When John woke up the next morning, he still felt really exhausted. If it wasn't for his butler bringing him the house phone, he would have forgotten all about his important meeting and just slept in, but that was not the Layfield way of things. Despite being wiped out, he forced himself off of the comfort of his couch and grumbled all the way up the stairs to grab a quick shower. He emerged twenty minutes later fully dressed and ready for work even though he felt anything but. As he was heading out the door, his butler William handed him his blackberry.

"Sir you have several missed calls and a few voice mails. I believe most of them are from Cole sir."

John lazily took the phone dropping it in his pocket. "Thank you William. I'll see you later." William nodded his head watching as his master left the premises. All he could do was shake his head. Like Cole, he too felt like John worked entirely too much, but instead of frowning like always, this morning he wore a smile on his face. He just hoped he would have more reasons to smile in the coming days.


Shawn had a lot to do today. For starters he had some online questions that he needed to finish before work then of course, he had to actually go to work. Not only that, but he wanted to go by the mall before work to grab a new pair jeans for his date with John…or at least he hoped they were still on for one. He still had not heard from John by mid-afternoon and by the time he had to go in to work, John still had not replied to his e-mail or his voice mail. Another day passed and then another. Before he knew it, the day was Friday and he was lying on the couch almost in tears because John had not called and he was afraid John didn't like him anymore. True he could have called him again and possibly e-mailed him once more, but Shawn didn't want to seem too pushy for John was a really important guy. If anything he wanted to prove that he wasn't what he appeared to be. He wanted to prove that he was smart and could be patient even if he wasn't exactly a patient kind of guy.

He turned his head glancing at his PC. He really needed to hit the grind and do some work, but for some reason he just wasn't motivated enough to get it done. In three weeks time his paper would be due but he was yet to do any serious research. He needed time off so he wouldn't have to rush home from the library just to get to work. Doing that only made his evening performances weak not to mention he was always irritable. Doing his kind of work in a bad mood never bode well for him. At best he would end up getting slapped around. At worst, a bad tip. He could not afford bad tips these days. That money was desperately needed to pay for school and he was determined to make the grade. Dancing was okay, but he wanted something more especially now that knew John. He shuddered to think what John would say if he found out about his dancing. He'd never want to see me again…if he still wishes to see me at all…

Shawn closed his eyes thinking of taking a nap but then his phone started ringing. He groaned, knowing that it was probably Eric reminding him that he needed to be on his best behavior tonight since apparently some important investors were dropping in. Yeah, I'll be on my best behavior alright…



Shawn frowned. "Who is this?"

"And I thought you really cared," he dawled.

Shawn damn near dropped the receiver. "J-John? John for real?"

John rolled his eyes on the other end. "Well I can hang up you know. I have tons of paper work I could be doing instead of entertaining a pushy crybaby like you."

Shawn could not help but smile. Same old grumpy John even if he did call him a crybaby. "What makes you think I'm a crybaby?" he asked, laying back on the couch grinning for the first time all day.

"Oh well I don't know hotshot. Maybe it was the voice mail you left me three nights ago. You sounded as if you'd just finished watching a Hallmark Channel movie marathon."

"Oh so you're a fan of Hallmark too?" he teased.

"No," he grumbled.

"Yeah. Suuure you aren't John, but don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. I do watch that channel from time to time, but it's really depressing watching it alone. Maybe you'll invite me over to watch the next one with you."

"Don't push it," he warned.

"Aww John," he pouted. "What's one little movie marathon? I promise to keep quiet and I'll even let you have most of the popcorn. I need to watch my figure."

"Oh please," he scoffed. "A perfect figure if I've ever seen one."

Shawn smiled so big that his face hurt. "Really John? You think I have a perfect figure?" Shawn was loving every second of this.

"I—well—I was just saying—oh you know what? Forget it. I have paperwork to do."

"Noooo! No wait a second John. Don't hang up. If you do, I might cry again. You don't wanna make me cry again do you?"

He sighed. "No, not really, but I really must get goin' soon. Cole keeps blowing up my damn phone but because I'm on the phone with you, I'm ignoring him when I could be doing something serious."

"Oh your partner and best friend right?"

John frowned. "How the hell do you know Cole? Did he e-mail you or something?"

For a second Shawn thought he heard a hint of jealously in his voice but he decided not to go there since he didn't want John to get pissy with him all over again. "Er…no. He didn't e-mail me, but he was kind enough to give me a ride home once. My boss is quite possibly the world's biggest asshole and to save me a forty-five minute walk home, Cole was my white knight," he grinned.

"Oh God. Don't ever tell him that. I won't hear the end of it."

"I won't so now tell me. Did you call me because you were concerned or did you call me about our date that you promised me? Please don't back out," he pleaded. "I have been looking forward to this all week. It's…probably the only thing that can make up for this tragic week I've had."

"A little bit of both. Your voice mail got to me," he answered grudgingly, "and I felt bad for not getting back to you sooner. Truth is I checked it two days ago. I just didn't know how to apologize so I'm swallowing my damn pride and doing it now. I wasn't blowin' ya off and my butler could confirm that I've been runnin' around so damn much that I haven't had time to entertain you. I'm…sorry. I just wanted to let you know that we are still on for tomorrow. Dress comfortably. We'll be outside some."

Shawn was so touched that he almost squealed in delight. He managed to calm himself down enough to respond but the wide smile was still there. "Whatever you want John and I'm glad you called instead of emailed. I really like hearing your voice."

"I'm sure you do."

Shawn giggled. "You really have no idea how much you make my day with your grumpiness! I can't wait to see you in person again. I'm going to spend every second making you feel good John because I can."

"Ex—will you get your damn head out of the gutter for once?" he blushed.

Shawn laughed. "John, I was merely talking about our date in general. I wasn't planning on going to bed with you so the question is, where is your mind today John?"

"You did that on purpose," he grumbled, his face red as a cherry by now.

"Mn…yes. Maybe I did, but you're the one who actually went there," he laughed. "Ya know John, at this point I really have no problem sharing a bed with you. I've been told that I know just how to make a person feel good between the sheets. I could very well show you tomorrow night…if you let me."

"That mouth of yours is going to get you in lots of trouble."

"Oh I hope it gets me in trouble with you," he teased. "Of course I wouldn't talk so much if I had something in it—preferably something long with a creamy filling."

John almost dropped his phone. "Uh—you—I'm hanging up now. Just…just be ready by 8am. William will be picking you up and if we're late then I'll be pissed."

"Whatever you say sunshine," he giggled. "Anything else?"

"Yeah. Read a history book and stay out of the damn gutter."

"I'll try, but it's kinda hard when my date is as sexually appealing as you. See you tomorrow John."

Shawn hung up the phone feeling more than excited about tomorrow. In fact, he got so wrapped up planning his outfit for the big day that he almost lost track of time. Time flew by quickly after John called which led to him running around getting dressed for work. Eric's investor's were dropping by and in all likely hood that meant he better draw a crowd for the second hour or he wouldn't be getting paid tonight. Then there was the issue of Jeff, who was also working tonight which meant he was Shawn's responsibility. If Jeff fucked up that meant Shawn was in trouble; something he could not afford when Eric knew he needed Saturday off.


Shawn got to work almost a half hour early. Already the club was packed pretty tight and it was kind of hard to maneuver without experiencing a few butt grabs. He had no choice but to be polite. Any other day he would have made a scene like there was no tomorrow but that was impossible when he had no idea what the investors looked like. He desperately looked around for Eric finally finding him at the bar chatting up some other blonde guy who looked almost sick to his stomach.

"You hoo! Yo Eric!" he snapped his fingers. "Your star would like a word with you."

Eric rolled his eyes. "Can't you see that I'm in the middle of a very important meeting?"

Shawn looked over at the blond. "And I care…because…? Look here you creep. You depend on me to fill the seats and if you don't pay me some attention then I'll walk out of here right now and leave everything up to your little Hardy recruit."

Eric's eye twitched. He didn't take well to ultimatums but he needed Shawn. "Alright. Fine. What can I do for the diva this evening?"

"You know Eric, you ought to be a little nicer to me sometimes. I'm actually looking out for your best interest this evening. I know tonight's an important night for you, but I need to know why you insist on letting Jeff dance. He's not ready and with the investors coming in, I don't want to risk my paycheck. I can't afford for you to bitch after the show because you didn't get enough money and have you take my check. I have bills to pay and unless you guarantee that I won't be affected, then Jeff doesn't dance. Simple as that."

Eric smirked. "Bills to pay huh? What you do? Finally buy a new car? Invest in a wardrobe becoming of someone with your good looks? Why so serious all of a sudden? I've taken your paycheck loads of times and you've delt with it with no problems."

"That's because I never had the confidence to stand up for myself or other options, but that's not the case anymore Eric. I'm dead serious. Take my paycheck and that's it for me."

Eric frowned. "You wouldn't dare walk out on me and you know it. I'm calling your bluff right now, but because you're actually the reason I have all this business, I'll honor your wishes and pull Jeff from the show."

"Oh goody."

"Oh and since you're here, I suppose I should mention to you that…Oh never mind," he grinned. "Details. If I talk too much then that will ruin the tiny surprise."

Shawn blinked. "Surprise? What surprise? You know I don't like surprises, especially when they're courtesy of you."

Eric held up his glass giving it a swirl before leaning close, kissing Shawn's forehead. "Now Shawn, why on earth would I risk the almighty dollar just to see you sweat a bit? I get to see you sweat for free every night so don't worry that pretty little head off. Just go do you while I collect lots of money off of you."

Shawn rolled his eyes storming off towards the dressing room. Already he could tell this was going to be a long night.


Jeff stood in the mirror looking sick to his stomach. The club was already packed and he was up first tonight to get the crowd warmed up. Usually, at least according to Bischoff, the crowd was thin around this time. Most would be chatting it up with friends and ordering their second and third rounds not really paying much attention since the main show didn't start until Shawn was on stage. Jeff groaned. He hated his outfit. The booty shorts along with the colorful corset sure enough brought out his red hair but the fake lashes and the spray on red glitter mask was a bit much. What have I gotten myself into?

"Whoa ho! Kid! Wow…Where'd you get the outfit?" Jeff turned to see Shawn strutting into the room looking as dreamy as ever. His hair was pulled back and instead of booty shorts, he was wearing assless chaps and a thong. He was in white instead of red, probably because Bischy wanted to be sure his main event guy looked nothing like the background dancers. "Er….Jeff? You okay?"

Jeff turned away from the mirror looking somewhat embarrassed. "I'm sorry. I—know a guy and he gave me this. I'm not sure how I feel about it though. It's Bischoff approved though," he mumbled.

Shawn laughed as he took his place in the mirror putting the finishing touches on his look for the night. "Yeah well Eric would. He loves a nice tight ass and sweet legs. You're a dream come true cutie."

Jeff sat down next to Shawn watching him glitter up. "Say Shawn? How long have you been doing this? I…don't mean to pry or ask too many questions but Eric told me to come to you if I have any concerns."

Shawn glanced over at him smiling. "It's okay kid. Figured he would put the burden on me to clue you in on all the shit that could go wrong around here."

"Go wrong?"

Shawn pulled the band out of his hair, shaking his mane. "My hair never does what I want when I absolutely need it to." He grabbed a comb and started combing through it furiously. "Jeff, you seem like a good kid with a good head on his shoulder. I can't help but wonder why you'd want to work in a place like this."

Jeff was quiet for a moment, watching as Shawn studied his figure in the mirror, the words Heartbreak Kid shining brightly on the back of his jacket. "Well um…you don't seem to mind it much and people like you. When you walk out on that stage, you mesmerize the crowd. I'd like to be noticed like that…maybe even loved," he added quietly.

"Oh no kid. See already you've got it all wrong." He pulled his hair back up deciding that this would have to do before he sat down next to Jeff, ruffling his hair. "Jeff, I actually hate working here. In fact, as soon as I can do better, I'm getting the hell out of here before someone kills me. This is not the most glamorous of jobs and to be honest, I really don't want people to know that I do this for a living. Not only is it not respectable, but the men around here are pigs. They don't give a damn about you as long as they get theirs. I can't even count on two hands the number of times I've been smacked around because I refused to have sex, followed home by some weirdo, or almost raped." He sighed. "It's not what it looks like, but I go out there and do my job because I need the money. Eric's such a bastard. If I have the tiniest screw up he'll take my check and then I'm fucked. It's not easy paying for an apartment and school when you're 100% dependant on tips and a pay check from Bitchoff. I don't know why you're here Jeff but my advice? Do it if you have to and if not, get out while you can."

Jeff stood to his feet and went towards the curtain. He peeked out and saw that the area around the stage was completely packed with guys flashing money and snatching rounds off of passing trays. "I think…I can't do this," he groaned.

Shawn walked over to him peeking over his shoulder. He immediately spotted Bischoff still chatting up some pretty blonde while the table behind him was taken by guys in suits, no doubt some of the investors. "Well kid. At least you don't have to do the final act. Eric and I had a chat and tonight's not the night for you to close. Sorry Jeff, but then, you don't look too happy about being an opening act let alone a closing one."

Jeff shook his head. "No…I—I don't care. I don't know what the hell I was thinking. I don't want to get beat up. I get enough of that at home."

Shawn frowned. "At home? Jeff, do you have an abusive boyfriend or something?"

"N-no. Not…really. I mean, I'm single but…my friends…Matty hates them and so I've been kinda trying to keep away from them. They're…not so nice compared to your friends. Dancing here… I feel safe here. I can't really explain it, but I have nowhere else to go."

"Do you need a place to stay Jeff? Now I'm really concerned for you. Abusive relationships—I know all about them considering I was in one off and on for three years."

"No…It's…" He sighed. "I live with my brother but being here at night keeps me from having to hang with the guys. I don't think they've quite accepted the fact that I don't want to be around them anymore." He crossed his arms fidgeting with the stockings on his arms. "I've been sober for a week now and even though I'm having real bad withdrawals, I think I like being sober. My brother's proud of me. I don't want to disappoint him."

"Does your brother know you're here?"

"Well…um…not exactly," he winced.

"I won't scold you about it right now, but don't you think he's going to be just as fucking disappointed if he finds out you're turning into another dancing whore for Eric? Don't take this the wrong way because I'm the biggest whore on stage, but I doubt your brother wants this for you."

"But I—I need the money," he stammered. "I—I broke something—I need to get the money to replace it. It—it's something important to my brother. Please don't judge me. Help me. Help me get like you. I only plan to stick around long enough to get the money and then I'm leaving."

Shawn groaned. "Jeff—

"Please Shawn," he pleaded.

"Jeff, I honestly don't have the time."

"Time for what?" Both men quickly spun around, Shawn scowling at the sight of Eric.

"None of your business," Shawn grumbled.

"Yes, well it IS my business when it involves my future star." Eric put his arm around Jeff pulling him close. The gesture made Shawn want to throw up a little in his mouth. "So what's the problem?"

"Oh well I don't know," Shawn answered. "Maybe your new recruit is having doubts about performing in front of a packed house. Maybe, just maybe, your new recruit doesn't want or need to work at all tonight until he's at least worked a smaller crowd. I don't know for sure, but maybe that's the case."

Eric quirked his brow. "Will there ever be a time when you'll come to work in a good mood?"


Eric smirked. "Well I'm sure you'll be in a much better mood by the time you satisfy your last VIP guest for the evening. As for Jeffy here, I've decided that I'd much rather have him on the floor, serving drinks. Can you do that Nero?"

He looked up at Eric, smiling and blushing hard. "Sure thing boss. I worked at a restaurant once."

"Good girl," he grinned. "Now get out there. The hot blonde you saw me chatting with earlier will show you the ropes and guess what? His name is Jeff too. J and J…Double J…you guys have fun and you," he said, suddenly serious again as he looked at Shawn, "I expect you to act right. No funny business. Should someone you hate show up in this club wanting a session, you had better do it. I will not have you turning down anyone tonight all because of your damn ego and pride."

Shawn studied his nails. "Depends on the someone."

"I'm not kidding little heartbreaker," he warned. "Embarrass me or turn down any big tips and I will make sure your ass is here making up for it tomorrow night and every weekend for the next six months. Got it?"

"Whatever. Now will you get the hell out of here? I need to meditate or else I just might slip and fall on my ass…right into the lap of one of those nice looking men in pin stripes."

Eric's grin faded and with one last glare he left the room leaving Shawn to prepare for the show.

AN: Hope you're still enjoying this one. I like this one because it's a breath of fresh air as opposed to That Which Shall Not Be Named. You all know which fic I mean. Sorry about the lack of updates but real life's a bitch ya know? Review if ya want.