Title: Spider Bite

Word: Pry

Count Word: 100.

Disclamer: I don't own Supernatural. It's better this way.

Beta'd by Mad Server. Fixing broken English is hard work. Saying thank you isn't enough, but it's all I can do. :)

A/N – Thanks to Enkidu07 and Onyx Moonbeam for the challenge. You're awesome!


"I wish you nothing but excruciating pain and death". Sam'd believed in the witch's powers and cast the protection spell. Dean had not.

Later, Sam woke to a panicked scream. Through the darkness, he spotted an enormous spider biting Dean's leg. He had to stick his knife in its pincers to pry them apart.

"I'm gonna die!"

"You're not. Camel spiders aren't poisonous. Actually, they're non-spider arachnids…"

"Shut up and help!"

"Man, they aren't supposed to live in Ohio."

"Can you …just stop the bleeding…"

They heard a suspicious rattle under Dean's bed.

"Yeah…let's just reverse the curse first."


There's a chapter 2…