Suicidal Slytherins

Wow it's finally done and it's only what 11:30 in the evening (not late at all *yawn*)! I couldn't have done this without my utterly wonderful best friend who is completely amazing at grammar: Paleness Is A Virtue. (And she's not big headed at all please note the heavy sarcasm!) I know most people don't read the authors comments so cookies to you.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter that privilege goes to J., though I wish I did.

Chapter 1

Harry POV

I woke in a cold sweat, stumbling out of bed and pulling on some clothes; I decided to head down to the lake. Grabbing the invisibility cloak and checking my dorm mates were still asleep, I ran out of the Gryffindor common rooms. How anyone could sleep in there was beyond me. I couldn't stand the suffocating heat any longer. Heading through the empty halls, the cool night air surrounded me and I could feel the breeze drawing me out into the dawning day. It was a crisp morning and, although early, a few rays of morning sun were visible over the top of the fog of clouds that blanketed the horizon.

It felt better to be in the open and for some reason, the worries which had clouded my head earlier in the morning, were no longer relevant. Nothing in life was that simple, a lesson you would think I would have learnt by now, but still I was unable to comprehend. As I revelled in the easiness of life when no one was around, I heard a strange, almost animalistic groan from my left.

Turning, I saw a figure cloaked in robes, obviously unaware of what he or she was doing. I walked closer, quizzically studying the figures back, subconsciously searching for any signs that would point to the identity of the person. None became clear so I called out.

"Hey," I shouted, "wait up."

The figure turned and I covered my mouth hiding the gasp that came from my lips. Before me stood Draco Malfoy. His face, usually supporting the sneer that was his trade mark, was bloody and raw; it was obvious he had been in a fight recently. Though with who was unclear: no one in the school would fight THE Draco Malfoy. Unless they had a death wish that was.

He stared straight at me although it seemed he couldn't see me, momentarily confused, I soon realised I had shouted from under the cloak and therefore I was still invisible. I started to shrug off the cloak when Malfoy returned to his path, wandering towards the black lake. Now, I may not like Malfoy, him being the insufferable git he is and all, but I guess my hero complex kicked in and I found myself unable to tear my gaze from his retreating back and when my feet started to follow him, I was unsurprised.

We walked for a good 5 minutes before we came to a section of lake whose edge was secluded by a crop of trees. Malfoy then did the most unexpected thing. He broke down and cried. Stunned, I felt compelled to comfort the teenage boy, so I stepped towards him. Underfoot, a twig snapped and Draco...when has he ever been Draco to me??... Malfoy turned, shocked, he drew his wand and in a flash, I was at wand point, a place I don't very much like to be.

Although the figure before me was not very intimidating, I was more stunned then I was when I last faced Voldemort. Before me Malfoy stood, his face, as well as supporting some massive gashes, was streaked with tears. And not baby sobbing tears, tears of distress and utter anguish. Somewhere, in the pit of my stomach, I knew he was going to do something stupid, and it was my job to stop him.

"Who's there," he shouted. I'm sure they could have heard him back at the castle if they had wanted, but they were safe, happy and asleep. They didn't care. I thought about revealing myself but found the idea frightened me. I stayed put, barely breathing, hoping Malfoy would turn away.

He did, and as he turned, he sank to the floor where his sobs soon became cries, whether of pain or misery was unclear, but this was not the Malfoy I knew.

Malfoy had been rubbing his left arm since he arrived and only now did the significance of this hit me. They couldn't have. Could they? I would have thought... no surely, he would have the choice...wouldn't he?

Malfoy screamed and clutched his arm to his chest. Was Voldemort calling him? There was nothing I could do but sit and watch.

Malfoy writhed in pain and I could sympathise, although I could only imagine how painful refusing Voldemort calls were. Malfoy, with tears streaming down his face, picked a rock from the ground and started to slice away at his arm. The mark was clearly visible for only a second, before blood filled the cuts on his arm and covered the dreadful tattoo. Malfoy wasn't content though and he continued slashing. I panicked and threw myself on him.

"Don't," I yelled, wrenching the rock from his grasp. He flailed around and somehow got a solid punch to my jaw. Blood filled my mouth and I gagged, spitting blood onto the already filthy floor.

"WHO ARE YOU?" Malfoy all but screamed, "STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

And then he ran. What was he doing? There was nothing for it, I ran after him, desperate to stop his ridiculous antics. As I followed I wondered where he was going. He could have easily lost me in the forbidden forest but instead he ran along the edge of the lake. What was he planning?

Then just as suddenly as Malfoy had started, he stopped, standing right on the edge of the path he faced the drop of around 100 ft into the freezing water of the black lake.

"NO," I screamed.

But he didn't turn, or stall, or pause in his mission. Rocking onto the balls of his feet, Draco hurled himself off the cliff and into the murky depths of the lake.

My stomach dropped, my heart in my mouth. How could he be so stupid? He couldn't die. Not Draco. Not Malfoy. Not now. So dropping my cloak, I raced towards the edge, and taking a deep breath, I jumped.

Be safe, use commas!!!