Hey, gotta brand spankin new story for ya'll!

based on beauty and the beast, i though hey look - belle...bella! Edward took a little more to figure out, but here's the result.

Enjoy!No ones P.O.V:

Once upon a time, in a kingdom faraway lived a prince – he was conceited and rude, and very selfish and unkind. Oh yes, he was incredibly handsome, with many servants and riches, but he was never truly happy.

One Christmas Eve there was a loud knock on the oak doors of his castle.

"ALICE!" The prince yelled.

"Yes Edward?" The princes sister answered him, although she knew she should love him – how could she ever love someone like him, he treated his own sister like a servant!

"Answer the door!" He sneered, as another knock echoed threw the castle.

"ALICE!" Esme, their mother like figure, called from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry Edward – if you want turkey tomorrow, I have to get back"

The prince frowned, and stomped his foot.


"Yes oh brother of mine?" Emmet came in, smiling goofily.

"Go answer the door you buffoon, and wipe that stupid grin off your face!"

"EMMET!" Carlisle, their father figure, called from outside amongst the snow.

"Sorry man, if you want a tree for tomorrow, I have to go" Emmet jogged back outside into the cold.

"URGH! Do I have to do everything for myself around here!" Edward grumbled, heaving himself up, and walking across the grand hall to open the thick wooden doors.

He grabbed the handles and leaned back, the doors swinging open, blowing snow and cold air threw into the toasty warm castle.

Edward looked down his nose at a haggard old lady swamped in a coat, she held out a single red rose, and gave him a toothless grin. Edward pulled a face, disgusted by her appearance. He automatically took a step back.

"Please sir" The old hag croaked, "May I have shelter from the cold, in return I shall give you this rose"

If Edward was disgusted before he was ready to throw up now, he could smell the old thing from two metres away.

"No, go away you old hag – you're not welcome here!" The prince spat.

"But my Prince, true beauty comes from within"

Edward scowled, this old thing was seriously getting on his nerves now – no way was this shrivelled up raisin going to ruin his Christmas!

"Get OUT!" Edward practically screamed.

The old hag, now really seeing how ugly he truly was, threw off her cloak to reveal a stunning young woman. The prince's jaw hit the floor.

"Oh my gosh – I'm so sorry, I'm incredibly, utterly…"

"Silence" The stunning woman, hissed, "I have seen the true dark nature of your heart, and now you will spend eternity in darkness!"

The stunning woman set a curse upon the prince and all the inhabitants of the castle, turning them into beautiful creatures, that were hungry for desires so dark they could not bare to live with themselves.

Disgusted by himself, prince Edward locked himself away, tearing up everything. His only contact to the outside world was through some amazing abilities he and some of his family and servants had picked up.

The rose?

It sits on a table in the west wing of the castle, enchanted; it would bloom until his one-hundredth year, if he could learn to love another, and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell – then and only then would the spell be broken. If not, he would be doomed to spend eternity like this. A monster. A vampire. A beast.


How did you like it?

Let me know, reviews make me smile! there WILL be edwardXBella, but you have to wait, oh and review of course.

Go on, it's sittin there staring.

do it, Do it, Do It, DO IT!