Because someone informed me this hadn't been updated in a year, and I can not have that injustice when I know I have a chapter ready to go! Sorry for the (extremely) long wait guys. I'm only having writers block on the end, I'm not sure how I want to close it out.

I don't own anything

Unknown to most people, Ivan was a very good get away driver, and while Francis and Ludwig fought off the attacks, it was clearly found out. In fact the other nations in other vans hardly had to time to register that, yes, that was Ivan that peeled past them. Ivan of course was smiling the whole way, while, Yao and the others cursed in their native languages and Alfred would whimper a bit in pain from time to time.

He was still unresponsive to the others around him, and seemed to absently be struggling with the pain. Kiku was apologizing left and right, even though they fell on completely deaf ears. For the time being the only thing both him and Yao were worrying about was stopping the bleeding. Pressure and many towels later they did as so. Next thing was making sure Alfred stayed together as well as alive.

It wasn't long before there was a call from Gilbert and the sound of gun fire behind them, which they realized getting away may not be so easy. Cars cleared the way at the sound of the sirens that followed them, and Ludwig had joined in the effort to get them off their trail, it wasn't working out so well. For every one that fell, it seemed another just appeared out of no where. It was clear that one could learn the curse words of a language in that whole situation.

Yet they kept going none stop, praying they wouldn't run out of gas anytime soon.

"Ing-luhnd." He pronounced once again with a hint of frustration in his voice. I looked up at him, didn't he see I was at least trying to say his name.

"Ing…Ing….Iggy." I gave him the best thing he was going to get for the time being.

He sighed slightly, looking at me with a smile. "Close, but it's England." He laughed lightly while I looked up curiously. "I think that's enough for today, don't you think?" I looked at him confused.

"Ing…Ing…Ing…Iggy!" I smiled brightly at him, seeking some type of friendship from him.

"How about you call me Arthur, until we get England down, okay?"

"Art-her?" I questioned looking up at him. He smiled, laughing.

"Close enough."

"Hey, Iggy?"


"Why do you have caterpillars on your face?" I don't understand why he looked so angry.

Arthur would willingly admit what he had made a stupid choose in having a 'few' drinks with Doc. He hadn't planned on getting drunk here in the cave; in fact he figured there was no alcohol in the whole place. Yet when he spotted the small collection of rum and other heavy liquors, did he question Doc as to how he got them. An explanation and a glass of fine whiskey later did the two find the other was a nice drinking buddy.

Now a hangover later, both Arthur and Doc could hardly recall the night before, and that made Arthur want to die. At least he woke up wearing what he was wearing before he was drunk and passed out on one of the cots in the medical cave. Doc staggered in, offering him a No Pain, and moving about the people that were lying on the cots. The No Pain had faded faster then he would have wished it to.

Doc looked at him considered before recalling Arthur finished up the bottle of Russian Vodka…so that's why Arthur's throat was burning. Doc simply suggested Arthur lay down till it past, and if there was a chance there was anything he could get him.

"Tea…if you have any." Arthur mused. Yes a cup of tea would be just fine, it had been months since he really had a cup of it and maybe the withdraw was just hitting him now. Doc left and came back with Mel and a nice cup of tea as it seemed.

"Damn, how drunk did you two get?" Mel asked and Arthur cringed at the loud excitement in her voice.

"I'm bloody sure one of us was plastered." Arthur said sipping at the tea, smiling at the familiar feel and taste of it on his tongue. "I beg you not to ask who."

"Nations can get plastered?" Mel asked, and Arthur growled.

"Everything that happens to a human can happen to us as well." Arthur snorted as he finished his tea up quickly.

"Okay…?" Mel said confused before brightening. "Hey how would you like to come with us on a Heist?" Arthur raised a thick eyebrow. "We've gone one a few while you've been here, but never really need you." Arthur continued to look at her questionably. "Look Kyle's sick and Sunny doesn't want him doing anything till he's a hundred and ten percent better. You're the only other kick ass person I could think of."

Arthur looked at her, hardly remembering the last time he had been called 'kick ass'. Besides a heist didn't sound so bad, in fact it actually reminded him of being a pirate. Anything that made him think of those days were just bound to be worth it. "Once I get over this bloody hangover you can count me in." He muttered into the empty cup.

"England, can I ask you something?" I asked peeking my head into his make shift study. Arthur's green eyes turned to me almost surprised I wasn't doing my lessons, but already know what he wants me to.

"Shouldn't you be studying America." He spoke levelly as he turned back to his work, and I could see he didn't want to talk to right now, but I was not going to wait for dinner.

"Why don't you visit me very much?" I asked and he turned sharply in his chair, a surprised look in his eyes. "I know that you're busy and everything…but why can't you try to come more, or write more letters or something." I was not willing to admit it was lonely here.

"I have a lot of work, America, and trust me I try." I could tell he was lying, I could just see it in his eyes. "I have to work hard to keep you save, you don't want France coming in and taking you away now do you?" I nodded. "And I have to make sure Spain doesn't hurt you." Lies mixed with truth.


"Enough!" England snapped harshly and I cringed. "I gave you an answer; now go back to your studies."

"It's because I'm poor isn't it. I don't have anything that pleases you, do I?" I was slightly angry he didn't give me an honest answer and have blaming myself for not being such a great trader with him. "I'm just a place for the unwanted, aren't I?"


"I'm trying, Arthur, I really am. It's lonely here," I finally admitted I was alone, I don't remember when I started crying and sobbing, throwing around things that would make him listen to me.

"America. Stop." England ordered and I looked at him, sucking in whatever tears hadn't fallen. "I told you, I'm very busy, I have other colonies who need me too. I know your trying America, I know you are, and I'm sorry it's lonely." He was gently wiping my tears with a gentle look on his face. "I promise tomorrow we can do something together, just you and me, okay?" I nodded weakly in agreement.

"You actually don't look half bad in all black." Ian said glancing at Arthur who was, like them, in all black. However unlike them, Arthur was probably the only one who was armed and they didn't have a clue, and they didn't need to either.

"So are you going to go on this bloody heist or not?" Arthur questioned looking at the group which seemed to waiting for some signal to go.

"We're heading out at sunset." Mel said smiling at Arthur. "I'm sorry, but I keep picturing this being some kind of Bond movie." She laughed.

"Bond movie?" Wanda asked confused and Mel laughed before whispering an explanation to her.

"I don't exactly picture Bond teaming up with a bunch of people in caves to steal food and medicine." Jared countered, glancing at Arthur. "Besides, I don't even think he has 'spy' training." Arthur felt his eyebrow twitch at the comment.

"Can we just focus on getting ready?" Arthur snapped before his temper could.

"I was just trying to help you Arthur!" I snapped at him, glaring down at him. He was equally glaring up at me, and I didn't need that to tell me he was royally pissed about what I did. Arthur had profited from the war, so why was he so mad.

"Who gave you orders to even go over there!" Arthur growled at me. "Do you know what that bloody war cost me!"

"No one gave me orders…sir." I said, remembering I couldn't snap back like wanted to, Arthur was the empire, I was the stupid colony.

"Then why in bloody hell did you go, twat!"

Because it felt right? Because I wanted to show you I could handle Francis on my own? Because you weren't there? I searched endlessly for a reason, but everyone I could think of, I knew Arthur would crush like a bug. "I thought I could be useful." I admitted, glaring at the floor.

"You're just bloody luck we won." Arthur scowled it almost, I brighten.

"You wouldn't have won without me right." I smiled at him, he just scowled.

"I didn't say that." His voice was cold and harsh. "Now stop this western movement of yours and pay for your bloody protection." I looked at him shocked, but there was little I could do, I simply nodded weakly.

Gilbert was not happy, not one little bit. How dare his brother, his younger, un-awesome brother suggest to send him to get gas, much less talk him into it. It was not for one fucking van either, no three. He was hungry and not in mood to do something like that, but no, his brother had to make it seem like a challenge. Didn't they see it was easy going there, but they didn't calculate the weight or distance back.

At least he had a pair of their contacts Yao made; they were pretty awesome, especially when he was wearing them. All he did was smile and ask for six five gallon containers of gas. A weird look from the clerk before help arrived to fill them. Gilbert assured them he could handle walking with six full five gallon containers.

At least he got a rather cheap tasting wurst out of the how thing. Yeah he was pretty awesome, and this was a good test of his strength. On problem he wasn't exactly the Empire he had once been.

Free Sky knew he was dreaming, floating about Alfred's memories. It hurt to move, so he simply floated where ever he went. He found memories they were happy and loving as well as ones that were cold, hard, and sad. Yet he watched as Alfred seemed to pull a smile through each one. Yes, Alfred was an idiot, he had proven and admitted that himself, but he was that kind of idiot that was there to smile it seemed.

He watched as Alfred smiled through horrible attacks, morn the large number lost, but seem to keep going. Alfred didn't seem to cry a lot, when he was younger sure it was almost natural, but when he got older it seemed to come to a stop. He cried when people told him he could do so, and even then he smiled through just about everything.

While Free Sky floated, he searched for Alfred almost. He wanted to find him and wonder how he got through everything. But he wasn't there, in fact even when every corner had been scanned and Free Sky knew just about everything a Seeker would want to know. There was no Alfred, not one little glance of him anywhere.

Free Sky heard himself whimper in pain a bit. Oh how everything hurt, but he knew he wasn't moving any more. There was no sign of Alfred any where in his head and he wanted to scream and demanded where the man was.

Okay so, I uploaded an now I must explain some things, well the flashbacks and their history.

First flashback- Obviously when England and America first meet, I see the Iggy nickname coming form childhood, and just sticking with America. And that is actually the pronunciation from the dictionary, looks weird I know.

Second Flashback- America as a colony was not exactly rich, and like most colonies it was kind of a place for the unwanted to go and have a home under theirs country still. This of course lead to the wonderful thing called solitary neglect, in which America learned to find for himself and grew up with little help from England. I picture America blaming him for himself for the fact that England hardly sees him, and immediately figures it's because he isn't exactly over flowing with wealth like other colonies.

Third Flashback- The French and Indian War, or whatever name you call it. It was the only World War to ever start in America (mind you there have been nine total World Wars, we just named two like that). The Colonists wanted to move more west, after they one, but England told them no, but no one really listened. They felt they earned that land, and it should be given back to the French that had been living there and were now under British control. Of course the victory fueled the colonist making them think the war was won because of their help, and stuff like that. England was once again like "No, now pay up." However the taxes in America were not that high compared to what the English were paying back home, but we American's tend to whine.

Of course I had to throw Gilbert in there, because this story would not be awesome without him.

Please RxR and sorry for the wait.