
"I told you, just spit it out already! I don't want to waste my time in listening to someone like you and I know that you know that."

"You're a tough one."

"That's just the way I am!"

"So… With your Nullification and Stealing Alice, I want you to…

Mikan's POV

"…steal Nobara Ibaragi's Ice Alice. Surely, you can easily do that, right?" Persona's smirk grew wider. "And with the fact that you're already on the Dangerous Ability Class, you can approach her directly without her noticing it."

I twitched a little. Half scared and angry, I tried to be tough. "Huh. You think?" I smirked, "She's not your 'doll' anymore, Persona. And if ever I see you lay a hand on my friends, don't even think to run away. Haven't you learned your lesson for messing up with us, just yet?"

His reaction was the least that I expected. He kind of backed off when I said those words. We were silent for a little while and the very uncomfortable silence was killing me! But then, someone appeared right in front of us, his back facing me

My knight in not-so-shining armor, Hyuuga Natsume.

"Get. The. Heck. Out. Of Here." He ordered Persona with a very fierce voice. I was kind of scared when he said those words and tears started to form in my eyes. Natsume faced me and I met his eyes. Full of hatred, I was taken aback and then, it's when I realized that the tears that I tried to hold back was now falling freely.

"Persona, you know that the Academy already forbade you to let the students take those missions," he said, facing Persona as he tried to support me.

"And so?" The high-heeled boots guy retorted. "What if they did?"

"I will personally kill you if you even lay a single finger on my friends." Natsume feed backed. He was very angry now. Fire started to appear out of nowhere. I grabbed his T-shirt. The fire immediately went out as he quickly faced me.

Persona looked at us and clapped his hand. "Well done. Mission accomplished, Natsume Hyuuga and Mikan Sakura."

"H-huh?" I asked, completely clueless about what's going on. I think Natsume was clueless as well.

"The academy asked for this. If you have accepted the mission, you could've failed. But then, you have made the right decision. Everyone from the Dangerous Ability Class, and those who have taken part of the previous missions were tested if they really have what it takes to be an Alice." He said as he started to disappear with the wind.

I gave Natsume a questioning look, but he just ignored me and carried me in bridal style. We went to the Sakura tree and there, he placed me. He sat beside me and leaned on the trunk of the tree while I comfortably cuddled myself in his arms.

"Natsume?" I broke the silence between us. He 'hned' me. "What do you think was that? About Persona. Why did he do that? I was so glad when you came to my rescue. I really needed that." I continuously said, smiling.

"How should I know?" he replied.


"Sorry." He grunted.

"Hmm? For what?" I asked him curiously. Well, it's not everyday that you would hear the 'great' Natsume Hyuuga apologize, right?

"For…" he paused. "…making you scared. Back there."

I smiled at him, looking straight at his eyes. "It's okay. No need to say 'sorry.'" He leaned closer to me until he sealed my lips with his. He eventually broke it and said, "Don't you dare keep a secret from me, Polka, or else, only God knows what'll happen to you." He smirked. "You're mine, you know." It was more than a statement than a question. But as for me, he was the best.

Hey... umm... sorry if it didn't meet your expectations. Even though I already edited and revised this a little, the ending's still lame and the same as the previous one. And as you can see, the plot is, somewhat like 'random'.
Even I don't know what this story's all about! Seriously, how dumb can I get? T.T

But, I do hope that you will like this (even if it's forced. JOKE. Hahaha)

Mind if you make a review? I won't force you if you don't want to, you know. :)