Heyyyy, yeah I'm back. Sorry for the epic long wait. Took me a while to get my inspiration back. But I managed to get my ass in gear, and get back to writing my stories. Hopefully it sticks around! :3



"Hey. You two want to go get something to eat before the last competition? You must be really hungry." Kakashi said, trying to ignore Genmas direct stare at Sakura. They both nodded.

"Well then, lets go get some lunch!" Genma said lightly, speaking before Kakashi could answer.

"Naruto, we're going to get some lunch. Meet us back here in thirty-five minutes."


The four of them (Iruka stayed with Naruto), headed to Ichiraku's to get some ramen.

"Are you sure there's even any Ramen left? I think between Naruto and Choji, they ate over a hundred bowls." Sakura said as they sat down. The owner, Teuchi, laughed at Sakura's comment.

"Oh, don't you worry. As long as Naruto's around, there will never be a short supply of Ramen. But if he does leave, we'll have a lot of ramen..." Everyone laughed and Teuchi took their orders. Sakura, who unfortunately had to sit next to Genma, sighed in annoyance. The last person she wanted to deal with was Mr. Pervert.

"So, congratulations on coming in second place. I heard you were able to perform two genjutsus without the use of your hands. That's a pretty amazing feat for a genin." Genma said, surprising Sakura with his more formal approach. She was expecting a pick-up line or something. Sakura just nodded slowly.

"Thanks. I surprised myself as well." Sakura thanked Teuchi for the ramen that he placed in front of her. She pulled apart her chopsticks and began eating. She could faintly hear everyone talking, but she was too caught up in her thoughts to hear any words.

'I wonder what Ino's going to do to me. We're in first place. If we win, she's going to be super mad and take in out on me.'

"Don't worry! You told Kakashi-sensei everything. She won't be able to touch you. Just try your hardest and win! You guys so deserve it."

'You're right. I shouldn't be worrying about what Ino said. I'm stronger than that!'

"Shannaro! Let's beat those sorry losers and prove to them that we aren't some weak little girl!" Sakura felt a hand pass in front of her vision. Startled, Sakura gasped and fell backwards.

"Ow..." She pushed herself up off the ground and brushed herself off. Genma was laughing hysterically and Sasuke and Kakashi had looks of amusement adorning their faces. She could tell Kakashi was smiling because his one visible eye was crinkled. Sakura whacked Genma upside the head and sat down in the empty seat ext to Kakashi.

"Ow! You were spacing out! How the hell was I supposed to know you were gonna react like that?" Genma whined, his pace forming a pout. Sakura shook her fist at him and her resumed eating. Sakura ordered another bowl of ramen and engrossed herself in a conversation with Kakashi. When it arrived she ate it quickly because they had to leave.

They met up with Naruto in the place they mentioned and went to meet up with the other three teams.

"Okay, time for the final competition: The scavenger hunt! Each team has been given a scroll with the item you must retrieve written on it. You must find the item and bring it back before any other team does. Do not open the scroll until I say go. If you're ready, would the four teams please get into position?" They all lined up and got ready to go.

"Ready? GO!" All the teams except for Asuma's team and Kakashi's team. Sasuke calmly opened the scroll. Whispered sentences were exchanged between the three teammates. They all nodded simultaneously and dashed off.

"I've located our target. One mile northeast of the starting point. Meet me there." Sasukes voice crackled over the radio. Naruto and Sakura gave a quick response. They met Sasuke at the spot he had described and split up to search the area.

"Two armed chunnin on the western entrance of the building." Sasuke whispered.

"One where I am. There are some serious traps as well. Northern entrance is not looking so good." Naruto said quietly.

"None in the back. Only simple genin traps. Well take the southern entrance. Avoid battle." Sakura announced. They met up and quickly disabled the traps. Inside, they found their target surrounded by three chunnin.

"Guess there's no avoiding battle." Naruto said, pulling out a kunai. They ran at the chunnin and started fighting. Sakura threw some kunai at the chunnin she was fighting. He dodged them and came at her. She blacked his strong punches and landed a chakra-laced fist into his stomach. He was sent flying into the adjacent wall. She watched Naruto and Sasuke both land their final blows.

"Grab the... pig... and lets go!" Sasuke said, obviously annoyed at the object they had to retrieve. Sakura carefully picked up the pig.

"Kawaii!" Naruto nodded and Sasuke sighed angrily. He motioned for them to move. When they arrived, they presented the pig to Shizune and sat down in the tent they were escorted to. They sat there quietly drinking some water when they heard Tsunade call for the groups to come to the stage.

"Asuma's group came in first, retrieving the book in ten minutes." Cheers were heard throughout the crowd. "In second, Kakashi's team, retrieving the pig in thirteen minutes Fifty-eight seconds." More cheers. "In third, Kurenai's team, retrieving the dog in seventeen minutes seven seconds. And finally in fourth, Gai's team, retrieving the sword in twenty minutes three seconds. Good job everyone!" The crowd erupted in a loud applause.

"Give us a few minutes to add up the scores and then we will announce the winner." The teams got down off the stage and sat with their sensei. Sakura caught Ino looking at her with a triumphant smile plastered to her face. Sakura just ignored her and sat beside Naruto. When Tsunade returned, you could feel the tension in the air.

"Alright. Time for the moment you have all been waiting for."

"Get ready Kabuto. As soon as her team is on stage, we get her."


"In third place, with twenty-four points, Kurenai's team!" Hinata, Shino, and Kiba walked up on stage and stood next to their sensei. The crowd cheered loudly for the team but stopped after a moment when Tsunade started to speak.

"Just a little longer. Are the back-up ninja ready?"

"Hai. They know to move on my signal." Orochimaru chuckled.

"Perfect." 'Soon, I will have one of Konoha's future strong ninja on my side. And there's nothing that they can do to stop me!'

"In second place, with twenty eight points, Asuma's team! That means Kakashi's team wins with a total of thirty-six points!" The crowd erupted in a deafening roar of cheers and clapping. Sakura heard Ino swear loudly.

'I am so dead.'

"Yeah, but it was soooo worth it!"

'Hell yeah it was!' Sakura shook hands with Tsunade and Shizune.

"Congratulations to all of you. You all did an excellent job! I am very proud of you all for competing and trying your best."

"On my signal... NOW!" Kabuto gave the signal and a group of thirty Oto-nin flooded the area.

"What the hell?" People immediately started panicking. Sakura went into a fighting stance but froze instantly when she felt a kunai to her neck.

"O-Orochimaru." She heard Tsunade stutter out in fear. Sakura then realized it was Orochimaru that was holding the kunai to her neck. Sakura's eyes went wide and she felt a cold bead of sweat run down her back. She fought the urge to shiver when she heard Orochimaru chuckle.

"Let her go, snake bastard!" Naruto growled.

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Right before He motioned for Kabuto to stab her, he performed a series of quick hand signs that no one noticed, and replaced Sakura with another person that had a complex genjutsu placed so that they looked exactly like Sakura. Even in death, the body would retain all of Sakura's qualities and DNA. Sakura appeared in a tree feet away with the real Kabuto holding her in place.

The clone of Kabuto then plunged the katana into the Sakura clones stomach. He twisted the katana and yanked up, effectively cutting the clones stomach open. Orochimaru then proceeded to slice her neck open and dropped the dead girl to the ground.

"You bastard! Why did you do that?" Tsunade screamed, tears streaming down her usually calm face.

"Simple. I saw her as a future threat and I decided to eliminate her. Better to get rid of her now while she is still weak and useless."

"You fucking bastard. You killed Sakura-chan!" Naruto bellowed. His eyes started turning red and his fangs grew larger and more prominent. He lunged at Orochimaru only to have him dodge and throw Naruto in the other direction.

"We have completed what we came here for. Let's go Kabuto. Oh, and so sorry about the girl." He said, smirking sadistically. The pair then disappeared. Ino stared in shock at what had just happened. She glanced around to see faces mixed with shock, anger and sadness. She glanced out into the crowd to see jonin still fighting off the Oto-nin. She glanced back over to see that the usual stoic Sasuke and Kakashi had looks of pure hatred adorning their faces.

Sakura looked on as Orochimaru and Kabuto murdered her. She felt Orochimaru appear next to her. She attempted to back away but Kabuto's hold kept her in place. Orochimaru cupped her face with his hand and forced her to look at him.

"Don't be scared my little cherry blossom. I don't plan on hurting you... much. As long as you don't disobey me and do what either of us says, you will be fine. Got it?" Sakura nodded weakly, not trusting her vocal cords.

"Good. Then lets go Kabuto." Sakura took one last look at Konoha and her friends before disappearing to her own personal hell.

"SAKURAAAAAAAA!" Was the last inhumane cry she heard. She knew it was Naruto crying over her body.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be stronger for you all."

Yay :3 Hope you liked it. It only took me like a year to do just one chapter.

Until next time!

-fated blondie-