Chapter One: The Thought Card

Authors Notes: Hi everyone, this is my first fanfic so I hope you enjoy!

"I could definitely sense a Clow cards presence" Sakura said looking around

"Yes, I did as well…Kerberos there is a Clow card somewhere and we need to find it" Yue said staring blankly at Kerberos,

"Th…the bushes" Meilin cried

A young girl with her hair tied up in buns wearing a long, flowing green dress suddenly appeared from behind the bushes and smirked at Sakura and the others,

"If I bind her with the Windy card, it'll make it easier to capture her "Sakura thought holding her staff tightly in both hands

"I'm hard to find and hard to bind, you'll never capture me with Windy alone" the young girl chanted

"What?! could she know I was gonna use Windy? It was like she read my thoughts" Sakura cried

"Exactly, this card is the Thought Card, it has the power to read people's mind, that's one of the things that make it hard to capture" Yue replied trying to hit her with one of his magical arrows

"You are too slow and I am too quick, you'll never be able to capture me" Thought smiled dodging every one of Yue's arrows without trouble.

"Oh wow I'm so glad I'm here to film Sakura capturing the Thought Card, don't you agree Meilin" Madison smiled

"Yeah, whatever" Meilin agreed

"Sakura come with me, I have to tell you something, it's about the Thought Card" Li cried grabbing Sakura and pulling her into a corner

"What is it Li?" Sakura asked still shocked from Li's appearance

"Listen, Thought has the ability to read people's thoughts, it is also very quick, you can still bind her with the Windy Card just concentrate and when she comes closer then release Windy, you got that" Li replied slowly making sure Sakura fully understood all of what he had just told her.

"I think so" Sakura said confidently.

As soon as Thought was in sight Sakura released Windy and was able to bind her together,

"Sakura, now quick!" Kerberos shouted,

Sakura nodded

"Return to your power confine, Clow Card" Sakura shouted finally sealing the Thought Card for good.

"Alright now that's our Cardcaptor" Kero shouted, did we make a good choice or what

"You sure did Kero, Sakura's a natural at this Magic thing" Madison agreed

"Oh guys stop you're embarrassing me" Sakura laughed

"Mistress…you're blushing…how come?" Yue asked smiling at Sakura's bright red face.

They all stood together laughing, except for Li and Meilin who hadn't moved from their original positions.

"I could be a way better Magician than she could ever be, why wasn't I born with any Magical abilities" Meilin snapped

"Because you weren't oh and your nearly thirteen, don't you think the jealously has to stop?" Li replied walking up to greet Sakura and the others.

Authors Notes: Ok that was my first attempt at writing my own fanfic, so please review and tell me what you think thanks for reading!