Disclaimer: Don't own, wish I did.

A/N: I know I know I have at least four other stories I should be working on, but this has been bouncing around in my head for the last several days.

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Chapter One.....

A tall woman with brown hair held in duel buns looked up from her conversation with the former pilot of Tallgeese as she heard a knock at her office door.


The door opened to reveal a tall man with platinum blonde hair and serious mercury silver eyes. The male closed the door quietly and while passing a folder to the stern woman informed her.

"I'm Agent Malfoy, codename Diamond, you requested my presents?"

A small smile graced the woman's lips as she nodded and replied.

"Yes, I did."

She waved to the remaining empty seat and spoke to the two men before her, curious as to their reaction.

"Are you both aware of the Family Reconstruction Act?"

At their nods she continued.

"It would seem that the two of you are related."


Lady Une winced as the two yelled together. Rubbing her ears a moment, she informed them.

"Agent Malfoy, meet Zech Marquise aka Millardo Peacecraft, aka Agent Wind and Preventor."

Draco turned to his companion and took in his appearance. The man was tall if his height while sitting was anything to go by, he had long platinum blonde hair that fell well downs the back of his chair and sky blue eyes. The man was raised with money if his clothes and posture was anything to go by. Finally finding his voice Draco inquired.

"Agent Wind? Peacecraft?"

Une cleared her throat and continued,

"Zech meet Draco Malfoy, aka Agent Diamond, Former Auror, and newly made Preventor."

Zechs took in the appearance of his newly found relative. The younger male was nearly as tall as Zechs was with Platinum blonde hair to the middle of the back. His tailored black pants fit his trim waist and a black silk tailored shirt fit nicely to his broad shoulders. Swirling mercury silver eyes stared curiously from under an elegantly winged brow.

Une smiled as the two similar looking men took in the man beside him. She cleared her throat once more to break the moment and asked.

"Would you like to know how you are related?"

Without hesitation the two men nodded. Une glanced back down at the paper in her hand and replied.

"You are brothers. Zechs meet your eighteen year old brother. Draco, meet your twenty three year old brother."

Draco was floored as he absorbed this information.

'How is this possible? My brother died years ago!'

Looking back up he asked.

"How is that possible?"

The other two people shrugged as Draco asked one more question.

"Why wasn't my father alerted?"

Lady Une blinked completely floored before she flipped through the papers in her folder.

"There is nothing on your father. They were unable to find any indication that you had a father."

Draco nodded as he heard this replied.

"I should have known."

Turning to his newly found brother, the Slytherin continued.

"Well I have a mission coming up, but when I get back, I'd be more than happy to take you to see him."

Zechs gave a small smile and replied.

"I have a mission as well."

Lady Une chuckled as informed the two men.

"Actually, you are both going on the same mission. We are now just waiting for the last member."

Just as the last word left her mouth a knock sounded before the door was thrown open and a Hyper male with a long chestnut brown braid bounced into the room. Une shook her head and muttered.

"Speak of the Devil and he shall appear."

Violet eyes smiled up at her as the male stated.

"Close Une Baby! I'm the Shinigami!"

The woman sighed and dropped her head into her hand as the other two snickered, drawing the new arrival's attention to Draco. A wide smile pulled at his lips as he held his hand out to the new blonde.

"I'm Duo Maxwell! I may run and hide, but never tell a lie."

Raising a brow at the guy before him, Duo continued.

"Who might you be?"

Draco gave a slightly amused look and replied.

"I might be Draco Malfoy, but I might not be."

Zechs grinned from behind his newly found brother and informed the self proclaimed God of Death.

"Duo, Draco is our new partner and my Brother."

Violet eyes flew open wide as the information sunk in.

"Really!? That's awesome! We got to tell the others."

Just as Duo had grabbed the two blonds' hands Une interrupted.

"You can inform them after your mission. Draco is going with the two of you."

Duo grinned and propped against the wall.

"Alrighty then Uney, where are we going?"

************** ***************** ******************** ****************

A loud sigh sounded throughout the otherwise silent room as a male with dark black hair leaned back from his desk. Emerald green eyes peered blearily at the manuscript covered in red ink before him. Scrubbing at his face tiredly the man pushed away from the desk and walked to the French doors on the far wall that led to a balcony. Throwing the doors open, he carefully made his way around the rose bushes and other not so Muggle plants to reach the stone bench. He reclined against the concrete railing and allowed the moist wind to whip his waist length around as it pleased.

A quiet chuckle almost lost to the wind drew his attention. Turning to see his adoptive fathers making their way to join him, he smiled.

Dark black eyes smiled back as the once feared potions master commented.

"You do realize you are going to regret not binding your hair."

The younger male just laughed as the older males kissed his forehead and sat on either side.

"I know, but I got out of the shower and......"

At his helpless shrug both men laughed, Grey blue eyes warmed as Sirius hugged the young man and said.

"Yeah, I saw the manuscript. Yeowch! If I didn't know you were just as hard on your own editing, Harry, I'd say you were harsh, but then again it looked like Severus over there had gotten a hold of it."

Harry sighed as he looked at the trees on the far side of Black Manor and replied.

"Sometimes, I wonder why I retired from being an Auror. When I pick up some hopeful would be Author's work and it's nothing, but drivel. I'm thinking of joining the preventors with Draco. We may not be partners, but hey, we would get to see each other fairly often."

As the three fell into silence Severus took in the two men that had come to mean so much. Sirius had apologized for the past not too long after the Triwizard blow up. As soon as Harry's name had been drawn from the cup and Dumbledore allowed for him to compete; the two men had joined forces to protect the fourteen year old even going so far as to have Severus 'adopt' a dog. When Harry barely escaped the water, they put aside their differences and trained Harry in all they knew. During the third task Severus had gone to the summoning of Voldemort and to his horror found the boy he had come to care for tied up and Diggory not moving. Luckily, Harry had somehow rebound the Killing curse when it had been aimed at the Hufflepuff and had removed Pettigrew from everyone's annoyance and Cedric had been stunned. Sadly Voldemort still had the fake Moody and he had come to his Lord's aide.

When Severus had arrived and took in the situation, he had quickly thrown a portkey at Pettigrew to go to Kingsley, and carefully made his way to Harry. Not being able to cut him free openly, the potion's master had passed a small dagger to the Gryffindor. When Harry had broken loose and Voldemort attacked him, Severus willingly gave away his true allegiance and worked to protect the injured boy and get him to safety, but there were so many. Harry had come close enough to death for his stunner to wear off the Hufflepuff and Cedric had quickly grabbed the two males and the cup just as he had been hit with a curse.

It had taken weeks of healing for any of them to so much as move without pain. Sirius had not left either man's side. When Severus finally woke three weeks into the summer he was pinned to the bed by the teary man and he apologized for everything he had ever done to him and finally admitted when Remus had told him all along and told the confused man that the only reason he had been so mean was because he had crushed on him. As time went on and the two men worked together to help Harry, he had completely fallen for the normally dour man and even found himself looking forward to the sarcastic comments about his intelligence. After Sirius had bared his soul and Madame Pomphrey had given him potions and allowed him to sit up and walk around the hospital room with help they agreed to take things slow. It took another two weeks for Harry to finally wake up and found himself into middle of a massive hug consisting of Sirius, Remus, Hermione, Severus, and surprising to most Draco, Blaise, Lucius, and Adrian. It was another week before the warden.....I mean healer would allow him to leave.

Dumbledore had not been pleased about losing his spy and the leverage he had had over Harry with Sirius. Since Pettigrew had shown up at the Auror office of Kingsley, Sirius was reinstated as Lord Black, and had full rights over Harry as guardian. When the two had been released to finish healing at home, the Grim animagus had invited Severus to join them. The Headmaster had had a fit and demanded that Harry return to the Dursleys' home and that Severus turn himself over to the authorities. Luckily Black Manor was unreachable by anyone not invited. Harry, Draco, and Hermione had joined forces to find a way to get rid of the Dark Mark and to learn from home instead of returning to the danger that was Hogwarts. It was Christmas of what would have been their fifth year when Adrian had brought a book of questionable history to the three's attention. After studying the book and cross referencing many things, they found a potion and spell to rid the Dark Mark. It had taken a week to make the potion and on the third day of the New Year, Severus, Lucius, and several other Death Eaters that had been forced to take the mark were freed. Sirius and Severus had slowly fallen for each other and during the summer before what would have been the teens' sixth year, they were engaged and a week before Harry's sixteenth birthday they were married and swept the surprised teen off with them to a family style honeymoon, coming home long enough to celebrate Harry's birthday before returning to their trip.

Severus smiled as he felt the slight texture of the tattoo he shared with his husband and son.

Harry had cried as they asked him if they could adopt him, and the first time Harry had call Severus Papa, Severus had felt his heart stop and had embraced the teary couple.

Soft laughter brought Severus back from his wool gathering as he took in the two beside him once more. Harry gave a heavy sigh before pushing carefully to his feet and informing his parents.

"Well, I better get back to that manuscript. It's due to be sent back by four and it won't ink itself."

The two dark men watched as Harry walked slowly back into his office, before Severus commented.

"I wish I could find a potion to fix his limp, I know it bothers him. I'm not even going to start on his eye."

Sirius smiled sadly at the door where his son had disappeared and gave his husband a tight hug.

"Sev, you know Harry is grateful for you being able to fix his leg at all, besides we all know magic can't fix everything."

Severus sighed and nodded before he too returned inside. Sirius gave shook his head at Severus's sad demeanor. If it hadn't been for the potion master's quick work Harry very well could have lost his leg all together. With a heavy sigh the animagus followed back into the house.

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Une sighed as she asked the last few questions before she released the three men to prepare for their mission. Turning to the newest member, she asked.

"I feel I must ask, since it isn't in your report, Draco do you have any special gifts?"

The blond merely blinked at the woman in front of him in confusion.

"What do you mean gifts?"

Duo smiled as he bounced up from his seat and proclaimed.

"Like this!"

Draco could only watch in awe as the braided haired male wrapped himself in shadows and disappeared, only to reappear behind Une and continued

"I can use shadows to my likening and Zechsy can...."

The former count took up from there.

"I can use lightning and thunder as I please."

Draco grinned and gave a relieved sigh.

"Whoo and here I thought I would have to hide my powers."

With a flick of his wrist, the reassuring feel of his wand weighed in his hand before he informed the three in the office.

"I am a fully trained wizard, but I also have the unique ability to control wind and a bit of water."

Duo's eyes flew wide as Zechs stuttered inelegantly.


Draco only grinned before he turned a pen on Une's desk into a snake and back.

Duo's grin widened.

"Awesome! Can you do other things?"

The blond nodded and said

"I'll show you more when we get back from the mission, maybe you'll see some while we are there. If you're lucky I may be able to get one of my friends to show you some things too. He's wicked powerful."

Une passed the file over to the three men as they stood to leave and informed them as they left.

"I want the report on my desk first thing when you return."

Duo waved as he shut the door causing the stern woman to lean back into her chair and give a heavy sigh. Shaking of the feeling, Une turned back to her computer and began updating the files of the preventors. She had just opened Zechs's folder when her vid-phone rang. Placing the file down, she press the button to accept the call and waited for the face to appear on the screen.

Pale blue eyes smiled kindly as the pale face of the former pilot of Sandrock appeared.

"Good Afternoon, Une. I just got in from a meeting and was told you wished to speak with me?"

Une gave a slight nod and informed the small male.

"I wanted to inform you that yourself, Heero, and Wufei are to come in within the next three days and allow for Sally to take a blood sample for the Family Reconstruction Act."

Quatre blinked and scrunched his brow before he said.

"Une we don't have any more family."

Une smiled slightly and replied.

"We thought the same thing about Zechs too and now we found a brother."

Two nicely shaped pale blond brows disappeared in the male's hairline as he asked excitedly.

"Really? What's he like? Was Zechs happy? Did he believe you?"

Une gave a slight laugh before saying.

"Quatre. Quatre! You and the others should be meeting him after his mission. Speaking of which the other reason I called was to inform you that Zechs, his brother, and Duo are on a mission. Would you let the others know?"

Quatre nodded and replied

"Of course. Thank you for letting me know..."

Une merely raised a brow and reminded the pilot.

"Don't forget about seeing Sally. If I find that any of you skipped out, I will have to put them on desk duty."

The teen winced and stated.

"Don't worry; we will make sure it is within the next three days."

Une nodded before disconnecting and glanced back down at the file opened on her desk. Every six months all Preventor personnel had to resubmit their personal information, for the simple fact that many of them moved around so often that their mail ended up at Headquarters. The most important reason for the paperwork was so they could make sure one very important question was answered.
If you are captured during a mission and a rescue team is dispatched; who would you want on that team?

Most people put the Gundam Pilots so they could be sure to get out alive, but looking over Zechs's file and seeing a semi familiar name Une quickly flipped open the other two partner's files. Each said the same thing about the one person, not counting the pilots being on Duo and Zechs's file.

If you are captured during a mission and a rescue team is dispatched; who would you want on that team?

Because I know he would do anything to get me out, even if it was just to retrieve my body for a burial, I would hope that Harry Potter was on that team.

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The war hardened teen spun around from his desk with his wand in one hand and a gun in the other. It took a moment for the bright emerald and milky emerald eye to clear and recognize the woman in front of him. Harry sighed as he lowered his weapons and gave a strained smile.

"Hello Hermione, what can I do for you?"

The young woman didn't even flinch as she continued on as nothing happened, striding to a plush chair just to the side of the large mahogany desk, she began.

"Well first of all, I heard through the grape vine that some poor soul was on the receiving end of one of your bad moods."

A brow rose as he asked,

"Is this about the manuscript I sent out just this morning? For Merlin's sake!"

Harry threw up his hands before walking swiftly to the filing cabinet on the far wall and jerked it open while continuing.

"If they don't want my opinion, then they shouldn't send me their stories. I merely told the man what was wrong with it and what needed to be fixed before I could even think of sending it to the agency."

He whipped out a fairly thick stack of bound paper and dropped it onto the amused woman's lap. She just looked at him and asked.

"Was it really needed to inform him that he had nearly bored you to tears, or that you felt the plot was as thin and full of hole as a colander and that you felt receiving the Cruciatus curse wasn't nearly as painful as reading his story?"

Harry just shrugged and flipped through a stack of papers on his desk before responding.

"For one, read that and tell you don't think it's bad. Two, why do I continue to be an editor for you if each time I send out a less than glowing response they cry to you and I have to hear about it?"

Hermione grinned and answered.

"One I will read it when I have a moment and two you continue to work for my company because you are the best I have. You give these hopeful authors a real reason to want to write, yes I admit you tend to be a bit harsh, but it works and all of our books are best sellers. They cry to me because they think I will change your mind and I tell you about it because I find it amusing."

Harry shook him head, but let the matter drop.

"So what was the other reason you came?"

Hermione grinned, Harry knew her too well.

"Well first I came to remind you that your class you are teaching is starting tomorrow, second we received a message from the Ministry that they needed to see us two days from now at the earliest time and last to take my best friend to Lunch."

Harry nodded, made a few notes on his planner then signed off his computer and stood with his hand to his friend.

"Then shall we adjourn, Madame Granger?"

The brunette giggled as she excepted the hand and stood. She placed the manuscript in her oversized bag.

"I guess we should head to the lunch. You know if it weren't for the fact that Cedric became Minister, I'd be annoyed that we were summoned."

************ ******************** ******************* ********************

Two days later......

"This isn't negotiable, Wufei, the three of you will let me take your blood or else."

The Chinese male glared at the resident doctor before huffing and holding out his arm for the woman to take his blood. Sally shook her head as she placed a small Band-Aid on the pinprick hole.

"It's standard procedure now so stop complaining."

Wufei gave a growl and stood from the bed.

"When will the results return?"

Sally finished labeling the tube of blood and answered.

"They can take as little as three days and as long as a week."

The three pilots left the medical lab and made their way to their joint office. Quatre smiled as Wufei grumbled about the injustice of everything. They had just taken their seats when Une walked in looking slightly worried. She looked at each of them and informed them.

"If you have any open cases, I want them ready to pass off to another team. You are to keep your schedules clear for the next forty eight hours as you are going on standby."

Wufei's head jerked up from his list of appointments when he heard this and demanded

"What happened?"

Une passed each male a file and began.

"First off, when Trieze and Trowa return from their mission, you will need to bring them up to speed."

She waited for them to nod an agreement before continuing in her commander's voice.

"Three days ago I sent Agent Wind, Agent Diamond, and 02 on a mission to infiltrate a suspected rebel camp. Their objective was to seek out the leader and try to dismiss the small group in any form. Through communications with Agent Wind, we found that the group is several hundred large, the actual leader is in another location, and the group is at least knowledgeable in magic."

Quatre looked up from his notes and asked.

"Does Agent Diamond know of magic?"

Une nodded and continued

"Yes, Agent Diamond is both aware and has abilities. Now, Agent Diamond was able to find out that the army is planning on trying to take on OZ's plan of controlling the colonies and Earth. This time though they are actively trying to expose a world most are unaware of; he is trying to expose the wizarding world."

Heero's brow furrowed as he stared the woman down demanding an explanation. Une sighed and went into detail.

"The wizarding world is obviously the world of magic. Though they possess a different magic than the gift the seven of you have. They use wands, cauldrons, potions, brooms, as so forth. Children school there from age eleven to seventeen. The world is hidden, but for a select few of Muggles or non magical people. Now this rebel group want them exposed to put the wizards at a disadvantage."

Heero gazed unblinkingly at her and asked.

"Our objective?"

The woman seemed to jerk herself back to the present and nodded.

"Right, your objective is currently to be on standby. Agent Wind's team hasn't reported in since midmorning yesterday, so while on standby I need you to come up with a rescue procedure. Since these people know of magic, I'd bet my job, they would know how to prevent it from being used. Now, I am pulling someone in from the outside and you will work with him."

Wufei's eyes widened in anger as he jumped to his feet and demanded in outrage.

"You would bring in a stranger to do a simple rescue!? You would dishonor us in such a way?"

Une shook her head and informed the small group of highly trained men before her.

"No, Wufei, I don't doubt you ability, but all three of the agents on this mission requested he be brought in, in the case of rescue. I will honor their request. Now when I bring him in do not harass him as you tend to do with newbies. The man is highly trained and good at what he was trained for. I have an appointment in a few hours with the Minister of Magic in order to acquire his help, so excuse me."

The three men watched her leave before they joined at the table in the middle of the room with the files and notes. Quatre winced as he felt the anger come from the former pilot of the Shenlong Gundam and said.

"I'm not thrilled to be working with an unknown either, Wufei, but if he is as good as Une seems to think; I will support her choice."

Wufei heaved a sigh and nodded before he glanced at the file of the mission and began reading. Quatre huffed as he looked at his own thinking.

'I hope I'm not wrong about you, Harry Potter'