Okay, This is Chapter 469 of Naruto Shippuuden. I got it from the community livejournal of the ship SasuSaku. Kishi really surprised me on this one. Just decided to make a fanfic about it :D This will be two-shot.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. If I did, this chapter wouldn't have come out.

Sakura's Confession

"There you are! Finally!" Kiba yelled up to Naruto who was standing on a small mountain. Naruto shot open his eyes, breaking concentration about Sasuke and was still in his sage mode. He crawled onto the edge of the mountain and looked down.

"Sakura-chan! Sai! Kiba! Bushy Brow!"

"Why are all of you here?" Kakashi asked, shoving both his hands into his pockets. Sakura's expression softened. She took in a deep breath.

"Naruto, there's something we have to talk about."


"We can't let war break out between Konohagakure and Kumogakure because of Sasuke.

If Kumogakure kills Sasuke,

Ino, Naruto and you won't stand for it.

And if you do something to get yourselves killed,

Me and Choji, Inoichi and your parents will want revenge as well.

The other side will want their revenge as well.

And if Choji and I get killed, our parents will want revenge,

making an all-out war.

And I'm here to ask you for your permission, Sakura."


"Please.. Don't say anything more...

I will talk to Naruto, Shikamaru.."

An hour later, Yamato had made the wooden house which they were currently staying in. Sakura was sitting at the dark corner of the room. She felt a sudden chill and shivered. Was she really going to do this...? Tightening the cloak around her, she thought about the original Team 7. She was going to do this for Sasuke. Even if she has to sacrifice herself.

She heard footsteps outside the room. Before she knew it, the blonde-hair teen entered the room. She stood abruptly, thinking of what to say.

"You wanted to talk, Sakura-chan?"

"Wha..?! What did you just say, Sakura-chan?! I think I misheard you, say it again." A dumbstrucked Naruto stuttered out. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

"As I said, Naruto, I love you! Sasuke-kun doesn't mean anything to me any more! I don't know why I could love anyone like him... I'm confessing to you here, so listen to me." Sakura said. But in her mind, she was screaming in pain. Knowing that she's lying to her closest friend was so painful. She held tears back that threatened to spill. She felt awful, no–worst than awful because she's talking about the person that was close to being a taboo.

"But why...? How come...? If you're joking, then this isn't funny at all... Sakura-chan.... Just... What the hell happened to you...?" Naruto doesn't know why she's doing this. She has love Sasuke since forever.

"Nothing, really... I just opened my eyes... I don't need to love someone who is a missing-nin and a criminal, do I? I'm not going to be a child forever. I'm going to look reality in the eye." She bit her inner lip, ever so slightly.

She couldn't breath, her heart was pounding so hard against her ribcage. "So, Naruto... I don't need your promise any more. Won't you stop chasing Sasuke...?"

Oblivious to them, that Kakashi and Yamato were standing outside the door, ears pressed up against the door. Yamato furrowed his eyebrows.

"What is sh–" Kakashi held up a hand, and gesturing Yamato to listen closely.

"What happened to you, Sakura-chan? Why did you so suddenly change your opinion of me..." Naruto could feel his heart breaking. Why is Sakura doing this to him?

"I'm telling you, I don't need it any more! I've fallen in love with you, with all my heart, that's why."

Naruto suddenly recalls the times Sakura and Sasuke had been together.

"Naruto! Where's Sasuke-kun?!" A 12-year-old Sakura screamed at the other side of the bridge.

Naruto clenched his fist and shut his eyes to prevent any tears from falling.

Sakura gasped.

"Sakura, I'll go with you. That way, you can see Sasuke." Tazuna said, taking her hand. She nodded and ran past Naruto. Somehow, everything went by slow motion when she passed him.

His heart ached.

Everything to her was always about Sasuke.

"Sasuke-kunn!" He heard her scream.

That piercing scream that broke the walls of protection in his heart.

And then he heard Sasuke say her name...

He didn't need to look, he only needed to hear her voice to know she was happy.


Sakura stood beside Naruto, staring at the 5th Hokage healing Sasuke.

Sasuke stirred and sat upright with an expressionless face.

Naruto couldn't be anymore happier to see his 'brother' finally waking up.

But the last thing he'd expected was Sakura to run beside him and hugging him,

like she couldn't live without him.

He didn't need to look, he only needed to hear her voice to know she was happy.

And now, the voice he's hearing, is anything but the truth. Sakura seems to notice that he's doubting her, so she pulled him into a hug, pulling him back to reality.

"Sakura... Is she...?" Kakashi could only frown. How did his team lead to this? Of love and betrayals. Is Sakura really serious about this?

"I've just grown apart from Sasuke-kun... But you've always been at my side, Naruto. You cheered me on... I've realized... how you really are. You're a hero who protected the village. Everyone in the villages loves you now..." She paused, taking in a deep breath as she noticed the tensed atmoasphere.

"I've just become one of them... You were that mischievous dead-last... but little by little you've grown lovely and handsome... You were close to me so I saw it. But Sasuke-kun keeps committing crimes... It just breaks my heart... He's just become someone distant to me." Now Sakura's inner was screaming 'LIAR' at her face, and she knew she was going to break down anytime soon. She just hopes that Naruto would stay in her arms so that he won't see.


"But Naruto..." Now her voice was breaking, filled with sorrow. She wouldn't blame Naruto if he'd notice.. "When I can touch you like this... I feel at peace... I'm telling you this from the bottom of my hear– "

"Cut the bullshit, Sakura-chan. I told you I can't laugh at a joke like that." Naruto hissed, pulling out of the hug.

"What're you angry for...? I've just gotten over Sasuke-kun, that's all. A woman's heart is a strange thing, isn't it." And then she smiled. That fake smile that Naruto would always remember. The smile she wore in the hospital room, where Naruto had made his promise to her to bring Sasuke back.

He can't take it anymore, he has to say this to her now, before she loses her sanity.

"I... I hate people who'd lie to themselves!"

Cliffy. This chapter will focus more on the manga chapter. The next chapter will be more of the fanfic.

I mean, Can you believe Sakura would really do this? She's my favourite character, and still is, but someone needs to knock some sense into her, you know what I mean?

And Sasuke, please appear in the next few chapters!

Review please! :D