Disclaimer: I do not own BOF- its original characters, plot, etc. I'm just a mere fan who loves the SoEul couple. :D


*a/n: Jan Di and Ga Eul are equally rich as the others in Shinhwa High. Jan Di and Jun Pyo are together and the problems between Jan Di and Jun Pyo's mother don't exist.

Chapter 1: Dancing with the Mysterious Girl

"Happy birthday!" Jun Pyo, Ji Hoo and Woo Bin greeted their friend as Yi Jung arrived at the F4 lounge.

"Wow. Thanks." Yi Jung replied. "I don't know you guys can pop party poppers."

"We're human beings too." Woo Bin answered. "Anyways, we've got something for you."

"What's that?" the birthday boy questioned.

"It's for you to find out and for us to know." Jun Pyo replied. "Go get him!"

Three men in black suits arrived. Two of them held onto Yi Jung's arms while the other one tied a blindfold over his eyes. After that, they lifted him from the ground and dragged him to the school auditorium.

"Yah! Put me down!" Yi Jung ordered the men in black. Slowly, they put him down the carpeted floor of the auditorium. He was about to untie his blindfold when Yi Jung heard Ji Hoo's voice saying, "Don't ever try that Yi Jung."

"What is this all about?" the birthday boy demanded from his friends.

"Don't shout, lover boy." Woo Bin told him. "There is a queue of girls in front of you right now, waiting to be danced by the infamous Casanova. You don't want to scare them off, do you?"

"It's our treat for all the girls who like you. You're blindfolded so that you won't get to know them. Besides, I don't think you'd want to dance with an ugly girl, right?" Jun Pyo whispered the last sentence.

"Stop this crap! You guys…" Yi Jung was cut mid- sentence when he heard Woo Bin's voice.

"Let's start this! You have one minute to dance with him so make the most out of it! But please, no kiss on the lips." Woo Bin announced. "Yi Jung, don't dare untie that blindfold. My men are watching." Prince Song whispered.

At that, the F4 left the auditorium and a slow song began to play. A girl arrived in front of Yi Jung, who placed her hands over his shoulders. Being the gentleman that he is, Yi Jung places his arms on the girl's waist and they started to sway with the music. "Oppa, happy birthday." The girl greeted her. He uttered a soft, "Thank you."

For what seemed like forever, Yi Jung danced with different women, whose identities are unknown to him. Every time they'd greet him, Yi Jung would just say "Thank you." From time to time, he'd answer their question with a word or two, not bothering to elaborate on it. he was starting to get bored and pissed off when the next girl arrived and slowly placed her hands over his broad shoulders. At that moment, something inside him began to beat fast- it was his heart.

'The heck. Why am I feeling this way?' Yi Jung thought to himself. Slowly and involuntarily, he wrapped his arms around her small waist, his hands meeting at her back, making it a close interaction between the two of them. He smelled her hair- it was strawberry and her perfume as well. He recognized her scent. It was a Victoria's Secret perfume- Love Spell. At the same time, Yi Jung felt her soft curls touch his hands at her back. Indeed, he was enchanted by this mysterious girl. Out of curiosity, Yi Jung asked, "May I know your name? I want to hear your voice."

The girl was about to answer his question when they heard a distant girl's voice saying, "Yah! Your time's up! It's my turn."

The girl simply uttered to Yi Jung, "Goodbye Yi Jung Sunbae. Happy birthday." At that, the girl removed her hands from his shoulders and unlocked his hands at her back. Slowly, she turned away, leaving the blindfolded Yi Jung with a mixture of shock, awe and enchantment on his face.


*a/n: So? How was it? This story popped into my head as I was walking around my school campus. Hope you guys like it. Reviews are very much appreciated. :D

Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about Do You Believe in Destiny. :D