"Nice game Wood!" Flint shouted over the howl of the rain and laughing of the other players. Oliver had been the only one on the Quidditch field after the game he was in so much shock of the quickness of their lose that he had landed and was just staring up into the rain with his eyes closed. His eyes snapping open at the sound of Flint's voice he turned to find Flint and two other Slytherin players looking at him and grinning widely.

"Can you win without gloating and making me feel more crappy then I already do?" He said angrily he walked towards the changing rooms which they were conveniently standing in front of. He tried to go around Flint but the Slytherin blocked him again.

"Get the fuck out of my way Flint." Wood said threateningly and Flint raised an eyebrow.

"Or what?" He retorted. Wood pulled out his wand, Flint just smirked turning his head and nodding to the other two Slytherin's who headed off to the changing rooms and then Flint returned his gaze to Wood. He walked forward closing in on Oliver but the keeper held his ground soon Oliver's wand was right under Flint's nose.

"Empty threat?" Flint jeered.

"No…I'm just not gonna get detention if I don't have to." Oliver growled. "…get out of my way." Flint smiled with something else unfamiliar, then unexpected to the keeper the other boy licked the end of his wand. Flint closed his eyes feeling a small serge of energy scorch the tip of his tongue and he shuddered. Wood could only stare in disbelief and felt another type of energy go through his body. His free hand flew to his nose instantly; Flint chuckled and walked to the Slytherin changing room. Wood stood there for another second or so still trying to comprehend this new event, he put his wand back in his robes and walked his way to the common room forgetting to change into dry clothes. He entered the common room to find the rest of his Quidditch mates hanging around the fire and talking. Fred and George caught site of Wood first and walked over to him, leading him over to the fire and an empty arm chair.

"Oh bloody Merlin, what happened to you?" Angelina asked Oliver looked up at her everyone could see that Oliver's nose was bleeding continuously onto his sleeve which he had not bothered to remove from his nose. Oliver slid his sleeve to try and remove as much blood from his nose as possible but as soon as he moved his wrist his nose began to bleed even more.

" What the…?" Alicia and Katie said in unison. Oliver's nose bleed was not improving despite his attempts at stopping it.

"What happened?" Charlie asked as he knelt next to Oliver's chair; Oliver looked at him.

"um…well, Flint…" He began but Fred and George cut in.

"We're gonna kill him." They said.

"We'll show him…" Fred said.

"…what a beater bat looks like…" George continued.

"…up close." Fred finished.

"Guys chill for a second, eh." Charlie said "We haven't even heard the whole story yet." Fred rolled his eyes.

"Wood appears in the common room with a bloody nose, Flint is involved and you want me to hold off on kicking the guy's ass."

"Not likely." George scoffed. Charlie glared at his younger brothers and they both went silent he turned back to Wood But he had gotten up.

"I'll explain later alright, I'm really tired." He said the rest of the team nodded and they departed to their dorms. The boys headed up the stairs and when Charlie and Oliver said goodnight to the twins, Charlie turned to Oliver as they continued to walk.

"So what happened?" He asked. Oliver slowed his pace a little they stopped at the fifth year's door and opened it to peek inside and seeing that it was empty he waved Charlie in. Charlie entered and sat on Wood's bed.

"What's going on?" He asked as he watched Oliver pace across the front of his bed. Oliver stopped in front of it hesitated and continued to walk. He stopped again and then he said.

"I had a nosebleed." He said matter-of-factly, Charlie raised an eyebrow.

"I saw." He replied, Wood shook his head and took in a deep breath.

"No, I had a nosebleed for…' He stopped, Charlie caught on.

"…for?" He continued, Oliver sighed.

"…for Flint." He finished sitting next to Charlie.

"Really!" Oliver put his face in his hands.

"How'd he get you to do that?" Charlie asked chuckled slightly.

"He licked my wand." Oliver said muffed by his hands. Charlie coughed on the bottle of fire whisky he had pulled out of Wood's bedside table.

"How'd he get your pants off?" Wood gave him a disgruntled look pulling out his wand and Charlie nodded.

"I got it I was kidding…" He handed Wood the bottle and Oliver took a swig. "Well I'm impressed, he accomplished something I never did." Charlie continued, Oliver choked on the whisky he had been drinking which now went up his nose.

"What!?" Charlie laughed heartily.

"See…" He said. "…just the fact that you haven't noticed me hitting on you, means that I failed." Oliver stuck his finger in his ear partly cause it itched, but mostly cause he wanted to make sure that he was hearing Charlie right.

"What?" Oliver repeated Charlie's question.

"Was that too vague for you or something?" Charlie replied chuckling, Oliver shook his head.

"No, just unexpected." Charlie nodded in understanding then said.

"Now back to the main point, Flint."

"I'm avoiding the subject." Oliver said.

"He's a good choice, I wouldn't put it passed you. He's hot." Oliver coughed on the whisky again. Charlie laughed louder then ever.

"If you're going to say stuff that you know will make me spit up whisky, please have the courtesy of not saying when I'm drinking."

"Oh come on that's the best part." He said. "Stop changing the subject." He said, Oliver growled.

"Damn, I thought I might have avoidded that."

"Not a chance." Charlie replied.