Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight or Buffy or any of the characters.

Chapter 3

The plane was full of anxious passengers. Kennedy turns to Willow, "I forgot how long it takes to get everything all set up." Willow smiled, "We'll be off soon."

Dawn was reading a book when she saw a really good-looking man pass by. She couldn't help but let her mouth drop. She watched him take a seat next to Buffy. Of course, she thought. Kennedy and Willow saw the whole thing and tried to keep from smiling.

Dawn waved over to Buffy to get her attention. Buffy made her way over to her with an annoyed expression. "What?" Buffy asked.

"Switch with me." Dawn whispered.

"No way. I know a good thing when I see it."

"Oh come on."

"No. He's too old for you."

Faith smiled. "If we're limited to dating people on this plane, we're in trouble." An overweight man sat next to Faith, who gave her a dirty look. Faith instantly looked embarrassed. "Big trouble" she thought.

Dawn sighed, "Fine." Buffy went to sit back down.

The man sitting next to Buffy didn't look up. Buffy wondered if he even knew she was there. Had he even looked at her? Buffy tried to strike up a conversation with him, but had no luck. He still never looked at her as he was answering her questions. Buffy huffed.

Dawn wasn't having the best time either. The teenager beside her had his headphones on and singing horribly out of tune and loudly. Dawn rolled her eyes. This is going to be one long trip.

After some time, an announcement came on telling the passengers to put their seatbelts on. When the plane landed, the man sitting next to Faith lost grip of his snack and pieces of almonds flew everywhere, including down Faith's shirt. "Shit!" Faith said. The man looked at her and reached his hand over to her, "Oops, I'll get that for ya." Faith held up her hand, "No! No! I got it." Faith said responded.

When it was time to leave, the gang couldn't of gotten out of there fast enough. Dawn was so anxious that she forgot to unbuckle her seatbelt when she tried to get up. She was instantly pulled down.

The gang crowded around. "Forks isn't that far away. We can be there in half an hour." Giles said. "Then let's go." Faith said.

Half an hour later…

"The great thing about this building is that it's so big we can all live by each other." Giles says while walking down the hall.

"We all live in the same building?" Xander asks.


"Awesome!" Dawn shouts.

Buffy turns to Dawn, "You'll be starting school in a couple days."

Dawn looks confused, "School? Already!?"

"Dawn, the more school you miss, the more you'll fall behind. Trust me, you'll like it."

Dawn narrows her eyes, "I doubt it."

Author's note: If you're still with me, you rock. I know it's really slow, but I felt like I had to put all this stuff in. Believe me, I wish I could skip all this.