A/N: Hey guys! As you can plainly see, I decided to upload the prologue to one of the future stories I'm making. Not sure if I'm gonna take it down or continue it, depends on how many votes I get on that poll. By the way, please don't flame me! I worked really hard on this and I hope I get some positive responses. Anyway, read on my pathetic attempt at the first ever Yin Yang Yo vampfic! Man, my head is swimming with ideas!

TTK: Aside from the vampires, (who age extremely quickly here) here are their ages:

Yo: One hundred fifty

Yin: 21 years old

Lina: 20 years old

Warning: OOC characters, incestual pairing, dark scenes, blood, and tortures.

The Red Essence of Life

by: ~SBA~


There are so many tales that explain the history of vampires. I have searched and searched for one I find worthy, and finally, at this fateful day, I have. This is the tale of Dracula's life and death, his forgotten son's take-over and finally, the story of his grandson's betrayal upon his race. I warn you that I will not take responsibility if you happen to spread this story to others. This was meant for only the true believers of vampires, and if you mock their authenticity, then pray that you do not find yourself impaled to the wall in the next minute.

The screech of a raven could be heard from a castle, that was hidden amongst a forest which was known for its grisly history. The 'burnt trees' there were not actually trees but poles, which were infamous for having been used to impale hundreds of Turkish captives. Thus, bearing the name, 'Forest of the Impaled'. And this forest overlooked the Arges river, from which Dracula's castle stood, built by the hands of long-dead captives. Hundreds of ravens flew around the ghastly domain, their cries echoing out in the horizon. And at the castle's window, a pair of dark red eyes peered out at them, a small smirk coming onto its features.

Inside the dark abode, lay sights which are unheard of. Blood was splattered on the ground, sickeningly new and fresh. And everywhere anyone looked, they would spot corpses, either skinned, boiled, blinded, decapitated, strangled, hanged, burned, roasted, hacked, nailed, and stabbed. But the most common corpses found, were impaled on a pole, bones jutting out of the torn flesh. A sight like this would have made anyone turn green, except for a certain race. The blood-sucking vampires. And indeed, right at this very moment, one of the most famous vampires in history was in the castle's library, waiting for something. What? We shall find out.

Vlad Dracula stared out the window, his eyes looking out to the night sky. In his hand, he cradled a cup, filled with wine or blood, I do not know. His eyes were clouded, seemingly in deep thought. He sat on a red armchair, his head laid back as he stared off into space.

A knock on the door startled him out of his thoughts as he spoke calmly in a deep voice, not bothering to turn his head, "You may enter."

The door opened as a tall figure stepped out, its face adorned with a small smirk. Fangs peeked out of his mouth, explaining just exactly how dangerous he is.

"Father, what are you doing just staring out there in space? There are some peasants at the door waiting for you. Apparently to ask for some alms again." the figure said, as it leant on the doorway, watching Vlad turn to face him with a frown.

"Yuko, didn't I tell you to await me downstairs? And do whatever you want with those ungrateful wretches. I have no care for them, I have more important matters to attend to." he said, as Yuko frowned and walked away.

"Geez, when was the last time you didn't have any 'important matters' to attend to?" Yuko muttered as he closed the door with a loud thud, heading to the gate as images of the peasants' writhing body danced in his head.

Screams of terror echoed in the castle as Vlad sighed, knowing exactly what Yuko had done to them. After all, the boy was known to be brutal in his tortures.

Leaning his head to the backrest, Vlad looked over to the papers that sat on his desk. He frowned as he remembered who exactly had sent these. His younger mortal brother Radu. The bastard had dared to actually threaten him about helping the Sultan overpower him. At the mention of the Sultan, a small smirk graced Vlad's lips. That man wouldn't dare help Radu overpower him, not after he remembers what exactly happened in 'The Forest of the Impaled'.

Chuckling darkly, Vlad stood up from his seat as he headed for the door. Radu may do all he wants but Vlad will never be overpowered. 'And besides,' Vlad thought as he stepped out of the room, 'What would my dear mortal brother do against a ruler even crueler than me?'

Vlad went to the dining room, seeing exactly what he expected. All of his captives and servants as well as his son were there awaiting him.

Smirking, he cleared his throat as the trembling captives turned to him, "My dear people, I have an announcement to make." he said, making a gesture with his hands.

Yuko raised his eyebrow boredly at his father while all the captives sat meekly in their seats, slightly shivering at having the brutal prince so near them, "And what would that be, Father?"

"I am getting old and weak. And seeing as how many times people have used this statement, I think you should know what I'm about to say next." Vlad stated as he saw Yuko smirk while the captives' eyes widened in fear, "Due to my retirement as ruler of this kingdom, I shall now choose another. And that person is none other than my sole heir, Yuko Dracula!"

For the one thousand years Yuko ruled, the people on Earth suffered at his cruel hands. He captured all those who dared worship another besides him and had them tortured to death while all those who betrayed him were placed in a dark dungeon where they were never heard of again. Rumors of his domineering rule spread across the globe, making people scream in horror and run to hide. But nothing could escape his prying eyes.

Many stout-hearted warriors had formed teams to try and hunt down the brutal ruler, as well as killing every vampire that served him. These teams were deemed Vampire Hunters and they traveled about the land, trying to make Yuko's kingdom crumble. But Yuko was wise and he sent his best soldiers to go and confront the warriors. No matter how skilled they were, the warriors were still human and they soon fell dead in the vampires' stone hands.

But there was still one team left, and they were the world's last hope. Some may think they were ordinary humans turned hunters but this particular team had a secret. They possessed powers that were unlike others. They called this power Woo Foo, and they taught it to every member of their team. They used this to secretly disintegrate the bodies of the vampires they killed, so as not to let Yuko know about their secret skill. But even as they tried, the vampiric race had grown, and there was too many for them to rid the race once and for all. But still, they kept on trying.

Not many people survived this era. And when the world thought that they would fall, that there was no more hope, Yuko's biggest secret was found out. He had two sons that were born from a past lover of Yuko's. And they had a deadly secret of their own. Both boys had fallen in love with a mortal, and that mortal was none other than Woo Foo Vampire Hunter, Yin.

Nine hundred years in Yuko's rule; at the Burnt Village

Yang and Yuck, (twin brothers and sons of the brutal Yuko Dracula) , were walking the streets of the Burnt Village, black cloaks covering their form. They looked at the suffering mortals with indifference, unlike their father who would usually smirk in a sick satisfaction at seeing the people suffer. The two siblings had inherited half of their father's evil personality but they also inherited half of their mother's good-hearted one. That, and they had inherited Yuko's powers, which they used to do his dirty work, and both parent's good looks, which they used to manipulate young maidens, in order to drink their blood. Blood was essential for them if they wanted to live.

"Hey, Yuck?" Yang whispered as his brother turned to him, boredom gracing his features.


Looking around the place, Yang replied, "Mind if we split up? I wanna go somewhere and you might not like it."

Without turning his head, Yuck answered Yang, a knowing tone in his voice, "Off to mother's grave?"

"Yeah, what's it to you?" Yang whispered as he hung his head.

Yuck didn't answer as he turned the other way, heading for the Arges River, where both brother's mother laid.

Yang caught the hint and followed Yuck as he lowered his hood, as it had shown part of his face earlier.

Yang and Yuck looked down at the ground, staring at a tombstone with sad eyes. This was where their mother was buried after she had committed suicide in the Arges River, jumping from the castle's window. They still don't know exactly why she did it, but they suspect it had something to do with their father.

Sighing, the twins both walked away from the grave, unwanted childhood memories of being forcibly trained seeping into their minds. Those were memories they would rather not relive.

Suddenly, they heard voices coming from the other side of the river. Looking across the river, Yang and Yuck saw smoke rising into the clouds, Deciding to check it out, the twin vampires leapt to the site with unreal speed and godly grace.

Huddled around the fire, were none other than the last living Vampire Hunters left, the Woo Foo Vampire Hunters. They were laughing boisterously at something that one of their members said, probably from the aqua-green male dog sitting next to an identical female dog. They were obviously twins.

Spotting movement from the bushes below them, Yang and Yuck, (who were actually floating in the air), lowered their bodies to the ground as they swiftly hid behind a living tree.

A pink female bunny came out of the bushes, her fuchsia hair swaying behind her. She giggled and sat on the ground, humming a soft tune as she brought out dirty and greasy cooking utensils, washing them in the river. Both boys stared at the young maiden as she happily worked, scrubbing and drying.

The twins seemed to be captivated by the woman, their eyes never leaving her form. Not until the female had finished and gotten up, leaving their sight. Staring at the spot previously occupied by the beauty, Yang and Yuck snapped out of their trances and smirked, their predatory instincts going overdrive. This would be interesting.

Author's Note: Updated on June 3. Fixed the missing page dividers.
