A/N: OK so this is my first EVER post on , so it this may not be that good, although I Really hope it is, if nothing more than not to be flamed, anyway on with the story.

A Cold Good Bye

Ichigo could only watch shocked from his grounded position, as Rukia Kuchiki, a person who he trusted, protected and cared for, turned her small back on him, with out so much as a second thought towards him or his blooded broken form.

And it hurt him, it hurt him deep, she had seen parts of his life no one outside of his family had, and she was leaving him, with two deep holes in-bedded with in his body and soul, and she wasn't even going to say Good Bye to him he released as he attempted to rise his drenched body from the cold red road.

He didn't want her to leave, not with those people or anyone else for that matter.

He just had to reach out and grab the shell that encased her, pull her back to him and away from the gate of golden light that burned his hazel eyes, he almost had her almost, just a little more and she would be herself.

Ichigo never saw the Petit foot come crashing down on his outstretched hand.

But he deferentially knew, that she had broken something at that moment, he didn't need to hear the sicking crunch to know this, no he had felt it the pain that had raced up his body, and not just from his now disfigured hand.

"Rukia" Ichigo softly begged at the now somewhat blurry figure of his friend, hoping to get a response.

He felt more than saw her reply, and this time nothing could stop the scream of pain as Rukia's shoe, twisted as she did to look down at him.

He knew instantly that she was crying, his sister Yuzu cried enough for him to recognise the symptoms even without his eyesight, he could sense them, he didn't know how but he just could.

Her voice merely echoed that thought.

"Don't move, don't try to follow me" her words while harsh, spoke of a deep hidden pain "Your going to die anyway, Conserve your energy and try to linger in this world a little longer"

And with that she turned, carefully removing her foot from his crippled hand as she did so, and slowly began her walk towards the door, the door that shone with warmth and a continued light,"Rukia" he yet again begged, only for his face to hit the ground bellow, and a further part of himself smash.

Your one stubborn ass-hole you no that right?" Ichigo growled into the tarmac as he recognised the voice, it was the red head, Renji Abaraii "Stop making so much noise and die quietly"

"Like ill die yet" Ichigo responded in with a snort. "Really because looking at the roads change of colour you only have half an hour left"

"You may yet live, so be quite now" He winced at her cold dead tone, it sounded so much like Brother's, the reason for the twin deep wounds that where placed upon his soul, "Live your life and survive, do not follow me, for if you do..."

Ichigo painfully raised his crimson soaked face to meet her sorrowful eyes.

"Ill never forgive you"

And with that said Rukia left through the blinding portal, with her two comrades, to face her fate in the other-world.

The gate slowly shut, taking Rukia to the other side away from him, and with it a little bit of himself.

A/N: God that's sad, Unfortunately I couldn't think of any other way of starting this, Hopefully any other chapters will be bit happier but I can't really promise. As I'm one of those writers who just goes along with the writing.

Anyway I hope you Liked the Chapter, and that there are no spelling error's.

Please Review.

P.S The Next Chapter Will Be longer.