these…upgrades, if you could call them that."

"Sure we do!"

"I do not include that as a rational explanation. More like an overenergized-induced hallucination."

"Hey now, I don't think the nice winged lady woulda appreciated you callin' her a hallucination." Jazz said easily. "And I thought she explained pretty nicely. She had pictures an' everything!"

"The mere idea that the light of a natural satellite in a certain phase could even possibly grant a major increase in power via a small jeweled accessory – which also includes certain changes to one's plating to grant the full effect – is ridiculous." Prowl frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. The new additions made this awkward, but Prowl stoically endured it. "Particularly when the self-proclaimed guardian of this ability claims that two members of an alien species are the ones chosen specifically for this power, in order to protect a planet that's not even their own."

"Yeah, but we'd protect Earth anyways."

"That's not the point!"

Jazz put a friendly hand on Prowl's shoulder, and Prowl flinched, his gaze locked on the hand. It sparkled faintly in the moonlight. "Cool it, Prowler. Logical or not, we've been given these upgrades, so let's get out there and do what we do best. Just think of it as a new invention of Wheeljack's!" Jazz paused as Prowl shuddered. "Okay, maybe that's a bad analogy."

"No, I think it's fairly apt." Prowl's tone was acerbic, and Jazz just grinned at him.

"Ya gotta admit, some of it comes in handy though." Jazz' grin turned feral, twirling a stylized wand in his free hand. "Now let's go scare some 'cons."

Prowl sighed, shuttering his optics briefly. "Scare is a good word." He muttered. "All right, let's get this over with." With that, he straightened, shoulders back and chestplate out, garishly bright bow shining a brilliant red in the moonlight. Jazz' equally brilliant blue miniskirt flared as he twirled to face the barrier between them and the unsuspecting Decepticons raiding yet another human facility.

As he put his hands on top of the barrier, ready to heft himself up, Jazz sent Prowl a fleeting smirk. "Just think," he purred, "at least we don't need to worry 'bout a Halloween costume this year." And then he was over, with Prowl close behind, growling faintly. Jazz grinned, and raised his voice as he posed as dramatically as possible. "In the name of love and justice, Sailor Jazz is here! By the light of the Crescent Moon, we'll punish you!"

Prowl just glared at the gawking Decepticons, leveled a sparkling staff at them, and ground out, "Moon Shadow Sickle Revelation." The purple and black beam that erupted blasted satisfyingly in to the crowd, almost enough to make up for the sparkles. Almost.

Prowl decided that when it was his time to return to the Matrix, he and Primus were going to have a long talk.

A/N: My first attempt at Transformers fic, and it turns out to be crack. Who would've thought?

This is a response to the Prowl/Jazz LJ community's Halloween '09 challenge. There'll be twelve more parts coming, though not all connected to this 'verse. The challenge was thus: complete thirteen drabbles/sketches/photos/photo comics, one for each of the prompts. 'Crescent Moon' was 6th on the list, but I didn't think the order was all that important. You can lay the blame for this little piece of crack directly on Vejiraziel – known as Plantman-exe on Deviantart. She came up with the picture of Jazz and Prowl in sailor outfits, and the bunny just bit. (Search plantman-exe on Deviantart to find her work; the pic I'm referring to is in the Prowl/Jazz folder. Then go check out the rest of her stuff. She's got some serious skill.)

I'm a horrible person, I know. Magical Girl!Jazz doesn't seem to mind that much, though.