Disclaimer: Nope I don't own Harry Potter all characters are NOT mine! They are properties of J. K. Rowling!!

Hermione let out a stifled cry as she hit the ground with a thud. She quickly stood brushing herself off and glancing around to make sure no one had seen her trip over her own feet. A clapping came from behind her and she turned to see none other than Draco Malfoy grinning at her.

"Have a nice trip Mudblood?" He asked her with a devilish tone in his voice.

"Shut up Malfoy!" She snapped as she gathered her books to walk past him but was stopped when he stepped in front of her. He pushed her up against the wall with his hand to her throat. Hermione dropped her books.

"No one walks away from me got it?"

Hermione nodded and reached for her wand but, Malfoy scooped it out of her pocket.

"I don't think so!" He said as he chucked the wand behind him.

She watched helplessly as her wand slid across the floor and through the banister railing falling stories down, so far she didn't even here it hit the ground.

"Catch ya later, Granger." He told her smoothly and walked away.

Rage built up inside of Hermione. You'd think by 7th year at Hogwarts he would grow up some but he never did. He still tormented her and her friends just as much as he always did. Hermione wanted to run up to Malfoy and slap that stupid grin off of his face.

'What does Ginny see in him?' Hermione asked herself as she grabbed her books. 'So he's one of the hottest guys in school. Doesn't make him any less of a jerk!' She looked up. 'Why does he always have to be so cool about everything?'

The young witch, with her books, ran the opposite way of Malfoy. Even if this way was longer she'd stay away from him. Besides, the only place she was going was the common room.

"Harry! Ron!" Hermione called from across the room when she saw them. She picked up her pace, nearly knocking down a chair, she made her way to them. "We've got to go and get my wand!" Tired, she plopped into an arm chair.

"Why? What happened?"

"Um..." She stopped. She didn't want to make the feud and worse with Malfoy because frankly she was sick of it and would be too happy when it stopped. Plus head girl couldn't get into too much trouble with other people. It didn't exactly show good leadership skills or people skills in general. "Well, you see. I tripped in the hall. And whoosh! My wand went to the bottom floor! It just got away from me."

Ron looked around for Ginny. "Ok let's go before my sister gets back." He told them.

"Let me get the invisibility cloak." Harry turned to leave but Hermione put her hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Mal-" She stopped realizing what she was about to say. "Some one or something might try to get it. Let's go now!"

With that the three rushed out of the common room.

"Herm..." Ron started. "Have you ever gone beyond the first floor?" He asked knowing that the stair case lead far beneath Hogwarts.

"Well, yes, with you too. Other than that no but I'm sure it'll be fine as long as no one sees us." She lead the way rushing down the winding stair case. 'So far so good.' She told herself knowing that the staircases liked to move and that the ghosts liked to play tricks on wanderers. They all stopped, gasping for breath by the first floor.

"Do we really have to run down the steps?" Harry asked.

"Really! Can't we just walk? I doubt anything that hasn't already gotten it will get it!" Ron stated.

Hermione stared at her two best friends. "Can we just move on? I need my wand!" She snapped and started running down the stairs again.

'If he touches my wand!' Hermione scolded Malfoy in her head. 'I will break every one of his- No! Head girls don't break people's fingers. I'll report him to Dumbledore!'


Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle stood in the shadows watching the three run towards the basement.

"Well, well." Malfoy said. "Didn't I tell you they'd go running for her wand?" Malfoy patted a pocket which contained Hermione's wand and smiled. "Let's follow them." He said.

Crabbe and Goyle both Shrugged and follow Malfoy gradually down the stairs making sure to stay out of anyone's sight.


"Finally!" Ron complained as they stepped on the basement floor. "Fifty extra flights of stairs just to get here?" He looked around the dungeon of Hogwarts. It was stone, with only one candle lit but many candles on the walls. It was wet and cold.

"Some one must be down here or was down here." Hermione stated as she pointed to the candle.

"Herm!" Harry shouted from behind her.

Turning around she immediatly knew was Harry was talking about. A rat about five feet in length and two feet high was gnawing on her robes. She screamed, "Get it off! Get it off!"

Ron waved his wand and muttered something then pointed the wand at the rat. "Oops!" He shouted as the rat grew two feet in length and a foot in height.

Hermione squeeled as she felt it's cold nose on her arm, it's teeth sunk deep into her arm.

Harry waved his wand and muttered the same spell Ron had then pointed it at the rat. It grew two more feet in length and a foot in height. Harry and Ron both hit and kicked the rat but it wouldn't let go of Hermione. She could feel the warmth of blood running down her arm. That's when she saw him. The person who had her down here searching for her wand in the first place plus his two goons.

Malfoy mumbled something as he waved his wand.

She cringed feeling the teeth starting to crunch into her bone. 'He's going to cast a spell on me?'

Malfoy pointed his wand at the rat and it shrunk to it's normal two inches, letting go of Hermione's arm. Hermione took a look at her arm and the blood gushing out of it. She felt weak and weird. Then next thing she knew she had taken a drip to the cold hard floor blacking out completely.


"Why'd you help her?" Crabbe asked lowly.

"Yes why did you help her?" Harry asked.

Malfoy looked at everyone. All eyes were on him waiting for an excuse. "It back fired I was trying to make the rat bigger!" He knew the secret to the dungeon any spell you cast would do the opposite.

The three walked down the rest of the steps to Ron and Harry who where trying to pick up Hermione.

"I can't carry her up all of those steps." Harry declared as he tied a peice of his ripped robe around Hermione's bloody arm.

"Neither can I." Ron stated.

Their eyes shot to Malfoy. "You want me to carry her up all those stairs?"

"Well, yes!" Ron snapped. "You've proved how strong you are every time you try to beat one of us up!" Malfoy handed Ron Hermione's wand. "What's this from? You had her wand?" Rom asked.

"I never actually threw it." Malfoy said cooly as he patted down his hair.

"What?" The two asked.

Malfoy took off his robe. He was wearing a Slytherin shirt and jeans. "Why do you act so surprised?" Goyle asked with a smile. "Malfoy corner your girl here nearly making her pee her pants and threw something that looked like her wand."

"She defended you?" Ron asked then he looked at Harry.

Malfoy picked Hermione up. She looked so Beautiful in his arms. 'No!' He scolded himself. 'How can I think like that?'

"Wait!" Harry said as Malfoy started up the stairs. "I don't know if you should be holding her!"

"Yeah, you might drop her off of the side." Ron backed Harry up.

"Fine then, but just a warning we have about ten minutes to get up about thirty flights of stairs." He told them. "Goyle, Crabbe you two start up." The two turned heel and ran up the stairs as fast as they could. "There's a charm that keeps this dungeon hidden during the day. So unless you want to be trapped down here I suggest you run!"

"I'm warning you!" Ron scolded and held up a fist.

Smiling, Malfoy started jogging up the stairs. Harry and Ron followed close behind soon taking a little lead in front of him.

"I don't get it." Ron mumble low enough, to Harry, so that Malfoy wouldn't here them. "Why would he help us? He hates us! Maybe this is a trick.

"Only ten more flights of stairs." Harry said. "I don't know Ron but now we have to trust him."

Ron and Harry heard the 6 o' clock bell going off. It rung once.


"Were there!" Harry shouted.

They both turned around to see Malfoy flights down running with Hermione in his arms.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

"Hurry!" Ron shouted.


The two started running down the stairs.


Please review! I am thinking of making it NC-17.... but maybe not so when you review tell me what you think!!