"Hey, Ross." Adam turned around to see Danny standing in the doorway. "A couple of us are going to Sullivan's. You comin'?" Adam seemed taken aback for a second – he'd never been asked to join the team for a drink before. Slowly, he nodded.

"Great. Hurry up, will ya? Stella just started convincing Mac, so we got about 5 minutes." Adam didn't have time to answer as Danny turned and left. Sighing nervously, Adam took off his lab coat and walked out in the same direction.


Adam looked around the table. Danny was sitting one side of him and Stella was on the other. Flack and Mac were sitting opposite. Lindsey had declined coming, and it was Hawkes' day off. They were all on their third drink, and Adam was starting to feel a little more relaxed. He'd never seen his workmates quite like this before. Danny was talking to Flack; waving his arms around more than usual and talking faster than Adam thought possible. Flack was nodding along, an open smile on his face as he replied when needed. Stella was watching them, laughing lightly and Mac was just sitting there, looking at his team with fondness in his eyes. Adam could tell from one look that Mac was nowhere near as affected by the alcohol as the rest. Adam was so busy observing, he didn't hear Danny start talking to him.

"Adam…" Danny was adding at least 3 extra 'A's to his name as he waved a hand in front of his face. Adam turned his head to look.

"You still with us, pal?"

"Yeah, sorry." Adam smiled. "Just… thinking."

"'bout what?" Danny asked, a slight slur seeping into his voice. Adam smirked; the alcohol in his system loosening his tongue.

"I thought you'd hold your drink a little better." Danny blinked lightly, obviously not expecting the answer. Adam laughed softly, taking another swig of his bottle before continuing.

"I mean… Stella; you can tell from one look she can drink anyone under the table, and Flack… well, you're doing better than I'd expected." Flack laughed and shook his head.

"So," Danny asked with mischief in his eyes. "What about Mac?" Adam turned to look at his boss, studying him closely.

"If it wasn't for that twinkle in his eyes, I wouldn't even know he's drunk."

"I'm not drunk," Mac protested quietly. Adam smirked.

"Yeah, you are. Just a little. You're really good at hiding it though."

"Y'know, Adam," Flack piped up. "You're not doing any better." Adam shook his head.

"Did any of you really expect me to?" Even though he was expecting it, Adam felt a little disappointed at the unanimous negative vote.

"Don't worry, Adam," Stella smiled, leaning on Adam's shoulder. "Flack and I will take care of you, the same as we do with Danny."

"What about Mac?" Adam asked absently. "Who takes care of him?"

"I take care of me," Mac replied. "I don't live far. I walk home."

"In a straight line?" Adam couldn't seem to stop himself from engaging Mac. To his surprise, Mac just smirked.

"With the exception of Stella, there isn't a person at this table that I haven't drunk under it." Adam smirked back.

"There's me." Flack and Stella shared a slight look, while Danny openly gasped. Adam just kept Mac's gaze. His heart was hammering, but he managed to look calm.

"That sounds like a challenge," Mac replied softly. It was then that Adam got nervous.

"What? No… I…"

"Too late Adam," Stella laughed lightly. "The challenge has been issued." Stella stood up and waved to a bartender.

"One bottle of your best whiskey and two shot glasses, Tom." She sat back down and smiled between the boys.

"Looks like this night just got interesting."


When Tom came over and placed a bottle in the middle of the table with two shot glasses, Stella stood up again.

"Alright boys," She smiled. "You know the rules. The first one to pass out, throw up or throw in the towel loses." She sat back down as Flack picked up the bottle and opened it. He poured the whiskey into the shot glasses and pushed one each towards Adam and Mac. Both men picked up their glass and, after a short look between them, downed the drink. Mac barely flinched and Adam pulled a slight face.

"You alright?" Mac asked; soft amusement in his eyes. Adam nodded. He was filled with a sudden determination although, if he was honest, he didn't think he was going to win. Another shot was put in front of him and he downed it with less hesitation that he'd had before. Adam closed his eyes tightly. He could feel the effects of the alcohol starting. He opened his eyes to see Mac smiling at him. He smiled back before looking to Flack; indicating him to pour another shot. Flack laughed lightly and obliged. Adam raised his glass in toast to Mac. Mac did the same, and Adam could have sworn the older man winked at him before downing his shot. Adam followed suit, inadvertently slamming the glass on the table.

"Whoa, Adam, relax," Danny laughed, putting his hand on Adam's arm. "We don't wanna be sending the lab a bill for a new table."

"I'll take it out of your pay, just for the suggestion," Mac said to Danny, who just laughed.

"Sounds like that booze is going to your head there, Mac," Danny smiled.

"Not quite," Mac smiled back. Danny laughed; just the fact that Mac was so playful attested his lie.

"Oh really," Flack chipped in with a smile. "So that rosy glow on your cheeks is just because it's cold in here?"

"You just keep quiet and keep pouring," Mac replied with a smirk. Flack mock-saluted at Mac and poured another set of shots. Mac and Adam shared another look before drinking their whiskey. Adam looked up at the clock.

"Uh, Mac…" He said, as coherently as he could manage. "It's gettin' kinda late, and I gotta be at work tomorrow… what do you say we call this a draw?" Mac smirked and looked to Stella.

"That's up to the judge." Mac raised his eyebrow. Stella smirked.

"One more shot," Stella said decisively. "Standing. If you're both still standing by the time the glasses hit the table; we'll call it a draw." Mac looked back at Adam, who nodded shortly and stood shakily. Mac followed suit; a little surer on his feet, but not much. Flack poured the final drink and watched as both men lifted their glasses to their lips. Adam tipped his drink quickly and swallowed. He watched as Mac tipped his glass; his throat working slowly. He looked at Adam with a smile and both men put their glasses down in unison. Stella clapped loudly, and Flack and Danny cheered along.

"Alright," Stella laughed. "Looks like it's a draw."

"Congratulations, Adam," Danny clapped Adam on the back. "That's longer than me or Don lasted."

"Cool," Adam mumbled. "I should probably go home now. I'm supposed to be up in…" Adam looked at the clock. "Two hours."

"Well, I'm off tomorrow, and I'm not ready to go home," Danny said, turning to Flack. "How 'bout you, Don?"

"I could stay for a while. Stel?" Stella nodded.


"I should get going too," Mac said, looking to Adam. "Should we go?" Adam nodded, looking around the rest of the table.

"Night guys," He smiled before leaving; closely followed by Mac.

When they got outside, Mac smiled at Adam.

"You held up well tonight, Adam. I'm surprised."

"Man, I am so dizzy right now," Adam laughed. "That may be the most I've ever drunk in my life." Mac laughed lightly as Adam leaned on him for support.

"C'mon," Mac said, leading Adam to the curb. "Let's get you in a cab. You need to go home and sleep." Mac flagged a taxi while he was talking. Adam smiled.

"I thought it was Stella's job to take care of drunken lab techs," Adam giggled softly. Mac sighed endearingly as a taxi pulled up beside them. Mac opened the door for Adam.

"Goodnight, Adam," Mac said softly. "I'll see you tomorrow." Adam nodded, looking toward the cab. He didn't understand why, and he could blame the alcohol later, but Adam leaned up and pressed his lips softly to Mac's.

"Night Mac," Adam whispered, getting into the taxi before Mac could react to what had just happened.