Disclaimer: Do not own Shaman King...

I love making Horohoro a prankster it's more fun that way..lol...Now who doesn't like a possessive Hao?

As usual to all my chapters and fics all are made in less than an hour! XD Yup I write as I go.......


Walking down the hallways toward his locker Yoh listened to his music. When he reached the lock he spun it correctly and with a click it opened.

'Now what did I need to get again...?', Yoh asked himself.

"You need your math, Yoh.", Hao smirked scaring Yoh from his thoughts.

"How did you know I was thinking that...?", Yoh asked getting his textbook until something fell.

Forgetting the question the twins stared at the blue package. Turning it over was a note written.

"I love you...", Yoh read out loud blushing.

Thankfully the hallway was too crowded so no one looked over as he read.

'Someone loves me...', Yoh thought happily.

Not noticing a fuming Hao, Yoh continued to pack his things into his backpack.

"Okay, lets go Hao.", Yoh said.

Finally aware that Hao was angry Yoh looked him in the eye and tried to interpret his anger.

Unsuccessful Yoh asked cautiously, "Hao why are you so angry?"

All that question rewarded him was the capture of his hand. With that they walked home without their friends in silence.

"Why are you angry...?", Yoh questioned again looking forward.

Calming down Hao just stared at his oblivious brother and his 'package'.

'I'm going to burn that package when I get home...', Hao thought satisfied.

When they finally arrived home Yoh immediately proceeded to opening the package with his aniki watching. Opening the box and wrapping in a quick manner the object within was revealed.

"It's...What is that aniki?", Yoh asked pointed to the object confused.

"It's still in its wrapping Yoh...", Hao answered slightly irritated.

Hao would never be fully angry at Yoh for he loved his unaware twin. Though the twin have established that they loved each other the same way Yoh was sometimes really oblivious. It was funny how Yoh could be oblivious and unaware yet know he loved his own brother.

"Awesome, it's a new set of orange headphones!", Yoh exclaimed.

Looking at the offending headphones Hao silently grabbed his brother's arm.

"Do you know who gave these to you?", Hao asked suspiciously.

"Of course not or I would have told you Hao.", Yoh stated happily.

Not knowing his brother was jealous he was about to take off his headphones to try the new ones. Before he could do that Hao took the new headphones and glared at them.

"Sorry Yoh, but I will not let you wear these...", Hao glared at the electronic.

Throwing them aside Hao muttered, "Everyone should already know he's mine...Then who..?"

Hearing the last bit said Yoh walked up to him and asked, "Who what?"

Slightly angry that Hao threw his gift, Yoh stayed in silence after the question. The silence stayed for a moment until it was broken.

Breaking it Hao replied smiling falsely, "The person who dares say they love you other than me."

Staring at that smile Yoh was still confused as to why Hao would want to know.

"It's just Horohoro...", Yoh guessed, knowing his friend was a prankster.

"Horohoro...He likes you that way...", Hao stated menacingly.

Trying to calm his brother who had misunderstood, "Horohoro doesn't like me that way. He likes Ren..."

Wondering if he should believe that statement he hugged his brother possessively.

"Don't worry aniki, I'm not going anywhere you know?", Yoh stated calmly shocking Hao.

Smirking Hao looked his twin in the eye and kissed him hard.

'Horohoro be prepared...For no one pranks me...', Hao thought planning the worst way to tell Ren, that Horohoro loved him.

Tomorrow was going to be horrible for Horohoro, Yoh knew this as he felt Hao's smirk widen in the kiss.