Tanzettigirl: Whoops. Thanks. Sorry, it's kind of hard to get the flow of two very different shows. Just a random cop. Lol. It is, thanks. Here's more.


Power Rangers belongs to Haim Saban, Fox Kids, and Disney. Law and Order: Special Victims Unit belongs to NBC and Dick Wolf. I only own the plot and characters you don't recognize. Reference to the Turbo Movie. I can't remember who the ADA was in the first season, so I'm just gonna make something up.

Jason and the others had just helped Emily unpack her belongings into the hotel room next to his when they heard a knock.

"Who's that?" Emily wondered.

"I don't know," Jason answered, and opened the door to see Stabler and Benson.

"What do you guys want?" he asked.

"Mr. Scott, we have some good news for you," Stabler told him.

"Uh…let's take this outside," Jason suggested.

"Jason, what's going on?" Emily asked.

"I'll only be a minute, Em," Jason told her.

"Jason, you can tell me," Emily insisted.

"Emily, I can't---I just can't," Jason said hoarsely.

"Jason Lee Scott, don't you dare hide things from me," Emily warned.

"Emily, just let me take care of this," Jason said, and he started past her, only to have her grab his arm.

"Jason, you promised me after you got kidnapped that you would tell me if something major was going on," she reminded him. He inhaled sharply. She was right. He had promised. But how could he explain this? Emily looked at her boyfriend's pained expression as he obviously fought internally. "Jason, what happened?" she asked softly. Jason blew out a breath and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I was…gang raped," he admitted softly. Emily gasped.

"Jason," she said, pulling him close. Jason choked back a sob as he leaned into his girlfriend's embrace. "Why did you think you couldn't tell me?"

"I'm a guy, Em…and a martial artist. I should've been able to stop it." She leaned back and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her.

"This was not your fault."

"I, uh, hate to break this up, but Detective Benson and I do need to talk to you."

"What's going on?" Emily rubbed Jason's arm soothingly as he tensely asked the question.

"Mr. Scott, we've caught your attackers," Benson told him.

"What?" Jason gasped.

"Are you serious?" Kimberly queried.

"So, who do I kill?" Tommy wondered at the same time. Then, he groaned as Kimberly elbowed him in the side.

"Rein it in, Tommy," she told him through gritted teeth.

"Yeah man, you don't need to go EGR," Zack whispered.

"So, I guess you need me down there to make an identification?" Jason questioned.

"If you're feeling up to it, yes," Benson answered.

"Yeah, sure. That's fine," Jason agreed. "Guys, stay here. This is somethin' I gotta do myself," he instructed.

"But---" the others started to object.

"Do as I say," Jason interrupted in a hard tone.

"Fine," the rest of the group sighed.

"Let us know how it goes?" Tommy requested.

"Of course," Jason promised.

"Jason," Emily said.

"Em, I know you want to be with me and I love you for it, but I gotta do this myself," he said. "For my own piece of mind."


"Baby, they did things to me that I don't want you hearing about. I---I don't know if I can handle that right now." She nodded.

"Okay, but I'm here for you."

"I know." With that, Jason followed the detectives to SVU headquarters, where they were met by Assistant District Attorney Kevin Crossley.

"Now Mr. Scott, just take your time in making your identification. We want you to be absolutely sure," he said.

"Yeah, all right," Jason agreed. He looked at the large group of men of similar sizes, builds, and facial features. Almost immediately, he froze as his gaze drifted towards some familiar men. Jason groaned under the group's weight as he futilely tried to fight them off.

"Jason?" Stabler's voice brought the man out of his musing.

"Numbers 1, 5, 7, 8, and 9."

"You're sure?"


"Okay, then." The men were pulled out of the lineup and were led off.

"So, what happens now?" Jason wondered.

"There's gonna be a trial. You're not the only one they've done this to. We recently discovered that for some reason, they've been targeting martial artists," Benson responded.

"Oh, man. That's just great," Jason sighed in annoyance. Then, "Do you need me anymore?"

"Not until the trial."

"Fine. See you then." With that, he left and Stabler walked into an interrogation room.

"So, what do you want?" the man asked.

"Ken Abrams, you and your friends are in a lot of trouble," Stabler told him.

"Yeah, what are you talking about?" he asked.

"You've all been identified by different people as the ones who attacked and raped them," Stabler stated.

"What, you mean those Pretty Boys?" Abrams smirked. "They obviously aren't very good if a little group like us can take them down," he continued.

"Five or six guys against one person. How is that a fair fight?" Stabler retorted. The man just chuckled.

"You think this is funny?"

"Yeah, I do. I mean, think about it: guys who claim to be the best of the best are taken down and shown for what they really are: weak little pansies. That's a laugh."

"You've beaten and raped people. You've destroyed their lives. What's wrong with you?"



As you can tell, I ended it in typical L&O: SVU fashion. Hope you all enjoyed. If you or someone you know is sexually assaulted, contact the RAINN national hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).