Arthur Kirkland smiled ruthlessly at the man in front of him. The man's eyes went wide as the long sword was pulled with a wet sound out of his chest. The English captain put his booted foot on the man's chest, kicking him into the frothy waters below. Then, while watching the doomed man fall, he took out a spotless handkerchief and wiped the blood from his sword.

Turning on his heel, England walked to one of his men who had also just killed a man from the enemy ship. "William. What nationality are these people?" His accent was proper and commanding. No one could deny a thing he said, without fearing for his life.

"French, sir. Almost made me want to rip out my bloody ears." Will had never been called by his full name in his life until he met Captain Kirkland. None of the crew minded, though. Having a civilized pirate as a captain was always entertaining.

Cruel English lips turned up in a vicious smile. "Perfect." Gracefully, he swept up onto the nearest barrel, bringing him above the heads of the two fighting crews. "Take no prisoners! I just want the gold!"

From the members on his ship, the Victory, there were general cries of "ay". The small crew from the French vessel hadn't been prepared for attack, so they stood no chance. Not that many of the victim ships England chose to board ever had much chance. He was, after all, ruler of the Seven Seas.

An enraged Frenchman came at him, scimitar in hand. "Flibustier! You will not take me alive!"

Arthur leaped down from the barrel as the man's curved sword went to swipe where his feet had been seconds ago. "If you had not heard what I just said," He held up his cutlass, stopping the other man from chopping off his head, "I care nothing for living Frenchmen. Simply the gold you carry."

The man was obviously not trained with his sword. Captain Kirkland was simply toying with him at this point; he could have finished him off long ago. For a second he gave a courteous smile. The man looked almost like France.

Both their weapons held above their heads in a hopeless war over strength, England reached into his coat. "And now, you will die." He took out his pistol and shot the man in the chest. His eyes grew wide as crimson stained his white shirt. "How does it feel, having been killed by a pirate?"

The Frenchman fell, eyes rolling to the back of his head. Arthur wiped a speck of dust off his sleeve and put one polished boot on the man's chest. "Damn. I waisted a bullet."

Letting his men deal with the last few fighting idiots, the refined British man started to search the inside of the ship. He looked around in disgust. His may be a pirate ship, but at least it was spotless. A threat of death was always a good thing to get deckhands to go the extra mile. He took out a scarf and put it to his nose. It stank of French.

Where was that bloody gold? Why Francis would entrust such a large sum of money to these ingrates was a mystery. The man thought too much with the wrong end of his body.

From deeper in the ship, he heard something clanging. Just to be safe, he took out his sword. He shouldn't have used that bullet.

"Hey! What's going on out there! I'm hungry!"

The voice did not sound either English nor French. In fact, Arthur couldn't decide what accent it held. It was more like... the absence of an accent. How could that be? He walked slowly toward the sound, not bothering to quiet his footsteps. The sound of the dying battle above him was different from this new one, so he was sure it was on the same level.

Turning a corner, he found a small cell, with a boy inside. Well, he said boy, but in truth he had younger men in his crew.

He smiled, even if he was behind bars. "Hey, you don't look French. What's going on up there?" He sat on a box, completely at ease with his situation. With his blond hair and blue eyes, Francis would have surly molested him already, but England had more class.

"I am the Captain of the pirate ship Victory. We have taken over this ship. And you?" He took a step closer. Perhaps this strange boy could help him find the gold, instead of having to spend the whole day looking for it.

"I am Alfred, official stow-away of this ship. So I guess this means I'm your problem now." He stood up and put his arms through the bars, leaning on them. "How about you let me out of here? Sir." He added with a mocking smile.

"Well, you see, Alfred, I do not need useless people on my ship. So, unless you have a skill that would be useful to me, I have no reason to let you out of here, so you will drown when we sink the Altaïr."

"It was once said that I could steal the jacket off a homeless person in the middle of winter." That smug smile never wavered as England looked him up and down with a calculating gaze.

Turning on his heel, Arthur left the cocky man, still standing there with his arms through the bars. By the sounds of things on deck, every last Frenchman was dead, and his men were searching for loot. All fine with him. He let them keep little trinkets they found. What he cared about was gold, and he needed a lot of it. He was, after all, a nation.

With a smile of success he found the Captains study. Was the gold in there? Even if it wasn't, there was bound to be something useful.

Drawer after drawer, all he found were papers, and all in French. It wasn't even worth the headache of reading that poor excuse of a language, considering the size of the ship. A Captain more important would have better protection, and if the Captain wasn't important, then he wouldn't know any important information. In fact, a few of the wars with the frog had ended with him finding documents of ambushes or whatnot on ships he raided.

Finally, in the last drawer, he found a ring of keys. Now this might be useful.

He quickly looked around the rest of the room, finding nothing more that half a bottle of rum. He shrugged and drank the rest. It would be at the bottom of the sea soon, so what did it matter?

Perhaps it was that delicious burn of alcohol that made him go back to the imprisoned man. He smiled as Arthur once again walked around the corner. "I knew you would be back."

"Do you know where to find the gold?" He asked, not wanting to waist more time. His men would soon be wondering where he was.

"Why, me? I'm just a prisoner, why would I know anything?" Alfred said with mock innocence. At Arthur's annoyed stare, he laughed. "I even know where the mice hide their cheese."

Arthur nodded and stepped forward, keys in hand. The third one he tried opened it, and the door swung open on rusty hinges. "If you try anything, your death will be slow and painful."

"Aye, Sir." He said with an exaggerated bow. "Follow me to the treasure." He walked through some small and swaying hallways until they entered a storage room. "Here you are."

"This had better not be a trick, Alfred. For your sake, there had better be gold."

With a swoop of his hand, Alfred stamped on a part of the floor. A trap door opened, revealing a rather large bag of gold coins. "Your treasure, Captain sir. You know you never told me your name, Kirkland."

"Then how do you know it?" He asked, bending down to pick up a coin. He bit it. Definitely real.

"Well, even a poor pickpocket has heard of the famous pirate ship Victory, captained by the brutal Arthur Kirkland. Who would have known he can also be mistaken for an English Nobleman?"

"Shut up and carry this gold, deckhand. I hope you can work a mop as well as your mouth." With that, the pirate turned around and walked out the door. He would have gotten lost if not for his knowledge of so many different types of ships. He heard footsteps behind him, heavier now that they were laden with gold.

He went outside and greeted his crew. "Well, lads, it will never be said that the Victory is a ship full of cowards! Now, let us return to our fine ship. I am staring to wreak of French." There was a cheer as the men gathered up their possessions and went to the side of the deck, where their hooks still hung.

He patted one of the younger men on the back. "Edmund, when you get over there, would you mind sending another line?" He asked kindly. The boy was a good fighter, even if he was quite small.

"Yes, sir." And like a good crewman, he didn't ask questions.

Arthur turned to see Alfred with the bag of gold. "Have you ever done this before? You just swing over." He took the heavy bag from him. It was probably better if he didn't have to hold onto something else for his first time.

"Alright. Looks fun." He smiled cockily again. If he wanted to be a good underling, he would have to stop that. Arthur handed him a line, so he wrapped it around his hand a few times and stood on the railing. As he jumped off, he gave a loud whooping sound, the smile on his face only getting larger.

Shaking his head, Arthur grabbed onto the line that Edmund had just sent over. He jumped off gracefully, having done it countless times. He was careful not to drop the bag of gold.


England sat back in his chair, trying to rub his headache away. Even if he was the Captain of a pirate ship, he still had to do work as a country, a fact that he kept from his crew.

Apparently they had found a Nation on that new chunk of land discovered quite recently. Of course, that bloody frog had already tried perverting him. Perhaps he should set a new course for the Victory to that place, and try to take the boy for himself.

There was a knock on the door. "Enter." He said, not even looking up. None of the crew would dare try to see what he was working on without his permission, so he needn't worry about that.

The door opened, and that blond prisoner from the French ship walked in, carrying a tray of food. "Hi there, Captain." He smiled, putting the tray down. "I was told to bring this to you, so here you go. Hope it's to your liking."

"Thank you, Alfred. Tell me, how are you faring on my ship? They usually don't take well to new boys." He carefully cut a small piece of meat and delicately put it in his mouth.

"I'm fine. Just doing random things right now." He stood still beside the door, obviously waiting to be dismissed. Perhaps he could learn manners.

England nodded and waited till he swallowed before saying, "Well, I seem to be in need of an errand boy. You will do just fine. And I have something I need you to do for me."

"Yes, sir. What do you need?"

Beckoning him closer, Arthur smiled. Alfred moved closer, but he was beckoned again. He kept waving his hand until Alfred was right in front of him, bent down slightly. England put his mouth beside his ear and whispered in a voice so quiet Alfred could barely hear, "I want you. I want you to suck my cock with those tantalizing lips, and I want you to do it until I tell you to stop."

Smiling with a seductive smile, Alfred knelt down on the floor. "Yes, Captain." He reached up, untying the strings that held the Captain's pants together. With one hand on the chair beside an English leg, he leaned forward to take out the hardening member. "Do you want anything specific?" He asked, his eyes looking up through his long lashes.

"You seem to know what you're doing. Surprise me." His smile was the one he usually wore when stabbing an enemy all the way through with his cutlass.

Somehow that cocky smile on the deckhands face didn't fade as it took in Arthur's length. It grew in his mouth, and he was proud of himself when he saw England's eyes flicker closed and his head fall back. Alfred's tongue swirled around his swollen head, holding the base of it with one hand.

Arthur put his hands in Alfred's hair, helping him move to the pace he wanted. Faster. "Mn, for a deckhand, you know your way around a cock." He moaned with a carnal smirk up at the ceiling. What a perfect way to release the tension of his headache.

Slightly annoyed with the hands on his head, the blond man on the floor continued sucking, feeling some precum drip down his throat. It wasn't like he was going to bite the person on the ship with the most authority. He could deal with the hands, since it probably meant that his life as a pirate would get easier.

"Good boy, yes, just like that." Arthur was saying quietly, opening his eyes and looking down, enjoying the sight of his prick going in and out of Alfred's talented mouth. He was a little surprised by how good he was at it. Usually people weren't this good without practice. But as his hand started moving, slightly twisting the foreskin, he stopped caring.

Relaxing his throat so he could fit all of Arthur's length into his mouth, Alfred kneaded the inside of his thigh with his free hand. The edge of the chair was digging into his stomach, so he went up on his knees, at the same time making his head bend more over the needy cock. He couldn't watch his Captain's expressions anymore, but he could put all his concentration on giving him pleasure.

Balls tightening, Arthur held down Alfred's head as he came, forcing him to swallow all of it. As the last of his semen leaked out, he let go of his head. The newly-appointed errand boy sat back on the floor, licking cum off his lips, which had once again curled into a smile. "Well, Captain, was that satisfactory?" He watched with hungry eyes as England put himself back in his pants, regaining his composure.

"Yes, that was exactly what I needed. Now, I'm sure there is something else you can be doing. Come back in half an hour to take back my dishes." He turned back around and once again bent over his papers.

With a glance at the intriguing man, Alfred left to go back to the kitchen, where he was helping out today.