Argumentative by WeasleyForMe

An unexpected argument with Hermione sparks a passionate result in Fred. Hermione/Fred :)

As Hermione swiftly rounded the corner past the last classroom on the fifth floor, she shuffled to a halt. Although she didn't want to, she was a Prefect, and therefore needed to amend the situation upon which she had stumbled.

"Fred Weasley! That's twenty-five points from Gryffindor!" she scolded loudly, causing Fred to spin to face her.

"Why are you removing points from your own house? Seems a little ridiculous, doesn't it?" Fred responded, trying in vain to hide a sickly looking Dennis Creevey behind him. The younger Creevey brother made hideous retching noises, giving himself away completely.

"Because, I just saw you blatantly testing Puking Pastilles on Dennis!" Hermione was exasperated and showing it.


"So?" Hermione looked appalled. "So! You can't test your vomit-inducing products other students, Fred!"

"Oh, get off it, Hermione. It's not a big deal," he replied, turning back to Dennis. "Here you go, kiddo. We're all done here, so you can just run along." Fred handed the pale boy three Sickles and patted him on the head.

Hermione watched Dennis gripping his abdomen as he waddled away. "Fred, this is a big deal. I realize I'm only a Prefect, but I can take this issue directly to Professor McGonagall if need be!"

"Lighten up, have a Canary Cream." Fred tried to hand her of his candies, but Hermione pushed it away quickly.

"You are infuriating, Fred Weasley. And, I think you are simply afraid to behave."


Hermione crossed her arms haughtily. "Yes, afraid to let anyone catch you doing what you should, being a proper example of good behaviour for the younger students."

Fred grinned, watching the witch in her heated passion. "Hermione, I'm not afraid to behave," he promised her, leaning casually against the wall very near her. "Actually, aside from a Howler from my mum, I'm not afraid of anything."

"Oh Really?" Hermione asked, taking on an unbelieving tone. "Prove it then," she challenged.

Fred complied by leaning down and pressing his lips to hers with feverish passion. Hermione stumbled back a step, adjusting to the feeling of his kisses, and Fred pulled her against him. She tried in vain to push her hands against his chest, trying to make him release her; instead her hands soon found their way around his neck, holding him close.

Fred grinned slightly as her hungry lips nipped and nibbled on his own. It was apparent that Hermione was no longer afraid at this point either. Sighing contentedly, Hermione eased back down from her tiptoes and released Fred's lips.

"That wasn't scary at all, now was it?" he asked, smiling happily. "I just can't believe you kissed me."

Hermione gasped, realizing that she had just snogged Fred in the middle of the fifth floor corridor. "Is this a prank?" she asked skeptically. "And I didn't kiss you! You kissed me!" Her voice had become rather shrill, and she was blushing quite a deep shade of red.

"Yes you did."

"Just wait! Just you wait, Fred Weasley, until I tell your mother about this! You'll most definitely be receiving a Howler!" She stormed off, trying to hide her flushed face from a brightly smiling Fred. While she put as much distance between them as she could, she was forced to contemplate just why Fred's kisses felt so perfect.

Once she was out of sight, Fred chuckled aloud. "Actually, Mum would be thrilled if she knew how much I fancied the prim, proper Gryffindor Prefect." Hermione had put him in such an excellent mood that he practically skipped down the hallway in search of another test subject.

Just a little something I wrote while I was at work today... shh, don't tell my boss! I know it's short, but I may add more to it. I hope you'll review!