Author's Note: Well I've managed to update quicker. There is another chapter after this one, though I haven't managed to complete since I started it last year some time. I have to be in exactly the right mood to work on it, and right now that mood is proving elusive. I'll add that final chapter as soon as I can. In the mean time, here's the penultimate chapter for you.

Disclaimer: See chapter 10.

Author's Update, March 2017

I have been reading through these stories again in recent days, following a handful of new reviews I've received (many thanks to everyone who has reviewed, whether previously thanked or not). I realise, looking at the date on this story, that many of you will have been waiting for the final chapter for some five and a bit years. I apologise for my long absence, and while this is not a guaranteed return, I do want to explain why chapter 15 hasn't appeared yet. Chapter 15, in fact, isn't yet completed.

Before this additional note, this story was last updated on 7th August 2011. The reason for why I haven't updated or finished writing is related to why I said my mood for writing was proving elusive. In June 2011, my father took ill while working away from home. It took until early August to get him to the hospital in his home town. I believe around the time of the last update, memory serving me correctly, he was going through two rounds of emergency surgery, with his life hanging on a fine line. In September 2011, he succumbed to his illness and passed away. I've barely written anything since that time. I do not ask for your pity. I have learnt to accept what happened, and have moved on from it. But I hope this explanation will go some way towards you understanding why the last chapter (Lightning and Sally's wedding) has never appeared.

I am now happily married, and still intend on completing this story. My life has had many ups and downs in the last five or so years, and while I have moved on from losing my father, there are other things that I'm still learning to deal with. The last time I completed a story was November 2011 - that story is dedicated to my father. All I ask is that you continue to be patient. The final chapter will be finished and uploaded one day.

Holding On

Chapter 14

Cheers rang around the stadium as the red racer took the lead from the green car with a grin plastered on his face. Passing Chick had never felt so easy to Lightning. Scratch that, racing had never seemed so easy before. It felt like it had become a million times easier over the last month or so – Doc was back with the team full-time, Jason was staying on in Radiator Springs for a while, partly to keep an eye on things while the team was at the races, and to make sure Skye had no more problems with her lungs.

Sally and Lightning had been busy planning for their wedding over the last two or so months, though there was a further month until the actual day. Lightning's parents were flying over from England in a few days and planned to stay in the town for some time, while The King and his wife had taken over one of the old shops in town, giving them both somewhere to stay, and something to do after so long in the racing circuit.

Lightning pulled his mind back to the race as he turned into the first corner of the final lap and Chick grew level with his back bumper.

"On your right, kid." Doc warned him over the team radio.

Lightning checked his mirrors and sped up on the exit from the corner, Chick responding quickly behind him. The #86 car was still going to get the Piston Cup as Lightning was too far behind in points with no time to catch up, but Lightning still wanted to remind the older racer that he was there. There was always next season for a third attempt at the cup.

Something nudged Lightning's bumper. He braked without warning and quickly sped up again. Behind him, Chick didn't expect such a move – forced to run wide to avoid the red car, Chick fell a few lengths behind.

"You're doing great, kid."

"Thanks, Doc." Lightning replied, checking Chick's position in his mirrors again.

He shot across the finish line in first place, Chick moments later in second. He'd tried hard in the second half of the season, but it wasn't soon enough. He'd just scraped second place in the championship, leaving Chick with a clear lead.

"We'll try again next season." Doc said when Lightning returned to the pits.

The younger racer glanced at The King and nodded. "Yeah, next season."

After spending a considerable amount of time thinking about it, Lightning had decided to continue racing. Hugh and Sally were in good tyres should anything happen to him; the whole town would support them and make sure they had everything they needed.

With Jason's presence in the town, Sally and Hugh had been able to join the team at the final race, and that was where Lightning's attention was directed.

"Well done, Stickers." Sally beamed at him and kissed him on the lips, neither bothered about the sudden burst of flashes all around them.

Hugh drove up to his father and leaned against his warm tyre. "Good, Daddy."

Lightning grinned. His son's speech was still choppy where he couldn't quite make a full sentence, but it was getting better all the time.

"Thanks, kiddo." Lightning wrapped a tyre around Hugh's small body and turned to Doc. He didn't miss the wistful look Doc cast at the racetrack, though it lasted mere seconds.

"My time for racing is up, kid. It's your turn now." Doc said when he saw Lightning watching him.

The post-race party went on for a long time that night. The party was as much for the team as for the car at the centre of it. They all agreed Lighting had done well to pull back in the season after such a tough start.

Hugh's eyes soon began to droop. Lightning nudged him gently. A pair of tired, blue eyes looked up at him.

"Sleepy, kiddo?"

Hugh nodded and yawned. Lightning caught Sally's gaze for a moment.

"I'm just going to take Hugh home to bed. I won't be long."

She nodded. "Do you want me to come with you?"

"I think I can manage." Lightning replied, suppressing his own yawn.

Sally grinned. "Maybe you should take yourself home to bed too. I don't think anyone will mind."

Lightning rolled his eyes playfully and guided their exhausted son to the Racing Headquarters.

He never returned to the party. He waited for Hugh to fall asleep, which took very little time, and found his own eyes drooping as he tried not to go to sleep in the doorway. He turned and drove the short distance to his and Sally's room, falling asleep just as quickly as his son.

That was where Sally found him a few minutes later when she went to see where he'd gone. She smiled, kissed him lightly, and returned to the party.

Author's Note: As I said at the start, there is another chapter to come, and I'll add it as soon as I can.

Having (finally) seen Cars 2, I think there may be another story coming from me before long. I won't say any more here, as I don't know who might not yet have seen the film (I totally recommend it if you haven't), just keep an eye out for it.