A/N: This is my first fan fiction so please comment and say if u like it. I don't own dp.

Chapter 1

My Life

I'm running through the woods. Not because I'm scared or someone's after me. Actually it's the opposite. I'm running to something or maybe someone. I'm running to my prince. To my Derek. As I get to a wide opening in the forest, I see the most handsome man alive. He's dressed in a tuxedo. I run up to him in my long white flowing dress.

"Derek I'm ready. I'm ready to marry you." I say almost out of breath.

"Are you now." He said. But then the sky grew dark and the sun was hidden away. Slowly Derek turns around. And I find it's not Derek but my worst nightmare.

"AHHHHH" I scream and sit straight up in my bed. I look around and see that it's not my bedroom like I would have hoped for. But a room in the safe house that we were staying at. I got out of bed and went to the door. I decided I might as well see if I woke anyone up. I went into the hall and saw all the doors closed. And also heard quiet snoring which I bet came from Simon and Tori. As I was making my way down stairs I felt like I ran into a wall. But soon I look up and see the last person I wanted to see right now. Not when in my dream I was going to marry him. But I look up any way's and see those beautiful green eyes blazing threw me.

"Chloe what are you doing up and why did you scream?" He asked his voice actually sounded worried.

"I just had another nightmare it was nothing. Why are you up so early?" I asked trying to look any were but his eyes.

" I'm up cause I woke up. And I heard you scream I was coming to see if you were ok." He said simply nothing to hide behind his voice. But his eyes were saying something in them. He had the whole daze look going on. He had a loving look going on but the minute I look into his eyes it went a way.

"Chloe what was your dream about?" He asked looking down at me.

"It was nothing." I said as I went around him but him being so big he blocked the space.

"Chloe tell me." He said almost pleading. I decided saying one word for right now not really planning on talking about the whole secret wedding thing going on.

"Liam." I said. At that moment I saw something behind Derek. It was a ghost. It went right through Derek and hit me hard on the head.

All I remember was hearing Derek calling my name before it all went blackā€¦