Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds and no copyright infringement is intended


BAU Style

The sun was barely rising as the BAU team boarded the airplane after another successful case and the arrest of yet another serial killer. The team let Reid go first. It was easier for him to maneuver and find a comfortable seat without the others in the way. Though no one would admit it to the young profiler, of course, someone, usually Morgan, liked to be behind him to catch him in case he stumbled. So far those services hadn't been necessary. They'd seen him grit his teeth at times against the pain but he never complained. He found his seat and the other members set about finding their own seats and readying themselves for takeoff. JJ and Emily sat in seats opposite each other while Rossi stretched out on the bench seat, thinking dawn was too early to begin his day. Reid sat on the aisle and stretched his injured leg onto the seat next to him. Morgan took the seat opposite him while Hotch, as was often the case, sat alone.

There was little talk amongst the team until after takeoff when JJ said quietly, "So how do you think Morgan's going to do as Unit Chief?"

"I don't know, he's definitely not Hotch," Emily replied. "They have totally different styles."

"You're telling me," JJ giggled. "Can you see Morgan in a severe black suit and tie with a permanent scowl etched on his face?"

Emily giggled as well. "Remember when we were in New York and we had a terrorist bearing down on us, threatening to blow up that hospital?" JJ nodded. "When Hotch's clothes arrived he takes time to put on a tie. Can you believe it? Who cares about a tie at a time like that?"

"Hotch is nothing if not the perfectly well dressed man," JJ agreed. "That's why he's such a contrast to Morgan, our tee shirt and jeans man."

"Ooh, but he pulls off that look so well," Emily added looking down the aisle at her colleague.

"I hear ya sister, he's not hard on the eyes," JJ replied.

"Then there's Rossi, he's kind of in the middle with his jeans and sports jacket," Emily said.

"Yeah," JJ nodded, "he carries off that air of self assured confidence very well. He doesn't need to impress anyone. I think he should have stayed away from the Grecian Formula though. I like a little salt and pepper in an older man. I think it adds to his sense of experience and charm."

"Agreed," Emily nodded, "that's something that Morgan won't have to worry about," they both laughed. Emily put her finger to her chin. "They say the clothes make the man. If so what does that say about our Dr. Reid?"

"Ah yes Reid," JJ paused for a moment, "a man with a style all his own." There was silence again for a few moments. "I think he's evolved from pure geek to chic geek."

"Chic geek," Emily began to laugh. "Well, of course, I haven't known him as long as you and his clothes can be pretty geeky, those cords and sweater vests are like something out of the 70's, not that I remember that of course. Although I must admit I do like…"

"The purple scarf," the pair said together and began to chuckle as one.

"I wonder what JJ and Emily are finding so funny," Reid asked Morgan as he watched the women laughing. "They keep glancing over this way every now and then."

"Well then my profiling skills tell me they're probably talking about one or both of us," Morgan replied.

"And that doesn't bother you?" his young colleague asked.

"Hell no, I never mind when a beautiful woman talks about me."

"But they're laughing," Reid reminded him.

"Then that settles it, they must be talking about you," Morgan snickered.

"Yeah, thanks Morgan," Reid scowled.

"He hasn't worn the cords as much lately and his vests are more fitted, tweed and buttoned and that pocket watch," JJ made a circle with her thumb and index finger making the sign of perfection, "kind of GQ. I think he's growing," she said.

"Yeah I'll have to agree he's gotten more sophistication but what's really growing is his hair," Emily commented.

"When I first met him," JJ told her, "it was a lot shorter and really nerdy. He's certainly gone through a lot of changes. I liked the way he had it in Vegas, the way that little piece would fall onto his forehead was kind of, I don't know, sexy."

"JJ," Emily's eyebrows went up in astonishment, "you were nine months pregnant with Henry. You weren't supposed to be thinking other guys were sexy!"

"A girl can still look," JJ said sheepishly.

"I sometimes like it when he wears it back, you know, with the gel and then at other times, yeah," she said dreamily, "that little bit falling forward, sometimes you just want to reach over and…" Emily noticed JJ's raised eyebrows. "Not that I ever would," she scoffed and covered quickly. "But the thing that interests me most is his accessories."

"Accessories?" JJ looked puzzled. "You mean like ties?"

"No, that messenger bag, he never goes anywhere without it." Emily pointed discreetly with her finger. "Does anybody have any idea what he carries in that thing?"

JJ giggled, "Obviously not a comb."