This is a Power Rangers/Law and Order: Special Victims Unit crossover. I can imagine what the expressions on your faces must look like. Just bear with me. I'll make it work. The Power Rangers belong to Haim Saban, Fox Kids, and Disney. Law and Order: Special Victims Unit belongs to NBC and Dick Wolf. I only own the plot. Takes place between "Bad Blood" and "Russian Love Poem".


A young man finished his kata and wiped his forehead with a towel. Just then, he heard a door opening.

"Yo Bro, did you forget somethin'?" he questioned with a chuckle. It wouldn't surprise him with his friend's memory.

"Hey, Pretty Boy." The young man whirled around. To his surprise, a group of men walked in. He tensed.

"Can I help you?" he questioned. I don't like the looks of this, he thought. Yeah, he was a good martial artist, but there were a lot of them, and they all appeared to outweigh him.

"Sure can, Pretty Boy." With that, one of the men attacked. However, the young man dropped into a karate stance and blocked the assault. This seemed to be the trigger, for almost immediately, the men began their own attacks. Oh, geez. I'm gonna need some help here, the young man thought to himself. He lifted his wrist to speak into what appeared to be a wristwatch.

"To---" one of the men kicked the young man in the knee and he went down. Before he could get his bearings, he was kicked in the other knee. Then, as he tried once more to speak into the watch-like device, he was pinned to the ground on his back, splayed out.

"No." His struggles increased but his attackers' grips tightened. Then, the man who had first addressed him, and the obvious ringleader, reached for his pants.

"NO!" With a burst of strength, he knocked the man back and managed to get up and launch an attack of his own.

"Tommy, I need help," he said into his watch, then blocked an incoming strike.

"What, did you hit your head or somethin' when you fell, Pretty Boy? That's a watch," the ringleader smirked. Then, the two continued to fight. The young man was so focused on the people in front of him that he didn't notice when one snuck behind him, grabbed a katana from his bag that was still on the ground, and struck the boy in the back of the head. With a moan, he went down and the men descended upon him. He let out a grunt, which turned into an agonized scream. Minutes later, Detectives Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler were at the hospital. Hearing shouting, they ran towards the noise.

"What's going on?" Detective Benson questioned when they saw a nurse.

"Is that the vic?" Detective Stabler asked.

"Yeah, his name's Jason Lee Scott. For a male rape victim, he had been relatively fine…until we tried to take his watch," the nurse told them.

"Let me get this straight: this guy is raped and the thing he freaks out about is having his watch taken away?" Stabler asked.

"Yeah, it's really weird," the nurse answered as they went in.

"Jason, Jason, calm down! No one is going to take it!" a young man exclaimed, trying to calm his friend down.

"I thought the Power was supposed to protect us! He said it would protect us! I never abused it! Why didn't it protect me?" the other boy asked. Detective Stabler cleared his throat. The boys froze.

"Which one of you is Jason Lee Scott?" he asked.

"I am. This is my friend, Tommy Oliver," the boy in the bed replied.

"I realize this is difficult right now, but are you up for some questions?" Detective Benson queried.

"Yeah…sure," Jason responded.

"First of all, I'm noticing on your chart that your address is a hotel, did you two just move here?" Detective Stabler asked.

"No. We came to town for a karate tournament," Jason answered.

"Hmm," the two said.

"You know, that's an interesting watch," Stabler stated, reaching out to touch it. Immediately, Jason put a hand over it protectively. The detectives looked at each other. What was up with that?

"So, uh, do you mind telling us what happened?" Benson asked, changing the subject. Jason sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"It's okay, buddy. Just tell 'em what happened," Tommy said. With a sigh, Jason did so, giving accurate descriptions.

"Did they say anything?" Stabler asked. Jason sighed and again ran his fingers through his hair.

"The ringleader---he kept---he kept calling me---'Pretty Boy'," he said. The detectives looked at each other as Jason started to lie down on the examination table