Hello everyone! I was going to make you wait, but after having so many story alerts and such for my story, I felt that you would appreciate an ending sooner rather than later. So here it is! ^_^ ~Orin

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans.

"Speech" 'Thoughts'

Raven jerked awake, almost causing herself to fall from her levitated position.

Quickly taking in her surrounding, she allowed herself to relax a fraction.

'Where are the others,' she wondered as she lowered herself to the ground and unattached the various equipment that had been placed on her.

As soon as she took off the heart monitoring pad, she heard the alarm go off.

"Great," Raven said as she grabbed her cloak off of the cabinet and put it on with practiced ease, "Just what I need when I wake up."

Then her team burst through the door.

They skidded to a stop at the sight of her standing on her own.

"Raven!" Starfire cried out, her happiness causing her to fly off the ground as she went over to her sister titan, "You are awake!"

Starfire then swept her up into a hug.

Raven awkwardly patted her back with a small endearing smile gracing her features.

"Hello Starfire," She said in her usual monotone and looked over the Tamaranian's shoulder to see the others, "How long was I unconscious?"

At her words, the shock the rest of her team was under seemed to vanish.

"Raven, girl you had us worried!" Cyborg exclaimed as he went over to her after Starfire released her and placed a hand on her shoulder in way of greeting, "You were out for three whole days!"

"I was concerned when I woke up and no one was here," Raven admitted as she looked up at his smiling face, "but I suppose that was because you had my monitors set up to sound the alarm."

"That and Robin threatened us," Beast Boy piped in as he went over to Raven obviously wanting to hug her but remembering her reaction after Trigon's defeat he didn't want to make her angry after just getting her back, "He said that if we didn't leave you alone and let you heal he would up our training regiments."

Raven looked at him, eyebrow raised skeptically.

"It's true," Robin added smiling at her, his arms folded across his chest as he leaned against the wall next to the door, not having moved since he entered and saw her awake, "Of course that didn't stop them from coming and peaking in on you every hour or so."

The other three tried to look innocent as they looked away from their leader.

Raven smiled.

"Thank you."

Suddenly everything was back in perspective.

They all laughed, their tension finally gone, Raven even allowed herself a wider smile, and then Cyborg announced that it was time for some food.

"Oh yes!" Starfire exclaimed excitedly, "We shall prepare a feast celebrating Raven's health!"

"I hear that!" Cyborg exclaimed, and then leaned over close to Raven and quietly added, "Don't worry. I'll supervise whatever she makes."

Then Cyborg, Robin, and Starfire went out to head towards the kitchen to begin their preparations.

As she went to follow them, she noticed Beast Boy lagging behind.

"Beast Boy?" She asked, turning towards him.

"I am happy that you are okay," he said unusually solemn as he stared down at his shoes, avoiding her questioning gaze, "I don't know what we would do without you, Rae."

Her usual retort died on her lips.

He looked so vulnerable, so small, as he admitted more than what his words said.

She felt all of their emotions more strongly than before.

She had first noticed it when she felt their fear overwhelm her when they burst through the door.

A fear that turned to relieved happiness so quickly when they saw her awake that it left her feeling slightly dazed.

They had feared for her life.

They were happy she, Trigon the Terrible's daughter, was alive.

The others were happy that their sister was alive, but Beast Boy he felt something more, even if he didn't realize it just yet.

Looking at him trying to keep himself calm for her, made her want to do something very uncharacteristic for her.

"Beast Boy."

When he looked up from examining his shoes and actually looked at her, she smiled, slightly nervous at what she was about to do, and then held out her arms awkwardly.

He looked at her in shock, but moved towards her even as he questioned this unbelievable situation.


She nodded at his unspoken question, a slight blush tingeing her cheeks as she allows herself to open up her heart just a bit for him. Allows herself to try and understand him a bit more.

Then he was in her arms, his head resting on her shoulder.

She awkwardly settled her arms around his back.

Raven allowed him a few moments, feeling the tension in his muscles beginning to loosen.

She had known Beast Boy was a very tactile person, probably more so that Starfire, but she had until this moment not realized exactly how much he needed touch.

He had needed to touch her. To feel her heart beat and feel the life that her body carried.

He could see her awake and seemingly okay, but until he could know it with all of his senses he couldn't allow himself to relax.

That was why he had hugged her after Trigon's defeat.

That was why he needed to hug her, to touch her, now.

Beast Boy had resisted the urge despite his needs only because he didn't want to upset her.

He thought that perhaps if he could keep her from becoming upset he could get close enough to touch her arm, brush by her and then allow himself to feel her life.

Raven appreciated that unusual reserve from the changeling, but she also knew that now she needed to be more open with her teammates.

She needed to respect their needs as well.

They were more than her friends now, they were her family.

Beast Boy began to relax against her, his breath fanning across her neck.

Raven was about to pull away, the contact a bit too intimate for her be comfortable with, she realized that Beast Boy had fell asleep.

He had dozed off, standing upright, his face pressed against her neck.

She wasn't sure whether to be irritated that he fell asleep while she was making such an effort to meet his needs, or to smile as he endeared himself to her even more.

Deciding against waking him up, Raven elevated him using her powers, gently removing his arms from around her waist as he began to float up.

Shaking her head, wondering at herself that she was able to feel this tenderness for him, she watched his peaceful sleeping face for a moment.

She felt his contentment through their link even in his sleep. Beast Boy had always been a loud broadcaster.

She turned and walked out of the med bay, Beast Boy's sleeping form floating along behind her leisurely, and headed towards his room.

'Might as well put him to bed, if he is tired enough to fall asleep while standing up that's where he should be anyway,' she mused to herself as she slid open his door and stepped around piles of his junk making her way over to his bed.

She slowly lowered him onto his bottom bunk, not wanting him to wake up and fall off his bed, and left him to go see why the others had not come to find them yet.

When she arrived in the commons she was greeted by a very endearing sight.

The sunrise, she was just now discovering the time of day, was just starting to cast its light into the room, as she took in the sight of her team.

Cyborg, his hand still wrapped around a spatula, had dozed off leaning against the refrigerator, his other hand wrapped around the handle as if he had been about to open it to retrieve something. The sun had just reached the point that it was starting to glint off of his metallic body, giving him a slight glow.

Starfire was napping as well, her head resting on the counter, and her arms wrapped around one of their large mixing bowls filled with something purple colored. Her hair and skin looked stunning in the half-light and her face still held its smile even in repose.

The most surprising was probably Robin, simply because it seemed so out of character to see him so vulnerable.

He had managed to end up sitting on the floor next to where Starfire's legs were propping her up. The sun had yet to reach him, hidden as he was, but somehow that suited him better. Darkness was one of his greatest allies.

It looked as if he had been leaning against the cabinet beside her and when he fell into slumber he had simply slid until his back was against the cabinet, his legs out in front of him, and his hands resting folded in his lap.

Raven couldn't stop the small smile that seemed to be frozen on her face since Beast Boy had fell asleep in her arms, as she walked fully into the room. Her footsteps light, though the likelihood of her awakening any of them at this point was slim.

The first thing she did was turn off the oven, which she assumed had been turned on in preparation for baking, and then she turned to her family and levitated them as she had Beast Boy.

She had to pause and pry the Cyborg's hand off of the refrigerator door, and then she walked them all to their rooms.

None of them woke as she placed them in their respective beds.

Returning to the kitchen, she made herself some herbal tea and reflected over the events of the past week.

She and her new family had defeated Trigon, defeated her inner rage, and discovered a unity among them that was sure to last the rest of their lifetimes.

They had managed to completely merge all of her selves together permanently. Something she had never managed to achieve for herself on her own in the past.

Together they had helped make her whole.

She smiled at that thought, her expression one of absolute peace.

The teapot began to whistle, so she removed it from the heat and poured herself a cup, allowing it to steep as she walked to her room.

Sliding open her door, she took in the familiar sight her room presented.

This was her sanctuary, the place she used to hide from the world.

She stepped in feeling as if she was missing something.

She saw a few golden rays sneaking in around her blackout curtains and realized what that something was.

She used her powers to sweep the curtain aside, and she closed her eyes as the sun warmed her skin and gave her an almost ethereal glow combined with her now white uniform.

This day she would welcome the sun.

She was still Raven.

She was creepy, dark, and mysterious to those who did not know her.

She would still read her "musty, old books" and meditate when she was stressed.

Her powers were still as black as her father's heart, but now she was more than Raven.

She was Happy, Brave, Timid, Rage, Regret, Love, Apathy, Sloth, and Wisdom.

For some reason, in this moment, she could almost hear Happy's giggles as she felt the sun on her face.

She could feel.

She was finally free.

If this was anyone but Raven, they would be out running and laughing and singing with joy.

But this was Raven, her powers were still influenced by her emotions, but now, for the first time in her life, she was not in danger of losing all control.

Raven settled on her floor in front of her window so that the sun could still touch her face, and she closed her eyes peacefully as she savored her tea.

Then she meditated as her family rested safe under her watch, just had she had been safe under theirs.

She was a Teen Titan, a friend, a sister, and a protector.

She was what her friends, her family, had helped her become.

She was Raven.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, her figure became haloed by the light, she levitated into position and began her mantra.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos."

And thus, my story has come to an end. I thank everyone who has followed my story and I hope that my ending does not disappoint. I enjoyed working on this one, and I hope that you take some enjoyment from my labors. ^_^ Remember if you have any story requests all you have to do is PM me and I will endeavor to make it happen. Until next time!
