A/N: Hey, very shamefaced author here! I can only apologise about the gap in updating, I won't bother you with long winded excuses, but lack of inspiration and motivation has prevented me from uploading new chapters. Again I apologise.

I have re-written all of the existing chapters, I hope you like the changes.

All mistakes are my OWN.

I do NOT OWN Harry Potter OR Twilight.

Pairings: Emmett/Harry, Carlisle/Esme, Jasper/Alice, Edward/Rosalie.

Warnings: Boy/Boy love, swearing, some mentions of child abuse. OOC of some characters. Cross-dressing on Harry's part.

Chapter One: The Straw That Breaks The Chosen One's Back


The death of Harry's godfather opened the flood-gate of lies that had surrounded him ever since he was dropped off at the Dursley's all those years ago. The truth about his parent's death didn't come apparent to him until he was eleven years old. Up until then he believed that his parents died in a car crash because apparently his father was drunk. He didn't know his name until he started primary school; up until he was five he thought his name was Boy Freak. All those unusual occurrences that had happened, his hair growing back almost immediately, the jumper shrinking right in front of him, his ability to jump on top of the school roof, the glass vanishing from the snake tank.

All of them not explained to him, all his relatives did was punish him horrendously for something he didn't understand. His relatives lied to him for ten years about who he really was, who his parents were.

When he did enter the Wizarding world he still wasn't fully told about why people stared at him, stared at his lightning bolt scar. It wasn't properly explained why he was suddenly famous. And the one thing that still got him angry to this day was that no-one, not one single person told him about his parent's lives. Sure Remus Lupin told him little bits and pieces, but they were just small facts that didn't tell him what his parents were really like. Sirius only ever said how similar he was to his dad, and that he had his mother's eyes. Or mistook him for his dad.

Harry felt that the only person who ever told him the truth was Severus Snape. After the incident with the pensieve Harry cornered his professor and apologised profusely. It took a while for Snape to fully believe him but it took Harry breaking down in tears in the classroom after the class had emptied for Snape to forgive him. Since then they had struck up a civil relationship that wasn't quite a friendship but was close.

Harry had finally understood and mastered Occlumency and learned a lot about what his mother was like. At first it had shocked him at how close his mother was with Snape but he got over that quite quickly and listened raptly whenever Snape told him about her. All the extra time they spent together was under the guise of detention and Harry could safely say that Severus Snape was the one adult in his life that had his trust and respect.

The thing that pushed Harry to leave the Wizarding world was the events that transpired after the Department of Mysteries fiasco.

It all came down to the prophecy and the fact that Dumbledore had willingly kept it from him and lied to him since he started Hogwarts when he was eleven.

It was the final straw that broke the proverbial camel's back. The anger simmered inside him constantly, the hate he felt for just one person nearly overwhelmed him. The fact that Dumbledore only told him about the prophecy after he and his friend's discovered it only caused to anger him further. The destruction of Dumbledore's office wasn't just about Sirius' death like the seasoned wizard believed but it was due to the lies that Harry was told and the belief that if he hadn't of discovered the prophecy at the Ministry, Dumbledore wouldn't of told him until it was convenient for him to do so.

Harry was so angry at the manipulative old bastard, if he was told about the prophecy and his link to Voldemort sooner it could have spared the life of his godfather.

It was mainly due to this that Harry decided to leave the Wizarding world, well that and the fact that he was sick and tired of portraying The Boy Who Lived persona; that wasn't who he was. And he was sick of being persecuted for being himself, if he as so much as said or did something differently than the expectations of the Wizarding public.

So Harry had a plan. A plan to rid himself of the stupid Wizarding world. He was sick of them to the point of actually running away, but Harry refused to acknowledge it as running away, he saw it more as a chance to live his life how he wanted to. To hell with Voldemort, to hell with Dumbledore and to hell to the Wizarding world. It was time for Harry to be who he wanted to be, do what he wanted to do and go where he wanted to go.

Goodbye The-Boy-Who-Lived, hello Harry, just Harry; a fifteen year old boy. Not a hero, not just a wizard but a fifteen year old boy. A boy who was about to live his life free of manipulations and lies and crazy megalomaniac people trying to kill him and crazy expectations that complete strangers expected him to fill. No he was free to do whatever the hell he wanted and he was going to enjoy every single minute of it.

So here begins our story of Harry, just Harry; the Boy Who Ran Away.


A/N: So guys what did you think of the changed/hopefully improved chapter? Please give a review.