This "what if" is a hodgepodge of the anime and the manga. I also made everyone a little older.

Also same disclaimers apply. I do not own Sensual Phrase. Any and all references to either the manga or the anime are not meant to infringe on any copyright laws. They are simply to enhance the story, for you the reader.

I do have some musical talent, but that is for woodwinds.

Any poetic talent is amateur at best.

Some song tittles are invented, anyone can use them for their own stories (if they want). Just remember to give me credit. I do the same for everyone else who gives me great ideas for all my stories. So I just ask for the same respect.

Also the names used are from the manga. Except for guy in the park I just picked a random name from a Japanese baby name website.

"Hi! My name is Aine Yukimura, a 17 year student. I have a boyfriend named Kiminobu Kamishiro. We've been going out for 3 years. I love him so very much, especially when he plays the piano. It was actually how we met, but we'll go into that later.

"Anyway, I've been a song writer for 2 yrs now, under the name Yukihiko Aine. It's a guy's name that the producers came up with to protect my identity. Also it is the only way Kiminobu will let me continue to do it.

"I really owe a lot to him. Kiminobu taught me all about how to turn my poems into amazing music. I could listen to him play my songs all day long…"

Walking aimlessly down the halls of Jupiter Records, a furious man with blue eyes bumps into her. After knocking her over, he barely slows down to glance back at Aine. Then she sees Sasaki-san, as he hurries down hall.

"Sakuya! Get back here!" Sasaki-san yells out. As he continues to run after Sakuya. Then gives up, just as he trips over Aine. "Aine. What are you doing here?" Sasaki-san asks as he gets up and rights his clothing. "Our meeting isn't until 5 o'clock. You're not supposed to be here."

"Sorry about that." A stunningly effeminate blond male, says to Sasaki-san. Noticing Aine still sitting on the floor, "hello there. Let me help you up," he quietly says to her. Just as he bends down to gently ease her onto her feet.

When Aine is finally standing on her feet, she notices 3 other men standing behind the first. Like the blond there is another man with long hair, though his is black. Then there is a younger guy with bright red hair, wearing a guitar strap; standing just behind him is a scruffy haired brunette angrily clutching drum sticks.

"Spoiled Jerk." The last guy mumbles, earning a glare from everybody. Aine just stares at him blankly.

Defensively, he waves his sticks. "Well he is. Running out like that just 'casue he can't write some stupid lyrics."

Sighing and shaking his head, the older guy with long black hair says, "let's just continue our meeting. Sakuya will return later for the photo shoot." Then walks up to Aine, "I apologize for Sakuya's rough treatment. Please accept our band's apologies."

Still staring at them with a blank face, Aine nods and slowly backs away. Making sure to keep an eye on them, as the group (band maybe?) returns to an office just down the hall.

Sasaki-san follows the group. As he crosses the thresh hold into the room. He turns to give Aine a hard stare. Then closes the door firmly behind him.

"Whew. I wonder what that was about?" Aine softly asks herself. Then heads off to find the recording studio where "Jesus" was recording. The new lyrics weren't flowing right. So hopefully, listening to the re-mix of their hit song "Peaceful Haunting" would provide inspiration.

It was a flimsy excuse to come in, but a needed one. After the incident earlier, any distraction would due, even having to put up with "Jesus".


Earlier that same day….

"Kiminobu wait up!" I called out to my boyfriend. He had been acting weird all day. Now he was walking out of school without giving me a second glance.

"Kiminobu…" I gasped, out of breath as I finally caught up to him. "What's wrong? You were acting strange. All day." Then I gently grabbed his hand.

"Aine. You should be more careful." Still walking, he slowly and deliberately extricated himself from my grip. Stopping at the school gates, he turned to me. "You can't grab my hands like that. What if you broke my fingers. I wouldn't be able to play piano. Then all those years of practice would be for NOTHING."

"I- I'm sorry Kiminobu." I replied in response. "I'll be more careful the next time." Then I clasped my hands and looked down at my feet, as I knew he wanted me to do.

It seemed as if he reluctantly said to me. "Aine, don't forget an important audition is in a few weeks. Not many students get this far."

"I know. The final selections for the piano solo. The one for the regional orchestra." I said, gaining some confidence back in my voice.

Smiling down at me. He kissed my head. "Remember I'm doing this for us. Our musical careers'. Are going to show my parents, that we don't have to breakup. Just because your parents, are not the same class as mine."

Later, he left me to go practice at the Takemitsu Music Hall down town. Something didn't feel right when he embraced me. I know he is troubled by something. And it's been getting worse and worse. I just don't understand why he won't tell me the truth.

Before long, I realized I had wandered up town. Since the park was just up ahead I went there.

Amazingly a band was shooting a video there. I recognized Aito, a sound engineer, from the studio. He let me sneak in and watch D=Element record a single in the studio. After waving hello he eagerly gestured for me to come over. Then tossed me his security pass.

"Hey, Aine. Haven't seen you in awhile. By the way, seen Yukihiko lately?" He asked me.

It was rather sudden, I knew I had an assignment, to write lyrics for "Jesus". I guess everyone knows I deliver Yukihiko's lyrics sometimes, but…

Abruptly reminded of my alter-ego. I stuttered out. "Not-t for awhile. He's, I believe he's, still working. Um, on, on that song for "Jesus". I- I think."

Smiling, he turned his attention to one of the long range microphones. As he began to adjust the sensitivity. I wandered away. I didn't usually get to see the 'video' making process. Stuff like this is not part of "Yukihiko's" job.

The band itself was pretty good, despite the dark sexy lyrics. Not looking at them, I listened carefully. The drummer, kept up a fast pounding rhythm. The Bass guitarist, really knew how play a pulsing undertone. Those electric guitarists hit the spiciest chords, I'd ever heard. All in all I had to keep from gasping, and touching myself. The combined sounds were amazing. No wonder the studio signed them. The female fan base alone will keep this group, at the top of the charts.

Later, as I was walking home, Kiminobu saw me. After scolding me for skipping afternoon classes. Then told me, he had managed to read the lyrics for my song "Blue Butterfly". Then he left. As I watched him leave, my cell phone rang.

It was Sasaki-san calling me. Letting me know about an important meeting. That he needed Yukihiko to attend at the studio. Soon my alter-ego, the very male lyrist, was going to take on another project. The meeting was set for Saturday.

I still didn't want to go home. My parents wouldn't be there anyway. I decided to deviate from what I'd usually do; find some friends and go shop. Instead, I went over to Jupiter Studios. Always keeping my current projects at hand, I figured I could find something to do there…


Whew! Well let me know what you think? This actually a slight deviation from what I originally intended, but I think it still came out nice.

Let me know what you think….

P.S. If you still want me to continue this, I'll probably go darker as the chapters progress. It most likely won't have a happy ending.

Poor Aine, nobody really liked her. Even her parents, didn't really like her in either the anime or the manga.
