Disclaimer:I do not own Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy Krueger, or Springwood & I sadly & unfortunately do not make any money from these writings.

Summary:Kali is obsessed with Freddy & the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. One night she accidentally pulls Freddy into her dream finding out that he is indeed real & agrees to help him, but she has no idea what she's getting herself into.

Author's Note: I originally wrote this as a screenplay when I was in high school (2005) and I am completely revamping it because it was so incredibly horrible and ridiculous. I hope you all like it!


Chapter One: Too Real

"My children… from the very beginning, it was the children that gave me my power." The TV boomed. "The Springwood Slasher, that's what they called me…" The girl echoed with the TV. "Dammit Kali turn your fucking TV down I'm trying to sleep!" Trudy, Kali's older step sister, yelled angrily from the next room.

Kali sat up in bed, her shoulder length brown hair fell into her eyes as she glared at the wall and flipped it off with her un-bladed metal glove. She made the glove in her welding class, it was her own custom Freddy glove. All she needed was to weld the blades on to finish it, but she couldn't do it at school since it would be considered a weapon.

Her pale skin glowed in the light of the TV as she lazily got out of bed. She pulled a pair of headphones off her nightstand and plugged them into the TV before plopping back into bed. Putting on her headphones she unhooked her bra and dropped it to the floor. She now sat on the bed in just her underwear and laid down pulling the sheets over her. Her eyes refused to stay open halfway through the movie and she let her headphones fall to the floor clicking off the TV with the remote. Rolling over in bed she took her metal glove off and set it in the windowsill next to her bed and let sleep take over.

Kali opened her eyes and sat up in bed, she knew she was dreaming. As her feet touched the floor she concentrated and her clothes materialized onto her. Taking a step away from the bed her room morphed into an old boiler room that was barely lit by the unknown glow coming from below the catwalk. Looking around she raised an eyebrow and looked down to her scarred right hand making a Freddy glove appear. She always preferred to hide her scars with gloves, arm warmers, or long sleeves.

When she was ten her and Trudy had been arguing in the back yard near the fire pit and ended in her getting shoved into the fire. She had caught herself on her right hand right before her face met with the flames burning her arm up to the elbow. There were many other scars on that hand as well, she was fourteen when her step dad died and became a cutter. She didn't do it nearly as much as she used to, only on the really bad days.

Flexing her fingers in the glove it made a satisfying clink of metal. She jumped when she heard deep laughter coming from behind her. Turning around she came face to face with a man that was badly burned wearing a dark red and green sweater with a dirty brown fedora hat on his bald burned head, Freddy Krueger. He had a smirk on his face. "Hello little piggy."

Kali looked him up and down completely unafraid and put her bladed hand on her hip. "That's not funny Angela." His voice changed to a light girl's voice. "Ah, come on I couldn't resist." He morphed into a girl a bit taller than Kali with dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes wearing happy bunny pajamas. "How did you know it was me?" She smiled sweetly.

"Who else would it be?" Kali said looking rather unamused.

"I could have really been Freddy, and you would be dead by now." She joked.

"If only…" Kali sighed.

"Ok miss suicidal…" Angela eyed her friend confused.

"You know I didn't mean the dying part!" Kali corrected herself.

"I know, I know, you weirdo… Freddy lover!" Angela teased.

"You're gross. You know I don't like him like that!" Kali pointed one of her blades at her.

"Oh come on it's not like you haven't thought about it before!" Angela teased.

"No… not that much…" Kali admitted.

"Ha! I knew it!" She laughed.

"Yeah yeah, so what do you want?" Kali asked becoming impatient.

"I don't know just wanted to see if I could pull you in without you knowing about it before hand. And it worked!" Angela gloated.

"Of course you can! You're like the dream pro, you need to help me get better at pulling you in. Last time I pulled you and the dream you were already having in with you, is that even normal?" Kali asked moving her blades around watching the light play off of them.

"It's not necessarily normal, but it means you have a lot of potential if you can do that. So you just need to practice more and I'm sure in no time you'll be better at all this dream stuff than me." Angela explained as she pulled at the draw strings in her pajama pants impatiently.

"Really you think so?" Kali said a bit surprised.

"Yes I do… but can we talk about this in person tomorrow at school or something. I'm kinda anxious to try something tonight." She admitted still fidgeting.

"Oh yeah… sorry. You probably want to get to your own dream huh?" Angela nodded. "What are you so anxious to try?" Kali asked curiously.

"Well the reason I tried to pull you in without knowing is because I want to pull someone else in. I wanted to try and pull Jeremy in…" Angela looked down to the floor shyly.

"Jeremy? Jeremy Moore? The captain of the football team?" Kali asked partially confused. Angela nodded. "But why? He won't even know what's going on?"

"That's the whole point! I can have my way with him in the dream world like I've always wanted to, and if I'm lucky he'll remember the dream. Then maybe he'll start to pay attention to me in the real world. And then I can have a sexy real boyfriend for once!" She explained becoming giddy at just the thought.

"Wow… that is completely insane and evil and also incredibly brilliant! You're lucky he's single!" She said excitedly.

"I know! I just hope it works. I'm getting sick of boys always ignoring me just because I'm a smart blonde." Angela frowned.

"Ok well you have fun with all of that. I'll see you tomorrow morning before class." Kali smiled.

"Ok see you then! Keep your fingers crossed for me!" Angela crossed her fingers followed by Kali and she disappeared leaving Kali alone in the boiler room. She walked toward the large metal door at the end of the catwalk scraping her blades along the pipes on the wall. The blades made a loud screeching sound causing sparks to fly. Smiling to herself she removed the glove and waved her hand around making her scars disappear.

She stood in front of the door and pondered what to do in the dream world until it was time to wake up. Leaning on the door she closed her eyes. When she opened them she was sitting in a small school desk. Looking around the room it had changed into a strange large classroom filled with desks matching hers with her classmates filling each of them. The ceiling was twice as high as it usually would be in a normal classroom. The walls were lined with thick vines and the floor was made of grass with random patches of dirt. Her biology teacher Mrs. George stood in front of the class lecturing with a large plant sitting on her desk.

Kali didn't know it yet, but she had lost control of her dream. Staring blankly at the front of the class she could barely hear the teachers lecture. She jumped when a small balance scale was dropped onto her desk. Turning around in her seat she saw it was Aubrey, her lab partner. She was the smartest girl Kali knew besides Angela, and she was always more than willing to let Kali copy off of her in science class.

"Hey lab partner." She winked and her light blonde bangs fell out from behind her ears as she smiled and tilted her head. "Why don't you go and sit with Andy…" She grabbed the unnoticed worksheet off of her desk. "… and let me worry about this." Aubrey placed a small plant on the desk and began weighing some of the leaves off of it.

Looking around Kali spotted Andy sitting in a corner ripping up grass from the floor in handfuls. He turned and looked up at her with his gray eyes as she approached him. "This class sucks. Who decided that plant science was a good subject to teach?"

"I have no idea… this is such a strange classroom…" Kali scanned the room again.

"Just a lot… fuck this class." He ran his hand through his black spiked hair. The fluorescent lights made his tan skin look unusually pale. "… I'm out of here."

Kali eyed him as he got up and brushed the grass off of his baggy pants and straightened his button down shirt. Looking over towards where the Mrs. George was lecturing she found that she was no longer there along with the rest of the other students. Only one desk remained in the center of the room, empty. Turning back to Andy he had vanished as well.

She noticed the door leading out to the hallway was left open and she stepped out of the classroom. Looking down the hall it was endless and narrow, random lights were flickering on and off. She looked down the opposite direction of the hall and still found no one. Returning to the classroom a girl sat at the remaining desk with her back to Kali.

She slowly approached the girl and tapped her on the shoulder. The girl quickly turned to Kali and threw her across the room with unknown strength against the wall. Before Kali could react the girl was there pinning her to the wall. She looked just like Kali only she was paler and her hair was a deep red. Her eyes were darker along with her clothes, like an evil version of herself. The vines on the wall wrapped around her arms and legs holding her in place. Her classmates reappeared all their eyes were blacked out and they began surrounding her.

The evil version of herself began strangling her. Looking over her classmates demonic faces she realized that she was still in her dream and she had lost control. She focused on getting rid of everyone that surrounded her. All her classmates disappeared but the evil Kali still remained. She tried again to get rid of her and nothing. In a panic she tried to reach out to Angela and pull her in, still nothing happened. Closing her eyes she concentrated harder.

She suddenly felt the whole dream shift and the smell of grass and dirt hit her and she could feel the vines around her wrists and ankles. The evil girl had vanished.

Scanning the room she saw the wall ripple as Freddy stepped into the classroom across the room and stared at her confused. He looked different than he did earlier when Angela was pretending to be him. His burn scars looked more severe, more real.

She knew it was just Angela messing with her again and she let out an annoyed sigh. "Ha ha very funny Ang'. I don't feel like playing right now, so get me down and help me get control of my dream again!" His eyes narrowed and he swiftly closed the gap between them.

He was only inches off of her and he eyed her up and down his eyes resting on the scars on her arm. She could smell his burnt flesh and his eyes were so demonic looking she knew something wasn't right. Being able to smell was not normal at all in a dream. "Angela this isn't funny…" He glared at her and the vines tightened. "…why are these vines hurting me?"

An evil smile crept along his face revealing his sharp jagged teeth. "Who's Angela?" He asked in a raspy demonic voice sending a chill down her spine. As she struggled against the vines he reached his ungloved hand up running his fingers down her burn scars. She could feel the texture of his scars on hers. She knew Angela would never take her joke this far, and she knew she was still asleep, but why did everything feel so real? And if wasn't Angela standing before her, who was?

"Ahh…" he rasped as he ran the back of one of his blades along her cheek sending different shivers through her body. "… finally someone to play with." He stared into her eyes and she could feel his hot breath on her face as he inched closer to her. Her breath caught in her throat and…


Kali bolted upright in bed gasping in a breath and quickly hit her alarm silencing it. She could still feel his hot breath on her and the smell of burnt flesh lingered in her nostrils. Throwing the sheets off she rubbed her wrists and ankles where the vines had been.

"What the hell was that?" She asked aloud and did a double take of her room to make sure she was really awake. If that wasn't Angela then who was it? Could it have been… no it couldn't have…"No there's no way… he's not real…"

She ran her hand through her hair and jumped out of bed quickly getting ready for school anxious to talk to Angela about what had happened in her dream.