Disclaimer: I do not own Nightmare on Elm Street or Freddy Krueger and I unfortunately and sadly do not make any money from these writings.


Freddy paced back and forth in his room watching Kali as she slept. It had been a week since they had escaped and Kali still hadn't woken up yet. She would occasionally stir in her sleep and he knew that she was dreaming and sometimes even having a nightmare. Sam was getting worried about her too. She would keep herself busy by experimenting with cooking and watching her favorite movies she hadn't seen since before her father died.

On their second day there Freddy took control of Kali again and got her showered and in clean clothes. Sam had cut her hair up to her shoulders and was now wearing Patricia's clothes. She looked so much older now that she was wearing something other than pajamas and it made Freddy realize just how old she really was. She had been locked up since she was eleven, and now she was thirty two. He couldn't help but curse himself for taking so long to get her out. So many things she missed that she might never get to do.

Could he let her go out into the world and have a real life? Or was he so selfish that he'd keep her all to himself only sharing her with Kali? He didn't know what to do and on top of that Kali still wasn't awake, it was driving him mad to have her right there and not be able to wake her up. Maybe he shouldn't have burned everything out of her all at once. Maybe she'd be stuck in his world like this forever. He didn't want to think about it, he wished someone would come into his world for him to kill already so it'd take his mind off of everything. He laid in his bed next to Kali and watched her sleep.

Sam stood in the kitchen in her mother's yellow summer dress with an apron over it as she made a batch of brownies from a recipe she found that her mother had written and on the note card the recipe was written on it was labeled 'Fred's favorite'. She put them in the oven and set the timer. She opened the kitchen window so she could hear the timer going off from outside and went and sat on the swing set. Staring up at the cloudy sky she was so happy where she was but she couldn't help but notice how distracted her father had been. He was so worried about Kali. She was just glad that he didn't have to worry about their safety.

He was strong enough to somehow make the house invisible to everyone. None of the children even looked at the house as they passed it by on their way to and from school. No one would even set foot on the lot. It was almost like there was a force field around it. Whatever it was she was just grateful that her dad was strong enough to keep it working all the time. The more she thought about it the more she began to wonder if she'd be able to leave the house and go see other places. But she was sure she'd be able to go wherever she wanted once Kali could go out with her.

As strange as it seemed she was starting to think of Kali as a sister and even sometimes as a Mom. She may be over ten years older than her but Kali was mentally older and knew about things she had never even known had existed outside of the Hypnocil Facility. She hoped Kali would teach her all the things that she missed out on and take her to do and see all the things she had always dreamed about all those years she was locked away in that awful place. She could hear the timer going off inside and she jumped off the swing landing on her feet and made her way inside to check on the brownies.

Freddy was getting restless and finally decided to check on what the town had made of everything that he had caused burning that place down. Searching the news he finally came to find a small report that was made a day after they had escaped. All they said was the Dream Research clinic had fallen to a horrible electric fire that spread and killed everyone inside. Nothing about the town's water supply or the other secretly Hypnocil dosed items. He knew nothing would be said about it but he was sure that there would be a few people panicking at the loss of their Hypnocil provider and manufacturer. He returned to his room and sat in a chair beside his bed trying to will Kali awake with all the force he could muster.

As usual nothing happened. He was exhausted from worrying about her and laid in bed next to her. He closed his eyes for a moment and felt hands on his shoulders and he was violently pulled forward and thrown to the ground.

"Are you ok? I didn't think it would work." Kali said kneeling beside him. He rolled over onto his back and looked up at her.

"Kali?" He asked becoming rather confused and noticed the all too familiar room he was in, the padded cell they had kept Kali in for so long. She looked terrible, her hair was a mess and her eyes were surrounded by large dark circles. She had on a tattered straight jacket and pajama pants. He quickly sat up and pulled Kali close.

"Do you even know where you are?" She breathed as she struggled to get out of his grip.

"Kali you've been out for a week. If you can pull me in here why can't you wake up?" He demanded.

"Don't you think I've tried? It wasn't easy getting you in here. My power is extremely limited in here." She sounded just like her old self. He had no idea what she was talking about and gave her a confused look. She rolled her eyes in annoyance and grabbed his ungloved hand and held it to the wall. When his skin met with the soft padding of the wall he could sense a bunch of souls lurking outside the room.

"I can't leave they won't let me. Everyone you killed using me when you got us out of that place their spirits came and trapped me in here… sometimes they come in and torment me… tell me lies like you never came for me and it was all in my head. But I could feel you every time you were near me. I saw everything you did to get Sam out. There has to be a way to get rid of them…" She stopped short when there was a loud screaming sound echoing outside the room making its way to them. "Oh shit they know you're here." Kali's eyes grew wide with fear making Freddy instantly jump to his feet. He pulled Kali up beside him and the screams got louder and closer. The room was suddenly filled with all the spirits of the people he killed using Kali.

It took them both a moment to realize that the spirits were being pulled to them. No not them, Freddy. They all began to swirl around him and Kali backed away as he absorbed all of the souls within seconds. Kali quickly ran to him and pushed him through the wall and they landed on his bed with Kali pinning Freddy down. They both could feel that they were in his world again and Freddy looked up at Kali. The circles under her eyes were gone and her hair was no longer a rat's nest and it hung down around her face.

Freddy slipped his glove off and put his hands on her shoulders running them down her arms. He lightly ran his fingers over her scarred arm and he could feel her desire for him spark and noticed her eyeing his lips. She stared down at him and bit her bottom lip.

Kali couldn't remember the last time she was alone with him like this and it sent shivers down her spine. She was finally out of that place and she was where she belonged, with him, and she was going to enjoy every second of it.

Looking down into his human eyes she pulled him close and kissed him with more passion than she'd ever kissed anyone. They both gasped for air when she released him but didn't let her breathlessness slow her down and ran her hands down his chest ripping his sweater off over his head. His breathing picked up and he rolled so he was on top of her and literally ripped her shirt in two and threw it behind him. They both went into a frenzy to get each other's pants off and after much struggling they both stopped and removed their own.

Freddy stared down at her as he straddled Kali's beautiful naked form. All of the scars she'd gotten from being locked up made her even more irresistible. She was about to wrap her legs around him when he lowered himself and began kissing and licking all of her new scars. She gripped the sheets beneath her trying her best to contain herself but once he made it to her thigh she grabbed him with all the force she had and pulled him back up to her kissing him fiercely. He was so hard now and just wanted to be inside of her again. When she released him from the kiss they both looked into each other and hesitated for a moment before they thrust into each other.

They both let out loud moans and took in long slow breaths. Kali put her hands on either side of his face making him close his eyes as he enjoyed the feel of her hands.

"I missed you." She said and he opened his eyes and looked into her.

"I missed you more…" He leaned in closer so they were skin on skin. "I love you." He whispered into her ear and she pulled him into a kiss and he thrust into her again making her moan on his lips. She wrapped her arms around him holding him close to her as they moved in rhythm together. After a few minutes of their smooth slow movement they both snapped at the same time.

Kali pushed Freddy off of her and they threw each other around on the bed until Freddy had Kali held down to the bed by the throat with his now bladed hand and was thrusting into her. She dug her nails into his arm and struggled beneath him enjoying every second. It wasn't long before she came screaming out and digging her nails deeper into his scarred flesh. As she finished he soon came after her and she pulled him into a kiss as he moaned loudly. When she released him he rolled off of her and laid beside her.

They laid there for a few moments just catching their breath until Freddy grabbed Kali and pulled her close wrapping his arms around her.

"I love you." She whispered kissing his chest. They laid there in silence for awhile until Freddy sat up in bed fully clothed and Kali found herself in a longer dress version of his sweater. Sam came around the corner and Kali stared at her in awe. She was no longer pale and had cut her hair and wore a yellow flowered summer dress.

"You're ok!" Sam smiled and hugged Kali. She noticed how much happier her father looked making her feel better. "Can you wake up?" She asked looking hopeful.

"I'm not sure I haven't tried yet." Kali said looking to Freddy.

"Go you two have fun." He kissed Sam on the forehead and Kali on the cheek. Kali closed her eyes and concentrated and opened her heavy eyes and sat up to see what looked like Freddy's room only it looked brand new. Sam sat up next to her in bed.

"It worked!" She smiled happily and hugged Kali. "You know I don't care if you and my Dad kiss in front of me. I know he loves you." She said as an appetizing aroma filled Kali's nose. Kali took in a deep breath and looked to Sam.

"What did you cook? I'm starving!" Kali said jumping out of bed. She had to catch herself on the nightstand. Her body had been out of use for over a week and was a little weak.

"I made some macaroni with hot dogs and some corn bread, oh and some brownies for dessert!" She smiled proudly.

"Sounds good!" She made her way towards the delicious smell with Sam's help.

Freddy watched as they ate and talked. Kali explained why she wouldn't wake up and Sam talked about how happy she was to be at home and able to do whatever she pleased around the house. As they did the dishes Sam brought up the topic that Freddy was dreading.

"Being back home again is nice… but I wish I could go out and do other things. I don't know if we can leave the house and be safe." Sam said sadly drying a plate.

"What do you mean?" Kali was confused.

"You mean he didn't tell you?" Kali looked to her in confusion. "When he brought the house back he made it invisible to anyone who's never been in his world. He's using a lot of his power to keep it that way so no one can find us."

"Can we even leave the house?" Kali asked drying her hands.

"I don't know I'm too afraid to try." She confessed. "I'm finally out of that place and I don't want to risk anyone taking us again."

Kali took Sam by the hands and looked her in the eye. "Sam that place is gone there was no way anyone there could have survived. Besides from what your Dad has told me there is only a handful of people that live here and actually know he exists." Kali could feel Freddy with her and she could feel his heat consume her whole body, a feeling that she had missed and longed for all those days she was locked up. It gave her a slight rush and she quickly sat down at the table.

Sam looked at her with worry for a moment until she realized that her Father had joined them. "Hi Dad." She smiled glad he decided to join the conversation.

"Kali's right." He rasped. "I know I can't keep you here forever. I want you to have a normal life. They robbed you of so many things when they took you from your mother." His voice began to sound less demonic and more human. Kali could feel how hard this was for him to say. "I just want you to have fun and be happy. Even if there is someone that knows about us you'll always have Kali and I here to protect you."

"I know. I don't want to go anywhere without either of you. But I'd like to get out and do all the things I missed out on. Maybe tomorrow we could go somewhere, maybe a toy store?" She suggested holding her hands nervously behind her back.

I know where you should take her. Freddy rasped in Kali's ear.

"Where?" Kali asked out loud.

In your head, I want it to be a surprise. He growled.

"Sorry it's been awhile. You've got to give me time to get used to everything again." She shot back at him. Sam knew Kali was talking to her Father and began putting the clean dishes away letting them have their conversation. Kali made her way to the living room and sat on the couch feeling rather sore from Freddy.

Ok so where do you want me to take her? Kali asked.

At the mall near here is a build a bear workshop. I know she'd love that place, but we don't have any money. We need togetsome. He explained and Kali sighed loudly.

Really? I was hoping to get a little vacation from all the killing while we waited for the Hypnocil to wear off of everyone. She could feel Freddy getting annoyed. Its fine, I know you want to do something nice for her and so do I. We'll go when she's asleep. She confirmed and he agreed.

Sam and Kali watched old cartoon reruns together until Sam started getting tired. It amused both Kali and Freddy to watch Sam get so into the old cartoons. What were reruns to Kali were completely new to Sam. Kali tucked Sam in and once she was sure she was asleep she left the house quietly with Freddy's help. She stood at the line dividing the sidewalk that led up to the house and the normal sidewalk lining the street. As she stepped over the line she felt a small ripple go through her. Once she was on the other side she looked back at the house seeing a brand new version of Freddy's house it quickly flashed and it looked like an empty overgrown empty lot then back again. She let Freddy lead the way and they searched for their newest victim.

The next day Sam was ecstatic when they got to the store. They spent over an hour in that one store. Sam was determined to have all matching outfits for all occasions for her new horsey doll. As Kali and Freddy watched her the more they both realized how much of a kid she still really was. It made Freddy relax knowing he wouldn't have to worry about her being interested in more adult things until later. Even as they walked through the mall Sam hardly even noticed the other people she was too busy looking at all the stores and occasionally asking Kali why people were dressed certain ways.

Kali really enjoyed herself and of course had to make a stop at hottopic to get a few clothes for herself. She let Sam choose whatever she wanted to eat in the food court. It was a perfect day and things couldn't have been better. Days went by turning into weeks and weeks into months. People started to enter Freddy's world again after a few months went by. Kali and Sam would go out every few days and Sam would explore. Her favorite thing to do was to go to the movies and see the new kid's movies that came out every week. Sam knew that Kali and her Father killed in order to get the money to take her out to all these places but she didn't mind. She was finally happy.

Freddy and Kali were inseparable. When she was asleep she was with him and when he wasn't killing he was with her. He'd take at the most two a day as to not draw too much attention. He would only kill larger groups if they were large family's coming in from out of town. Months turned into a year then another. The old rumors of him were finally back and circulating the town. Not only was he killing but also tormenting the kids so they'd go and tell their friends about their horrible 'boogey man' nightmares. Kali liked to watch him kill now that he had all the time he could ever want. He was finally back to his old ways.

Kali sat in the shadows with Freddy watching the teenage boys dream play out. He was at his first day of school and was wandering the halls having a hard time finding his classroom. When he finally found it the final bell rang and he quickly jumped into the seat at the back of the class. The teacher started lecturing and all of a sudden the entire room went silent except for the sound of the boys pencil doodling in his notebook making him look up.

The teacher started to write something on the black board. '1, 2 Freddy's Coming For You' After the boy read it he began to panic.

"Now class…" The teacher cooed. "…She pointed to the board and all the students recited it in a dead tone. "Three four…" She lead them on. "Better lock your door!" And they all turned to him their eyes whited out making him jump out of his chair and back against the wall. "Five six grab your crucifix!" Their eyes turned red and their heads fell off each hitting the floor with a sickening thud. "Seven eight better stay up late!" The disembodied heads continued and the boy stared at them in horror and disbelief.

"No! This isn't happening! Not again!" The boy yelled putting his hands over his ears and closing his eyes.

"Nine ten never sleep again!" They yelled and opened their mouths screaming ear piercing screams as hundreds of flies flew out of their mouths. The boy shrieked and ran out of the classroom as the flies chased him. He ran down the hall and tripped and fell. He held his eyes shut and the flies dispersed. Freddy stood next to the boy waiting for him to get back up or look at him. The boy set eyes on his boots first.

"I don't know what's going on but can you hel…" He stopped short as he looked up. He rolled away from him and quickly got to his feet. "You're not real!" He screamed and stood his ground making Freddy laugh darkly.

"Yes that's right I'm just a nightmare and when you wake up you can go and tell all your little friends about me just like last time…" He chuckled clinking his blades together as they shined brightly in the florescent lighting. The boy took a step back and stared at Freddy trembling with fear. "But this isn't like last time." He appeared behind the boy and dug his blades into his back and the boy screamed and gurgled as blood began to seep through the front of his shirt and drip out of his mouth.

Freddy quickly pulled his bloodied blades out of the boy and let him fall to the ground. He placed his foot on his neck and quickly snapped it making his soul float into him. Freddy walked over to Kali and slammed her into the wall. She looked at him with hungry knowing eyes and they were suddenly lying in his bed and Kali was straddling him with her hands on either side of him. He knocked her arms away making her fall onto him and he pulled her into a kiss.

A few days later after going out grocery shopping with Sam Kali was installing a game on a brand new laptop she had bought.

You better not poison my daughters mind with your damn video games. Freddy rasped. Kali rolled her eyes and began surfing the internet while she waited for her game to install. Sam was starting to make dinner and Kali was about to go and help her when something caught her eye.

"Ohh what's this…" She asked intrigued clicking on the link.

"What?" Freddy rasped out loud getting Sam's attention. Sam stood behind the couch watching with Kali and her Father. The movie trailer began playing and Kali's eyes lit up as it ended.

"Oh-my-god I need to see this!" She squealed. Freddy groaned and Sam just laughed. It was a teaser trailer for the remake of Nightmare on Elm Street due to come out in the coming spring.

"Oh come on Dad at least it'll bring more people here." Sam smiled.

"I can only hope that something this annoying will bring me something good." Freddy growled.

"Oh don't worry it will. Tomorrow they're holding a town meeting to set up curfews and everything because of all the murders and suicides lately. I'm sure we can put a few words in to get this town's original name and street names reinstated." Kali smiled petting at note book full of proof of the town's original history to present to the towns people.

"They won't be too happy when they find out about the Hypnocil either." Sam added.

"This should get interesting…" Freddy rasped and Kali and Sam smiled at each other.

They all knew that no matter what no one could stop Freddy, Springwood would soon be the way it should be…



Alrighty I know this is the end and it's EXTREMELY open ended, was originally planning on doing a sequel but my brain just isn't working on the right levels as of late to do so. So if you all really want a sequel feel free to write your own cuz I'm sure you all have a lot more free time than I have had lately.

Currently have somehow started an entirely new Freddy fic. Starting on chapter five of it and have yet to post anything since I'm afraid I won't have enough time to work on it. But if I get enough requests from you readers I might post it anyways so you have a little to read and review and maybe get me motivated to make more time for writing. Hope you liked this one cuz it's soo damn difficult to write for Freddy sometimes.

Thx for reading!