****Authors note: Oh well I had a bit of time today so instead of doing anything useful I decided to start on this idea I've had. I hope you enjoy it and there will be more to come if there are reviews and nice things of sorts. Please read, enjoy and review!

Looking glass

The crimson liquid welled up under the razor blade slowly building up until it began to overflow and slip in tiny droplets down Ryou's arms. He reached quickly for the washcloth to wrap it over the parallel line that he created only a few minutes ago to cease the increasing blood flow and hide the evidence. Evidence would mean questions from Bakura and he assumed that the ghost didn't need anymore stress than he was already under. He never inquired what types of stress that may be but the ghost went on enough in his ranting rages that he didn't feel the need to.

He removed the wash cloth reaching forward to wipe the steam from the mirror to get a good look at himself. His hair was tipped with water droplets still along with a few beads rolling down his chest over his protruding ribs. He couldn't help but notice the frown that creased his face in seconds in dissatisfaction. This wasn't enough, he was still fat. He was huge. It didn't make sense.

Gingerly he touched each rib counting them several times timidly then running his palms down his concave stomach. Then in a sign of anger he clasp his fingers on a small layer of fat that he had been watching for several days. It didn't seem to disappear no matter how much he starved himself, no matter how much he ran, no matter how much he worked out after school. It remained like a thin layer of film keeping him from his final goal but in the pit of his stomach he knew that wouldn't be enough. Once he rid himself of the pestering layer he didn't know what was going to be next on his lengthy list to perfection.

He would never say it but deep down he doubted that Bakura was really under any real stress. The ghost didn't do anything besides sit at home and talk down to him. If his form of stress was pondering new ways to make Ryou's life miserable than he was under more stress than Ryou had initially thought. The ghost didn't have to go through the daily facade of being perfect. He wore his emotions of his sleeve something that Ryou could only dream of. He could barely look someone in the eye while talking to them let alone have the ability to tell them how he actually felt whether it was good or bad.

"One day." He breathed in the mirror that was beginning to fog up again due to the steam from his shower. "One day I'll be perfect and then-" He was cut short by a rapping at the bathroom door that nearly shook his visible bones. He knew who it was it was just that he didn't expect to be needed while he was in the shower. Not at a time like this when he was naked and vulnerable. He wasn't sure how Bakura would react to his body. The one that he worked so had to obtain. Bakura wouldn't be able to see the beauty in any of it he wasn't sure what the man would see but it wouldn't be beauty. "Y-Yes Bakura?" He managed while grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his thin pale form. "What is it?"

It took several seconds before the other answered him, "What are you in there doing jacking off? You can do that in your fucking bedroom, get out the bathroom I need to use it." He growled through the door attempting to open it again to no success. "Open the fucking door Ryou." He demanded to the other boy.

Brown eyes widened in fear before he hastily clamored around for his night clothing but it wasn't with him. Nothing was in the bathroom with him besides the towel clinging loosely to his frame and the fearful young reflected man in the mirror.

He whined softly, "In a second." He cried glancing around for something to distract Bakura from his body. Anything would do the man wasn't too bright to notice. He couldn't locate a thing to rouse enough attention that the man wouldn't look at his body. "Can you go get my clothes Bakura? They should be on my bed." He glanced down finally noticing the ruby drops smeared across the floor. "B-Bakura could you wait for a few minutes..."

The man growled kicking the door again, "What the fuck are you in there doing kid?" He smirked slightly, "Oh, you're not done huh?" He snickered slightly stepping back. "You got five minutes and I need the bathroom. Hurry up."

He wasn't sure if he should have been happy that the other was willing to leave or upset that the man thought he was in the bathroom masturbating after he showered. Either way he was gone and he needed to clean and get down the hallway before he came back.

Quickly he rinsed the washcloth getting on his bony knees to smooth away the crimson stains that had developed on the tiled floor. It wasn't nearly as easy as he thought it had dried relatively quickly for blood. He had done a good enough job as he quickly rinsed the cloth again heading quickly to put the razor away back though even if Bakura were to go into the medicine cabinet he doubted he'd notice something as tiny as that no matter how misplaced it was.

Minutes passed as he mentally played his walk of shame past the living room to his own bedroom envisioning what the other might say or do. He didn't have a choice lest have to endure the others cruel words after he broke down the bathroom door once the time was up. He breathed in deeply opening the door slowly peering down the empty hall. He could feel the blood draining from his face as he surged forward.

It was a straight sprint but the living room would be his death sentence. It passed in a blur as he finally reached his own bedroom jerking the door open and slamming it shut. Ryou slid down the wall his eyes closing in relaxation as he felt a flash on his face. He found his eyes opening to find Bakura waving a camera in his face smirking before pushing him out of the way to get out of the room.

He sat there, in a cold sweat staring at the empty space Bakura had left. He had taken a picture and only God knew what he would do with it.

"Oh God..."

[Hmm, I wonder what's going to happen. Please read, review and enjoy! I need to think up a next chapter. Right-o.]