"Hi mum, hi roger." I chimed as I walked into our small cottage. It was much better now roger had moved in, he was great and mum was always happy now. Sadie bounded up to me and jumped.

"Down Sadie, down now girl, good girl. We'll go for a walk later." She was old but she still bounced like a puppy rubbing against my leg a whining. I smiled.

"Hi, Sapphy how was your day?" Mum said as she walked in and I dropped my bag by the table.

"It was ok. When's Connor coming back next?" Mum thought for a moment, Connor had gone to university last year; he and rainbow went together because they were going out. I had moved up to a bigger school to and made a lot of changes. I cut my hair. Of course it was still long, but now it only reached my shoulders and was straight with layers and a side fringe that was in fashion. I even wore a little make up, not as much as the other girls but just a little. I wasn't like great friend with any of them some could be real bitches. (of course mum would kill me if I used that language in the house.) But others like Angela where real nice. Mum smiled she liked that I was getting on well at school, I didn't spend as much time down at the cove now. It made me feel lost.

I went up stairs and started my homework. I hated math even more now. I hadn't seen Faro, since it all ended, I used to go and wait at the cove all day but he never came I even went to Ingo but I never left the cove because I was scared I'd never find my way back. I shook those thoughts away and went back to homework.

A while later roger called up the stairs. "Sapphire, Phone. It's Dave." I jumped up.

"Coming!" I sprinted down the stairs and grabbed the phone.

"Hey, Sapphy." I grinned.

"Hey, Dave."

"How are you? I missed you all day." I smirked and sat down on the stairs.

"Me too, I'm fine. Why don't you come over tomorrow it's a Saturday me and the band are having a party down on the beach near me."

"Beach? I didn't know there was a beach near you, anyway I though you hated it cause it was so crowded."

"Yeah, well it's this little cove I went to as a kid and we needed a place to practice so where having a beach party. It's kind of out of the way so it's not crowded but only the band our coming so what do you think."

"Sounds great." I heard him smirk down the phone. Dave was my boyfriend and after rainbow and her brother left I joined a band with Angela and some other kids from school. It was great because I sung and Angela played guitar and Liam and Beth did drums and keyboards. Angela would probably bring Max to, so we could have a big bomb fire. It was a good thing Liam had a small set of electric drums that were portable and Beth's keyboard could be battery packed too. I grinned as we kept talking for hours until Sadie came up to me whining.

"Sorry, Dave but I have to take Sadie out now. I love you, see you tomorrow ok."

"Ok, love you to. Stay safe. Bye." He said then I hung up. Sadie whined again.

"Ok Sadie it's coming girl." I hooked her lead on but all the time we were walking she wasn't right. I took her down the path past the cove and she suddenly started to bark and quiver. I stroked her.

"It's ok girl nothing going to hurt you." She still shivered. "Ok were go back ok." It was when I turned round I felt it. I hadn't felt it in so long I thought I dreamt it. The pull of the tide, Ingo. I suddenly started to walk fast away from it I wouldn't take Sadie down there and I wasn't going to go. No, I could fight it.

Soon it was the weekend and we we're making our way down to the cove, I felt so strange going down since so long and without Connor. Now that'd he'd gone. I had to do almost everything by myself at home but it was still weird going down the same old rocky path, Max had Beth's keyboard slung over his shoulder and was being careful with the foot holds, that I still knew off by heart after all this time. We managed to get down to the cove without any trouble, and soon we we're on the almost forgotten, beautiful white sand that sloped slowly down to the sea. I smiled.

"Where here." I grinned the others looked around in awe and I felt Dave's arms wrap around my waist.

"Saphy why'd you hide this place away for so long it's beautiful?" He asked. I shrugged and Angela spun on the sand laughing.

"I know why, she wanted it all to herself that why. This place is great Saph and no one can complain 'bout our rocking neither." I grinned. Soon the boys where all set about getting fire wood while Beth, Angela and myself sat down on some logs that had been swept in from the sea, using them as makeshift benches. Soon there was a big enough pile and we got around to playing something while it was still light enough. I shifted so I was sitting on Dave's lap as Beth got a tune going on the keyboard sitting next to Liam who was tapping out a tune on the little plate that was meant to be drums, while Angela on Max's lap was tuning the Guitar.

"So what are we playing?" Liam asked I shrugged.

"What do you want?" I asked Angela through then suddenly had the shine in her eyes that I knew meant she had an idea. "What Angela?"

"Well." She started. "Seeing as we're near the sea and all and you are really good at this one Saph why don't we do 'I wish I was away in Ingo.'?" I blinked.

"Err I haven't sung that in ages…" She nodded.

"I know but I was thinking we could you know update it and make it like our own tune. You're Dad would have liked that." Angela knew about my father. Not in that way but she knew and she knew he loved that song. I smiled at the though.

"Ok, yeah, let's do that." Liam nodded.

"Cool well you start singing and we'll put a beat behind it we can speed it up, half way through and maybe change some lyrics when you run out." I nodded.

"Cool." I coughed and Shifted on Dave's lap who was grinning at me, before starting.

"I wish I were away in Ingo,

Far across the briny sea," I heard Angela's guitar kick in followed by the drums.

"Sailing over deepest waters,

Where love nor care ever trouble me." I heard the key bored kick in and suddenly the tune picked up.

"Oh Peggy Gordon, You are my Darling." I words weren't the same they were lighter than Dad used to sing with the tune faster and they sounded, happier.

"Come sit down with me." I changed the lyrics slightly.

"Oh Peggy Gordon you are my everything,

So come sit down next to me."

"And tell me…" The word made me happy to sing them like this in a different way I felt like Dad was watching and was happy for me.

"Why do you lie to me?

Why do you slight me?

Oh why?" Dave's arms wrapped tighter round me.

"Oh why Peggy Gordon can't you see?

Oh why Peggy Gordon sit down and tell me."

"I wish I was away in Ingo,

Far, far away from here,

I wish I was away in the sea,

In the deepest waters,

Oh, I wish I was away in Ingo,

Where love nor care ever trouble me." the song came to a close.

"Where Love nor care ever trouble me." It was a softer ending and I grinned it was great. Beth's grin was so big it could of burst f her face.

"Saph that is so good, we have to sing that at our gig!" I laughed but Angela and Liam where agreeing.

"Saph that was wicked." Max congratulated. Dave's kissed me on the neck.

"You should sing it more often." I felt my face blush a little and I laughed it of.

"Fine, fine." I muttered.

The rest of the night was spent singing and laughing when Liam muck up a song half way through and then it turned into everyone singing scarring all the gulls that where around the place and laughing at Max's and Dave's screeching. Then when it was too dark we lit the bon fire and huddled round in one of the blanket Mum had lent us. Signing some campfire songs we learnt last year at school and some old ones we learnt when we we're two.

"B. I. N. G. O! B. I. N. G. O! B. I. N. G. O and bingo was his name'o!" We laughed as we finished the song. The fire was nothing but red glowing embers, glittering in the darkness and I could hear then crackle. I sighed leaning against Dave's chest.

"We better go up before the tide comes in any further." Dave's nodded and the others groaned.

"But it's comfy cosy." Muttered Angela and Max chuckled. Standing up and dragging her with her. I did the same.

"Yeah but unless you want to be sleeping with the fishes." She sighed but got up and soon we we're stumbling back up the rock face, when we got to the path I was the last one up I suddenly froze. I could feel it, again, the pull of the sea, the calling of my name in a language not many knew.

"Saph, Saph? Are you ok, you look kind of pale?" Dave's arm wrapped round me and I shook my head.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine just tired." I saw the worry on his face but he shrugged and we carried on walking to the cottage. It was quiet when we got back, Roger and Mum must already be asleep I dragged some covers from the cupboard and we all sprawled out in my room while the boys went up to Connors old room. Even though we were 16 Mum still would kill me if they slept in the same room. Soon we made ourselves comfortable splayed across the floor and bed. I listened to the waves break on the rock in the cove and before I drifted away I swore I heard a voice that was very familiar call out to me.
