Wizarding Blind Date

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing all rights and accolades belong to J K Rowling, she is only letting me borrow these wonderful characters.

Authors note: Please bear with me guys this is my first attempt at fan fiction even though I've read many on line, this particular plot sneaked up on me while I was waiting for the bus for work and has stubbornly refused to go away ever since, so here is my clumsy attempt at what you guys do so well.

This story is set several yrs after the Golden trio defeated Voldemort (I've chosen to ignore most of DH just because my story works better that way and I could never visualize Hermione putting up with Ron after Hogwarts). I'm going to give you all my vision of where the characters are just to get you up to speed with the story.

Hermione: has been the transfiguration teacher for 3 yrs at Hogwarts, her relationship with Ron failed after the war because he wanted her to become like Molly and hated the idea of her doing her apprentice ship with Minerva, needless to say Hermione chose learning over relationships and has since been single, so after losing a bet with Harry and Draco on one of their monthly drinking sessions she ends up having to submit an application to Wizarding Blind Date to find her a hot man and some even hotter sex.

Remus: went back to Hogwarts as the DADA teacher after the war to try and get over the death of Tonks who died trying while rescuing Harry from the Dursleys, it helped immensely when his lifelong friend and fellow marauder Sirius came back from the veil and they and Severus became the wizarding worlds hottest bachelors.

Sirius: no one really understands how he managed to come back from the veil he was found a couple of days after the war wandering through the MOM absolutely starkers demanding to be allowed to see the Minister, the MOM gave him a full pardon and compensated him £500,000 galleons for his time in Azkaban, he now works as a auror along with Harry.

Severus: although he was bitten by Nagini, the deadly magical venom that was coursing through his veins racing towards his heart immediately vanished when Neville chopped it's head off saving his life, during the aftermath when his story was told he was cleared of any war crimes and was given a order of merlin first class, he decided that he actually liked teaching so he went back to teach potions after a yrs sabbatical in Hawaii to rediscover himself, on his return he finally became good friends with Remus and Sirius after putting aside childish grudges .

Harry & Draco: have been together for a couple of yrs and have a drinking session with Hermione every month and their main goal in life is to get her dating again.

Ron & Ginny: were both signed by an international Quidditch team as seeker and keeper which keeps them out of the country for long spells at a time but are still friends with the gang

Fred & George: have expanded WWW into Hogsmeade and are making a lot of money off the students at Hogwarts.

Sorry about the rambling the story is coming up now.


The wizarding world had finally adapted muggle technology with magic and now every witch or wizard has a magical television set in their living room , and the show that was currently topping the ratings chart was called Wizarding Blind Date (a/n based on the muggle show blind date).

Chapter 1

Hermione looked at the wizarding blind date application form that Draco's eagle owl had just dropped off and sighed, she couldn't believe that she'd have to give 3 full and complete descriptions of her fantasies with 3 different people leaving out their true names so after a couple of glasses of chardonnay and some double chocolate cake and cream she got out her quill and started to write her favorite fantasy involving Remus Lupin.

Remus's Fantasy.

(based loosely on little red riding hood)

I am wandering near the forbidden forest heading for my favorite picnic spot by the waterfall when I spot him lounging against a tree looking at me as though I'm his lunch.

"Hello Red" he says smiling a wolfish grin, my stomach is filled with butterflies.

"Hi Mooney hope you're hungry I've brought absolutely loads today."

"Red I can honestly say I'm famished, I hope you taste as good as you look."

Heavenly Merlin did I just hear him right he wants to taste me?, as I look at him with my mouth slightly open he turns and gives me a wink while setting the picnic basket up "Why Mooney what big eyes you have" I couldn't resist saying.

"All the better to see your delectable body my dear" came the reply bringing a warm dampness to my knickers.

After the blanket had been laid I found my self staring at his earlobes wondering what it would be like to suck and nibble on them, out of nowhere I felt my self saying "Why Mooney what deliciously edible earlobes you have"

He whispered in my ear " All the better to hear you screaming my name as I make you cum again and again my dear" his breath tickled my ear as he slowly and gently laid kisses along my jaw and nipping at my neck, he pulls down my vest top and removes my bra before lowering his head and starts to suck my nipples all coherent thought leaves my head as that tongue does wonderful things to me. I go to kiss him back when he growls at me "Oh no you don't little red I'm in control you will surrender to me" and with that he rips my knickers off from under my mini skirt bringing them up to his nose inhaling deeply my arousal that his words have caused.

As I lay there watching him with my legs spread and my cunt glistening wet he grins at me with that oh so sexy wolfish grin of his. "Why Mooney what a Talented mouth you have" hoping that he will use it, my orgasm was building intensely and I needed release.

"All the better to EAT you with my dear" his mouth coming down and sucking on my clit, nibbling, licking, blowing while his fingers plunged in and out of me.

"Sweet Merlin" I gasped my body writhing and arching under him like a puppet on a string and him the puppet master suddenly with a scream I grab his head and shove it into my cunt as I cum harder, faster and wetter than the waterfall behind us, he just kept on drinking me dry as if he were a thirsty man at a desert oasis.

Afterwards while we were tidying up he turns to me and smirks " I was right you do taste as good as you look"and vanishes into the trees.

Hermione could feel her arousal building as she wrote this fantasy down when she'd finished she contemplated masturbating to relieve it but deciding against as she still had two more fantasies to write, pouring some more wine she pulled out some more parchment and got started on the next.