Jenny Shepard shrugged her pea coat tighter around her and slipped her gloved hands into her pocket. She let out a long breath and was mesmerized by the misted cloud that formed from the cold air. Inwardly she shivered and buried her nose into the lapel of her jacket.

Jethro was peering through the binoculars, seemingly immune to the cold that she was not. Jenny followed the direction he had the binoculars pointed and sat up a little straighter in her seat.

"Got something?" She asked.

"Nope," he murmured, scanning the area once more before dropping the binoculars into his lap. Jethro stretched his arms slightly in front of him before leaning back slightly in his seat.

Jenny didn't know how he did it. She was aware of his tremendous posture but they had been out here for three hours now and he hadn't even leaned back against the seat to relax a little.

They hadn't spoken a word to each other since they arrived at the loading docks, except for the minor one or two-word questions and answers. Jenny shifted in her seat to a more comfortable position with her back against the door and propped her elbow against the back of the seat, looking at Jethro with lazy eyes.

She tilted her head at him as he kept a straight stare out the window. "Jethro," she spoke, the sound of her voice loud throughout the quiet car.

"Jen," he responded, blinking his eyes to the movement of a black cat slinking its way across the abandoned street. His ability to see clearly in the dark shocked her sometimes as he could see things her eyes had still not adjusted to be able to see in the dark.

"Let's play a game," she offered, quirking a smile at the scowl that crossed his face.

"We're working," he grumbled at her.

"So? We're going to notice when someone arrives at the docks. I'm bored and I'm cold. I need to keep motivated or I'll freeze to death and you'll be to blame," she said simply, twirling her finger through her hair.

"Blame the Secretary of the Navy," he growled, obviously displeased at being in their current position as well.

"I'm cold," she protested.

"Not my problem," he said, unconcerned.

"Don't be a jerk," she said, reaching her arm across the car to shove him in his shoulder.

He finally turned to face her and gave her one of his famous glares; one that would have intimidated one of his Probie's but surely not her. Not that his glare ever did bother her. She always thought it had been kind of cute.

As if that was all he needed to do to warn her, he slowly turned back to the window, focusing his eyes back on the docks. She should be watching too but she knew they weren't going to miss anything; he could see in the dark better than she could anyways.

Jenny smirked and bit her lip as she shifted again in her seat, scooting closer to the center of the car to be closer to him. Slowly, she placed her hand on his knee and slid it up his thigh, letting her fingers trail lightly over the rough denim of his pants. She twirled her finger further up his waist, over the cold metal of his belt buckle and shoved her hand viciously up his shirt.

He gasped when her cold hand touched his bare skin and smoothed out his shirt roughly, forcing her hand out from under it. Jethro turned his head sharply to look at her. "Don't do that," he barked at her.

She grinned evilly and raised her eyebrow at him. "Don't ignore me," she quipped.

He held his hands out slightly and rolled his eyes. "What do you want me to do, Jen? Pull you into the back seat and warm you up?"

"There's an idea," she turned her eyes to the ceiling of the car, pretending to contemplate it as she sat back in her seat again.

Jethro ignored her comment as he figured giving it too much thought was going to make it unbearable to not yank her in the back and steam up the windows with her. They had a job to do, one that SecNav was counting on them both to pay great attention to. It wasn't like the old days anymore; they couldn't mess around like before. Especially Jenny. She was the Director of NCIS now, not just his partner.

He rubbed his forehead and stared out into the darkness ahead, watching the moon light ripple across the water as they fell into another silence.

Another half an hour passed as Jenny started to feel the cold seep through her again. She was fairly certain an hour ago she was numb but her fingers were starting to feel like icicles. She bit the tip of her gloves and yanked them off her hands, deciding to rub them up and down her legs to create the friction she needed to warm them up.

A rough, larger hand clasped over hers as he brought her hand up and held out his other for hers. She raised it to him and he enclosed her small hands inside his own, creating a cocoon for them as he breathed through his thumbs.

He averted his eyes from the docks and looked up at her as he blew hot air onto her hands, massaging them to keep them warm as he did so.

After a minute or so he un-cupped his hands from around hers and kissed each of her hands before releasing them. "Better?" He asked in a low voice.

She refrained from biting her lip at the sweet gesture and nodded, not knowing what else to say. Leroy Jethro Gibbs had just rendered her speechless; not for the first time but it had been a while since any man had.

He gave her a swift nod and turned his attention back out the window as she shoved her hands back into her pockets, wanting to savor the warmth before they began to get cold again.

Suddenly bright lights were shining through the windows as a truck pulled up. She felt Jethro's hands as he fumbled for the binoculars and sat up to try to see what was going on.

As quickly as the truck had appeared, the lights were back on and it was moving out again.

"Drop off?" She asked, pulling her gun out of her waistband to check the clip and snap it back into place.

"Mhm," Gibbs mumbled, doing the same as they exited the car and hurried along the edge of the wooden docks in the pitch dark. They stopped behind a brick building and checked their surroundings, looking for another car or anyone waiting to collect.

He watched the docks as he leaned back behind the building, watching Jenny run back up to him from the other side. She nodded to him, signaling the area was clear before they ran up to the small shack in between the buildings where the truck had been.

A small padlock hung on the wooden door and as Jenny reached for it, he held out his arm to block her. "It's still frosted. This isn't the way in. It's a decoy," he explained as he glanced around the door, feeling up the sides of it.

"Decoy?" She whispered, helping him on the search for the correct entry-way, sliding her hands up along the wooden panels.

"It's a sensor," he added.

"A sensor?" She asked, stopping to look at him. "Do you think it's a trap?"

"Dunno," he mumbled.

Jethro stepped back from the side of the house and narrowed his eyes, looking at the scuff marks along the wood. He took a few more steps back and lunged at the side of the building, using the leverage and the leap to get high enough to grab the roof, pulling himself up.

He peered over the edge at Jenny who was watching him with a blank stare. She took his hands as he leaned down as far as he could for her and she used him to walk up the side of the house, trying to keep her feet from sliding back down the wall.

Jenny took a deep breath and gave all she had to grip the edge of the house when she felt two strong arms grab her waist and pull her up completely. He smiled down at her when she gripped his hands at her sides for support.

"Thanks," she said sheepishly, missing his warm body against hers as he walked across the roof carefully. She looked around as she tightened the ponytail in her hair. From what she could see, the buildings on either side of them were two stories taller than the one they were on which made it perfect for them to walk around the roof without being seen.

"Here," his voice beckoned her to the other side of the roof where he had a latch slid open. He shinned his flashlight into the hole to survey the area, then handed it to her as he slipped easily down the hatch. She dropped him the flashlight and he held it for her as she followed suit and jumped into the building.

There were a few chairs, a couch and a desk in the room and a bunch of random boxes lined up against the walls like someone had just moved in and forgot to start unpacking. Besides the small bathroom at the end of the hall it looked like nothing more than a studio apartment would look like.

Jethro started going through some boxes, tearing them open and shining the flashlight inside.

"We're going to be here all night," Jenny stated, starting on the other side of the room.

After what seemed like fifteen minutes, neither had come up with anything yet. "Jethro -," she stopped short when the heard the low rumble of what sounded like a small SUV approach. Their eyes met as Gibbs immediately looked around the room, remembering he had left the hatch in the ceiling open.

He braced his shoulder against the large desk close to the wall and dug his feet into the ground trying to move it, gritting his teeth together as he felt the weight of it. Jenny stepped along side him and together they moved the desk under the hatch.

After closing it, Gibbs jumped off the desk and heard a hollow thump below him. "Flashlight," he whispered, holding his hand out to her.

He shined it along the floor where you could barely see the outline of a small square in the wooden floorboards. Jenny was next to him, standing in front of his back with her gun drawn, prepared for the intruders to enter the hatch at any moment.

She felt the cold rush of air as her pant leg was lifted and she felt the cool metal of the Swiss knife that had once belonged to Gibbs slide up her leg as he used it to prop open the floor boards.

Jenny looked up again, pointing her weapon to the hatch as they heard thumps along the roof. "Jethro," she warned. When he didn't answer she looked down to where he had just been a few moments ago now in his place a dark black hole.

He shined the flashlight up at her and waved his hand. "Come on," he yelled just as the hatch in the ceiling was being opened. Jenny holstered her gun quickly and lowered herself warily into the hole as she felt her feet hit something firm but a lot softer than ground.

Realizing it was Jethro's shoulders; she lowered herself with more ease and pulled the hatch shut just as she heard the voices dropping into the room. She rested herself down on his shoulders when she felt him grip her legs, and then slid down his back, dropping her feet silently into the water on the ground.

There were tunnels leading in every direction from what she could see as they both remained quiet while the voices upstairs became louder.

"Stupid idiots didn't even push the desk back when they left. They're going to get us caught!" a man yelled then a loud crash came as they heard them walking around.

"Cool it man, let's just get our stuff and be gone. We can deal with this later," their voices trailed off as she felt Jethro grip her arm and tug her down one of the tunnels. She fumbled behind him, again cursing his spectacular sight in the dark.

Jenny struggled to keep up with him as they made their way down the pitch black tunnel, her eyes still failing to adjust to the darkness when she suddenly smacked into something.

She rested her hands against Jethro's back as she stopped herself from completely plowing into him. "Jethro, " she said when he turned and pressed two fingers to her lips.

Swatting his hand away, she was about to ask him again why he stopped so suddenly when she heard water sloshing behind them. Jenny focused her eyes on him as much as the dark would allow and saw him surveying the area. She felt a cool breeze hit her from the left and grabbed his arm, pulling him into the small cove next to her.

Gibbs pressed against her tightly as he fought to stay out of the nearing beams of the flashlights prodding down the tunnel. "We have to get out of here," she whispered up at him, their breaths mixing in their close proximity.

He knew she was right as the voices got closer. Jenny felt his hand brush her thigh and grab his gun. She placed her hand over his and held it there, glaring up at him through the dark, knowing he could most likely see her.

"Do you want to blow this investigation?" She whispered harshly.

"Is that all you're worried about, Director?" He retaliated in a low whisper.

"Jethro, don't be stupid. Do you want to start a gun battle in the dark down here?" She smacked him in the chest as if she was forcing him to be convinced.

"Jen," he growled, pushing her hands away from him as he pressed her further into the wall.

The water stopped sloshing suddenly and the flashlights diminished, leaving them in the darkness. Jenny gulped, wondering if he was right and this time didn't stop him when she felt him reach for his gun, instead opting to do the same and reach for hers as well.

She felt Jethro back away from her as he moved to the other wall, holding his fingers up to her, counting to three. Still hearing no more movement, they slowly stepped out, guns drawn. Backs to the wall, they moved along the tunnel the way they came.

"There!" She heard someone yell as shots were fired. She wasn't sure who was firing as she ducked against the wall, pointing in the direction she knew Gibbs wasn't. Suddenly she felt a strong hand grip her arm as she was yanked to her feet and pulled quickly down the tunnel.

"Are you alright?" Jethro asked her as he continued to pull her along with him, guiding her through the dark to make sure he didn't lose her.

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" She grabbed his hand, running along side him. She heard another shot sink into the mud on the wall to the left of her and tripped as she felt herself being pulled forcefully into a quicker run.

They turned another corner and she felt herself being propelled to the right as Jethro disappeared. She winced as she felt the bruise start to form on her lower buttocks and propped herself against the wall, frantically searching for Gibbs.

She heard no splashing, no running, no gun shots; just her own breathing. She swiped her hand over her face as she gripped her gun tighter and stood up, looking around the corner from where she and Jethro had just been.

"Don't move," she heard a loud whisper come across the tunnel. Jenny shot her head up, pointing her gun in the direction of the voice when she saw Jethro standing on the other side of the tunnel in a hole in the wall. He held up his hand to stall her as she heard the soft sloshes of the water again.

Jenny stayed in position as she saw the figure round the corner. "Well, hello there beautiful," a male voice said. She gulped and before she could remove the safety from her gun, Gibbs was behind the man, arms around his neck.

She grimaced at the loud crack that followed and shut her eyes just as the man fell limp to the ground. Jenny watched as Jethro pulled him into the spot he had just been and removed his ID from his wallet before running over to her.

"Let's get out of here," he said, taking her shaking hand in his own.

"We can't go back the way we came. Surely they have someone waiting at the entrance. They know we're down here," she said in a low voice, trying not to let him know she was actually worried.

"Trust me," he told her. And she did. She trusted him with her life; more than she trusted anyone.

They ran for a few minutes, taking turns here and there and she wondered how he knew where he was going. Her foot twisted beneath her and she felt a sharp pain as she dropped to her knee, holding her ankle.

"Jen." She felt him kneel down beside her, flashing the light on her ankle. "Did you break it?" He asked and she laughed softly, wincing through the pain.

"Did anyone ever tell you, you're starting to sound like Ducky?" She asked.

"Jen," he warned, repeating himself.

"No. Jesus Jethro, I just twisted my ankle."

"I told you, Jen. Stop wearing damn heels when you're in the field."

She slapped his shoulder roughly, using his shoulder to push herself off the ground. "I'm fine. Let's get the hell out of here."

He stood and watched her start to make her way down the tunnel as she held onto the wall, limping slightly and caught up to her, putting an arm around her waist.

"We're lost," she succumbed to her pain and emotion after a few more minutes and rested against the wall.

"We're not lost."

"Oh you're such a man. Drive around the same area for over an hour and you're still not lost. Except we're in a damn tunnel where it's darker and cold and someone is trying to kill us. But no, we're not – " She was cut off by Jethro placing his cold hands on her face, lacing one of them through her hair as he captured her lips with his own, kissing her fiercely.

She melted into his kiss, forgetting the situation they were in. He pulled away, sensing both of their need for air and rested his forehead against hers.

"Was that to shut me up or because you've just been dying to do that?" She breathed against him.

"If you have to ask…"

He got serious again and stepped away from her a little. "We're going to get out of here. This way," he helped her along again.

"How are you sure?" She questioned.

"I feel a breeze coming from the north. We entered through the house at the west, so I know we're not going back the way we came. There has to be another exit," he explained.

"At least you learned something in the Marines," she shot at him, then yelped when he slid his hand down her waist and pinched her butt.

"Aha," he said triumphantly as they neared the end of the tunnel where a wooden door proved to be what she hoped was a second exit.

She rested against the wall again as he approached the door, turning the handle.

"Big surprise, it's locked," she said.

Jenny watched as he ran at the door, shouldering it a few times before finally he fell through it. "Okay?" she asked him as he came back to her, rubbing his shoulder.

He nodded and she knew he wouldn't tell her even if he was semi-hurt. But she was used to it so she followed him through the door down another tunnel. The water they had been walking in suddenly started to get deeper until they were both knee deep in it.

"What the hell?" Jenny asked as it started to rise higher and higher. "The water is rising."

"No," Gibbs said gruffly as he stopped. "The tunnel is slanting down."

"Look," Jethro helped her along the tunnel until they were at what seemed like a small circular pool. "This is the end of the road," he mumbled.

"Now what?" She asked.

"We swim," he looked at her as he removed his top shirt, leaving him in a t-shirt, and pulled off his shoes.

"Swim?" She squeaked, disbelievingly. "Are you serious? That water is freezing and we don't even know where it leads."

"Jen, its here as a second exit. They're hording illegal substances down here; do you think they're going to have a few stairs that lead out?" He brushed a stray piece of hair out of her face and smiled through the dark. "I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

He knew she didn't swim much; her fear of water stemmed from a young age he found. At least water of this kind of nature; dark and unsure.

"And if I drown?" she countered back, removing her shoes and the winter jacket she was wearing.

"I won't let you go," he assured her as he checked their jackets to make sure no personal items were in them, then tossed their things into the cove on the side. "Are you ready?" He asked, stepping into the water up to his neck. He disappeared under the water for a moment, then returned.

"I found the hole that leads up. Don't let go of my hand," he said, helping her into the water. She shivered and her body shook slightly from fear of not finding their way out in time.

"Ready?" he asked again, giving her a moment to prepare herself.

When he took her silence as a 'yes', he made to go under when she blurted out, "No. I'm not ready." Her breath caught in her throat as she stared at him, all the emotions and fear of being down there with him taking its toll on her. She loved him so much right now and she knew that she never stopped.

He saved her life, which was nothing new but right now it meant everything to her. Maybe it was because she was scared but she knew that deep down she loved him with everything she had and she wanted to tell him.

"Jen," Jethro's voice broke her out of her reverie. "Sorry to interrupt your thoughts, but we have to move. Now," he said, gripping her arm. She turned her head to see the approaching flashlight beams again and took a deep breath as she was pulled under water.

She blinked a few times, seeing musk and dark yellows and greens as she held onto Jethro's hand, swimming hard to keep up with him. He stopped swimming and turned, pulling her into another direction; thankful that he was taking the lead. But panic hit her hard when he turned. Was he lost? Were they going to drown down here?

Jenny gripped his hand tighter and felt her chest cramp up as she began to lose it. Just when she thought she was going to pass out, she felt ice cold wind hit her and the deep breaths of the cold air as her lungs remembered how to breathe.

She would probably get a cold after this as she felt the winter air enter her lungs but right now she was just glad to be alive.

Her body was tired as she treaded, swimming to the shore with Jethro. He smiled at her, watching her struggle to continue to swim. "Jen," he said and she could hear the smile in his voice. "Stand up," he whispered, his breath hot in her ear.

Embarrassment set in as she placed her feet on the sand, standing up with the water at her waist. She felt his warm arms wrap around her as he helped her quickly to their car, which surprisingly had not been tampered with. He helped her into the car and knelt on the ground quickly with his flashlight to make sure whoever was chasing them had returned to the surface and figured this car was theirs as it was the only one present.

Starting the car, he jumped in next to her and drove off, the disappointment finally settling in that they hadn't found anything down there and now whoever's hiding spot it was knew they were onto him.

None of that mattered now to him, he thought as he glanced at Jenny in the seat next to him; her lips purple and her body shaking. He turned up the heat and sped home, intent on getting Jenny warm.

Jethro screeched to a halt in the driveway, walking around to help Jenny out. "Jethro, I'm fine. I twisted my ankle and you're acting like I got shot."

"You're freezing," he commented, ignoring her statement as they entered the house. He helped her up the stairs and led her right down the hall to the bathroom.

Jethro turned the shower on before pulling her over to him. "Here," he said, carefully tugging her wet shirt over her head, then kneeling in front of her to shimmy her pants down her legs. As he stood up, she slid her hand under his shirt, peeling it up his chest like he'd done with her.

Jenny let her hands linger on his chest, pressing her palms into his muscles, loving to feel them twitch under her hands. She stopped at the waistband of his pants, sticking two fingers down them as she pulled him against her, backing into the sink.

"Jen," he stopped her. "You need to get in the shower."

"I'm a big girl, Jethro," she purred at him. "Besides, I'm warm now." Jenny grinned up at him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled his face down to hers, kissing him softly.

When she tried to deepen the kiss, he backed away from her, reaching around to undo her bra. Jenny unbuttoned his pants, pushing them down with his boxers as she hopped onto the counter, pulling him close by wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him.

She grinned as he lifted her off the sink, turning abruptly to enter the shower with her wrapped around him. Jenny relaxed under the warm spray of the shower as she held tightly to Jethro.

He pressed her up against the wall roughly, entering her as he did so. She gasped and tightened her heels into his butt, arching against him. She held onto him, scraping her nails up his wet back as she felt his hand grip her hair and preventing her from hitting her head against the wall.

"Jen," he grumbled in her ear, his hot lips trailing along her skin as he found the spot on her neck again.

She bit his shoulder, saying his name as she felt her legs go weak and she struggled to hold onto him. He slowly helped her down as she slid down his body, standing on shaky legs in front of him.

He rested against her, his breathing heavy in her ear. "Jethro," she laughed, pushing against his chest. "Are you really that old?"

He pulled back quickly, his eyes glaring into hers. "Old?" he scoffed.

Jenny raised her eyebrow at him. "Or maybe you've just always sounded like that. I'm not so sure anymore."

Without another word, he reached behind her and lightly tapped her on the back of the head, earning him a loud crack to his chest as her hand made contact with it.

"I'm not one of your Probies. Don't hit me."

"Don't call me old," he countered.

"So you want me to lie?" She smiled sweetly at him, reaching for the shampoo bottle. She jumped when he goosed her and turned to smack him again with the soap bottle.

"Jethro!" She shrieked as she felt him empty the container of bathsoap down her back.

"You're dirty," he explained, using her loofa to work in the soap. When he got up a lather, he dropped it to the ground and used his hands, spreading soap down her back and around to her stomach where he moved his hands up.

She moaned, feeling him press his back up against her. His hands slowly worked their way back down her stomach, past her navel. "Jethro," she moaned again, dropping her head back onto his shoulder. Turning in his arms, she gave him an exasperated look.

"We're never going to get done," she sighed contently, wrapping her arms around his neck as she met her lips with his.

By the time they got out of the shower, the sun was beginning to come up. Jenny snuggled in her bed under the covers, clamping her eyes shut at the light coming in through the window.

She hated trying to fall asleep with the light pouring in on her, but she was so tired from the night they had that all she cared about was sleeping. When she woke up, she realized the light was gone.

Confused for a moment, she looked around. It was dark outside, except for the faint beam of the moonlight. She rolled over, feeling something moving next to her. Expecting Jethro, she turned over with a smile and was greeted with a kiss.

A big, wet, slimy dog kiss as Ben licked her face. "Ugh!" She yelped, backing away quickly, swiping the dog saliva from her face. Then realization hit her; if Jethro wasn't here, where was he?

Jenny reached over the bed, searching for the alarm clock that had been tossed to the floor in her and Jethro's explorations with the peanut butter. She rolled out of bed, wondering how the hell she slept until five in the evening without even hearing Jethro throughout the house.

She tilted her head to the side as she sat up in bed and ran a hand through her hair, trying to straighten it out some, suppressing a yawn. Ben stretched beside her, wagging his tail as she looked at him.

"Don't get used to this," she told him, scratching his stomach. He whined and jumped off the bed when she got up.

She followed the noises down the stairs and opened the door by the laundry room with curiosity. The noises got louder, with the loud scrapings and quiet footsteps. Upon reaching the last step of the stairs, she looked around.

"If you're barefoot, don't come down here," Jethro said, peeking around one of the few wooden slabs he had in the basement.

"Jethro," she said, curiously. "I didn't even know there was a basement."

He chuckled softly and dropped his sander, walking around to the small make-shift bench where he had some random tools.

"Well I guess I knew, I just didn't know we were using it," she continued, ignoring his comment about not coming further down and she was barefoot. She made her way over to the bench, running her fingertips along a hammer.

He scraped at the wood he had in front of him, watching her out of the corner of his eye. "A table?" She asked, walking over to the beautiful piece of work he had been working on for a while now. "How long do you think we're going to be out here? We really didn't need a table," she said.

He shrugged, without looking up. "Well, I figured you could use it. You don't have a kitchen table either."

She smiled at that, running her fingers along the smooth wood of the legs of the table. "Never did get another table after we broke the last one…" she trailed off, flashing back to her memory. She heard the scraping stop and knew he was remembering also.

Jenny walked up behind him, watching his shoulders clench through his shirt as he began shaping the piece of wood again. She stepped in front of him suddenly and grabbed the tool. "Show me," she said softly.

A little taken back by her subtlety, he paused before placing his hands over hers, moving them slowly in a rhythm until he let go and she was able to do it herself.

"Ow," she gasped slightly, holding her finger up and glaring at the rather large piece of wood imbedded in the tip of her finger.

Jethro peered over her shoulder, glancing down at her finger. He reached around to grab her wrist when she yanked it from him. "It hurts."

"I didn't even touch it yet. Turn around," he pulled out the workbench a little and patted it. "And sit down."

"It'll be fine. I'll run it under hot water and it will come out." She held her hand in her other and leaned away from him, acting as if he were going to hurt her.

"Jen," he reached for her and she pulled away again.

"No," she said harshly.

"Would ya stop bein a baby and get over here?" he grabbed her wrist this time and pulled, forcing her towards him. He glared down at her, daring her to move away from him with his eyes. "Sit," he repeated.

She rolled her eyes, playing along, and sat on the workbench in front of him. Jenny could hear him fumbling around next to her as he searched for something; probably a needle to retrieve the splinter from her finger.

He slid on his glasses and held a flame from a lighter over the end of the needle for a few moments. She smiled, parting her legs slightly so he could stand in between them.

"What?" he mumbled, flicking his eyes to her.

"Always thought you looked sexy with glasses on," she said and giggled when he rolled his eyes at her.

"Hold still," he said, grabbing her hand. She sucked in a short breath when she felt him get near her finger with the needle. "Jen," he growled, holding tighter to her hand. "I haven't even started yet."

"Ow!" She yelped as he squeezed her fingertip, trying to push the splinter out. "Jethro!" She yelled, trying to yank her hand away.

He sighed and stood back slightly, glaring at her again. "You're making this harder than it has to be, Jen. If you would just sit still…"

"It hurts! You sit still while I shove a needle in your finger," she said icily to him.

This time when he grabbed her hand, she tried to be as still as possible. She tilted her head back as he pressed harder on her finger and just as she thought it would never end, he pulled away. She looked down at her finger and watched as he swiped his thumb over it to remove the small drop of blood there.

Jethro brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingertip. "Was that so bad?" He asked.

She nodded and scooted toward the edge of the bench, parting her legs further around him. "I feel like I should reward you," she purred seductively, gripping a fistful of his shirt in her hands.

Jethro grabbed his glasses when she placed a hand over his. "Oh no, the glasses stay on, Professor."

She leaned up, capturing his lips with her own, kissing him as she pulled at the hem of his shirt. The workbench wobbled as she moved to wrap her arms around his neck, causing her to hold on to him in fear it wouldn't be enough to support their actions.

He grinned, deepening the kiss as he lifted her off the workbench, carrying her over to the fresh kitchen table he made; sitting her on top of it. She pulled back when she was breathless and stared at him with glossy eyes.

"Jethro, so help me, if we break another kitchen table…" she trailed off, squealing as he pushed her back on the table.