It took a while for Marcus to pick out what he wanted to get for Oliver, hours and Charlie was getting more annoyed and then some as they went to every store... twice. "Flint. I told you what he would like. You're just ignoring all my ideas. Not that I'm surprised, but honestly..." Charlie grumbled,

"They're all good ideas."

"Then get all of them..." Charlie suggested, making Markus sigh,

"But I don't want to over do it." Charlie rolled his eyes,

"You'll only over do it, if you over think it." He pointed out and Markus thought that through.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. But it's still difficult." He said looking in a book shop they had gone in like twelve times.

"Ugh... For Merlin sake Flint, just pick something. No matter what, if it's from you I'm sure Oliver will like it." It hurt to say, and Charlie noticed this after he spoke the words. It was something that he wished would happen for him. That deep heart wrenching feeling of someone just liking the gift because of the person that gave it to them, not caring what it is. He wished it was Oliver. He took a deep breath and saw a book that Oliver had bought him a copy of, with a note, "You're best friend in all the world, Oliver." He hadn't thrown the note away. In fact he had spelled the note so that it was permanently suck on the cover sheet in the book. It didn't matter that it was Muggle Poetry, in fact Charlie loved it. It was falling apart at the the binding he read it so much. If Madam Pince ever saw that book she would probably have a heart attack on the spot. He chuckled at the thought, making Flint look over at him.

"What's so funny. It really is difficult." Charlie shook his head,

"Make him something. Hand make him something. It comes from the heart more then a bought gift you know?" Marcus thought about this.

"Want a Butterbeer?" He asked. Charlie tilted his head,

"Sorry, I swear I keep mishearing you." Marcus gave him an annoyed look.

"Come on, you heard me. Let me buy you a Butterbeer." Flint offered. Charlie was still surprised, but shrugged,

"Sure, why not." They both headed to the Three Broomsticks. They sat for a few awkward minutes, however the devious side of Flint was still working and as it was... he had well, spiked Charlie's drink to lighten the mood. Though hilariously it sort of back fired when Oliver came up in the conversation and Charlie began to confess his undying love for the beloved Scotsman, very loudly might I add. Marcus tried to hush him and even more so when Charlie began to cry, "...And even though..." He cried, "...Oliver picked you over me, I'll still love him and even more I'll respect his choice and love him in secret..."

"Not much of a secret now.", thought Marcus. As the people around them began to stare.

"...I will support you both, for Oliver's sake. I mean it." He hiccuped and Marcus sighed,

"Charlie, umm... You're talking a bit-"

"...and so what if I loved him first..." He rambled, "It's just hard you know... To see someone you love... Love someone else..." Marcus sighed,

"Imagine having the person you love, hating your guts. Like Oliver did with me, until now..." Charlie began to cry even more and Marcus sighed, "Alright... Let's get you back." Charlie whined as they left, and Marcus continuously apologized to everyone. They walked back to the Gryffindor tower and Charlie sniffed and whined the password. Marcus was supporting Charlie by this time, and smiling a little. Oliver was in the common room studying when they came in, looking up he rushed over.

"Charlie, are you alright?" Marcus chuckled,

"He's just a bit... ummm... sloshed." Oliver sighed,

"Marcus you didn't dope him did you?" Marcus didn't answer, but he was grinning widely. Oliver rolled his eyes and helped Charlie to the couch,

"Ol-Oliver..." Charlie spoke shakily and wearily, "Oliver... Y-You know I l-love you... I l-love you l-lots... and I know you l-love M-Marc-cus... and I p-prom-mise I w-won't-t g-get in th-the way... It's j-just-t... I w-want-ted you t-to kn-know th-that I lov-ve y-you... I d-do..." Charlie rambled, "...Oliver... I d-don't f-feel w-well..." Oliver sighed and looked up at Marcus,

"I'm going to get him to bed. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" Marcus nodded, and kissed Oliver's cheek,

"See you around Charlie." Charlie hiccuped and dry heaved, but nodded. Oliver watched Marcus leave and then helped Charlie to the bathroom, to vomit and then after copious amounts of that, to bed. Charlie fell asleep in Oliver's arms, with Oliver's hand combing his hair soothingly. After a few moments a mumble came from Charlie's drunken lips, "I love you Ol-liver..." Oliver smiled and nodded,

"I love you too Charlie."