A/N: I'm not really happy with this, but I wanted to upload something, and this is more complete than anything else I've got right now. Enjoy!
Summary: Darth Vader strikes Obi-Wan down, from the least likely spectator.




You look old, Obi-Wan.

Your hair is all silver now, the coppery colour all but gone and your beard is thinning, though the cut remains the same. The years haven't been kind on you. I could empathize, but don't feel particularly empathetic. Wherever you've been, it can't possibly have been as bad as here. Your skin sun browned and lined with age. You were so fair; you must have spent the last twenty years in the sun to be this tan. Even with your old Jedi cloak, no one would connect you with the General Kenobi in old holos from the Clone Wars. But I—we'd recognize you anywhere, my old Master.

He hates you, you know. Vader, I mean. There's a distinctive space between us, though we are one and the same. But I loved you too much to hate you, though seeing you again now, I don't know what to feel.

You shouldn't have come back. He wants to kill you, can you tell? Well, of course, the greenest initiate could feel the killing intent. He hates you so much, as much as I ever loved you. I still don't understand what happened. Why you betrayed me, why you tried to kill me, why you left me to burn. I didn't want to fight you, Obi-Wan; I'd never wanted to fight you. I'd have let you leave Mustafar unharmed, even if you couldn't have joined me. Obi-Wan, why did you draw your saber? That let Vader take control, but he didn't hate you then, not yet.

I loved you so much. Why did you have to come after me?

Even now, I would let you go, if I could. I'm not angry anymore. Vader takes all that anger, and without it I'm too tired to take control. But whatever Vader says, you're still more powerful, I can feel it. Wherever you were, whatever you were doing these last two decades, they did you good. You're more powerful than Yoda, and the Force loves you. I can't touch it anymore—it shys away. Vader takes and grabs at it, but it dances around you, playing with you, like an old friend. You're truly the greatest Master of the Force—greater than even my Master. But you won't touch the dark side. You limit yourself… why?

You can't know the power it offers. Or maybe you don't want power. You always were happier in the room of a thousand Fountains than the training rooms, though I can't remember ever winning a single spar that you didn't let me win. But I—Vader—thought I could win on Mustafar.

No. I just didn't think you could stop me. I didn't think you had the nerve.

I was wrong.

How could you do it? Weren't we partners, Master and Padawan, The Team? I still don't understand. How could you? You can't hurt someone you love like that. You can't mutilate someone you love like that. You said you loved me, like a brother. But you were my father, Obi-Wan. I can't understand how you could…

Even now you're lecturing me. Do you still think I'm the stupid little boy who hung off your every word, who idolized you? I'm not little Ani anymore. I'm a Sith Lord, and I can beat you, I will beat you. And don't expect Vader to show any mercy. More powerful that I can possibly imagine? I don't know, I can imagine quite a bit, you know. More powerful than my new Master? No, I don't think so. I'm not your Padawan anymore—you don't really expect me to listen. You can't possibly expect me to believe a word you say, not after Mustafar.

…Why are you smiling?

No… what are you doing? You're raising you lightsaber, you're surrendering, no… Why are you giving up? No, stop it, he'll kill you, don't do it, stop it stop it STOP IT…!!!





R&R please ;)