Disclaimer: You think SG-chan owns anything even closely related to this? You poor, poor deluded people...

Well, SG-chan has decided to jump on the bandwagon along with so many others and start a DCMK drabble/oneshot collection! This little thing just popped into her head after writing 'The Price Paid.' ...For some odd reason SG-chan is really only coming up with crossovers lately... Must be the dreary weather, must be. *nods reassuringly to self*


Rating: PG

Word Count: 263

It was a normal KID heist. Normal, that is, until some weird fanatic wearing outdated clothes and sunglasses showed up, spouting some sort of religious babble, and started to chase KID. Oh, and did he mention the guy blew things up with his hand?

"What you do is an affront against nature," Sunglasses ranted, trying to corner the thief. And he just barely missed KID, taking out a sizeable chunk of the wall instead. Really, this guy was freaking Shinichi out. Couldn't the Task Force get here any quicker?

As the wacko prepared to lunge at KID again, Shinichi quickly powered up his sneakers and kicked a soccer ball from his belt at the guy.

…Okay, maybe that wasn't the brightest idea, in retrospect, seeing as how the guy could blow things up with his hands! Ooh, pretty soccer ball-themed confetti! And…oh, crap, there was going to be Shinichi Kudo-themed confetti unless he got a move on it!

"Sorry, but I take offense to anyone trying to harm my critics," KID said, his expression determined. The thief clapped his hands together and laid them on the ground. The ground rippled, then a giant hand shot up out of the concrete, grabbing Shinichi and carrying him up, out of the way.

He did not just let out an undignified shriek, he did not, he did not, he did not, he did not! It wasn't his fault he was pint-sized, dammit! Okay, this is just a wacky dream, Shinichi decided.

…Was that girl who just showed up carrying a wrench??

SG-chan is pretty sure that her classmates think she's crazy, especially when she starts to quietly cackle to herself during the middle of math class when she should be taking notes. If anyone has any suggestions for a drabble/oneshot, feel free to leave them in form of a review!