Disclaimer - I own nothing. For fun only.


The Birth:

Breathtaking pain gripped her midsection. It seemed relentless. Tightening, gripping, holding... and then releasing. In those moments when the pain subsided, Brennan would become aware of other sensations in the room. Muted light from the shaded window, muffled sounds from the hallway, slight medicinal smell common to all hospitals, and strong, but ever so gentle, hands, holding hers. His soft voice, murmuring supportive and comforting words. Brennan managed to remain stoic until the nurse had suggested she stand up and walk around. The mere action of standing up made her hips feel like they were breaking apart. She clutched at Booth's arms, tears suddenly streaming down her face. Booth supported her weight as the nurse helped Brennan slide back onto the bed. Booth's heart broke at the sight of Brennan's tears.

"Why don't we check your progress and then talk about some pain relief?"

Booth gripped Brennan's hand as the nurse checked the dilation of her cervix. Brennan moaned slightly as the nurse did her exam.

"You're about 4.5 to 5 cm. You can have an epidural now, if you want."

Brennan nodded, and the nurse left to track down the anaesthesiologist. Booth sat next to Brennan's bedside, smoothing the hair off her forehead and gently kissing her temple. Booth glanced at the monitor which showed that another contraction was building. He felt Brennan tense as the tightness gripped her once more.

"Hang in there, babe. You're doing fine. It's just about over... it should be going away, now."

Mercifully, the nurse arrived with the anaesthesiologist, who began setting up his tray for the placement of the epidural. With his instruments laid out, the doctor spoke to Booth,

"She needs to sit up, now."

The nurse came over and helped Brennan into a sitting position, her legs hanging over the side of the bed. The doctor watched the monitor as another contraction rose in intensity, levelled off, and then faded.

"OK, now, Temperance? I need you to curve your back."

Brennan curved her spine as much as she could, her head leaning into Booth's chest. Booth flinched when he saw the size of the needle. Luckily, Brennan was too distracted by the pain, to notice. The anaesthesiologist completed his work, then told Brennan that she should begin to feel relief in a few minutes. Brennan laid on her side, the numbness creeping over her. The nurse pulled the blanket up over Brennan.

"You should try to sleep for a while, Temperance. You have some work ahead of you."

Booth tenderly stroked her cheek, and Brennan's eyes closed. Booth's tension eased a bit as Brennan drifted into an exhausted, but pain-free, sleep. At that moment, Cam opened the door, nodded to the nurse, then approached the bed.

"I saw the anaesthesiologist leave. She's sleeping now, so you should go and walk around a bit, get a bite to eat..."

Booth shook his head, irritated by the suggestion.

"I am not leaving her," his voice shook, "She was in such pain, Cam."

Cam nodded sympathetically, then gently massaged Booth's shoulders.

"Look, big man," she said, using her old nickname for him, "this could be a very long night. You need to get something to eat, some air, then come back. I'll stay with her while she sleeps."

Booth started to protest, but Cam cut him off, practically prying him from the chair.

"GO!", she ordered, pushing him out the door. Booth threw a reluctant glance toward Brennan, then told Cam he'd be back soon.

Booth stretched his arms and back as he rode the elevator down to the cafeteria. Once there, he bought a sandwich and a drink, consuming them without really tasting them. His mind kept wandering back to the woman he loved, sleeping a few floors above. Seeing her in such pain had just about killed him. He wanted to be strong for her, but he damn near lost it when she broke down crying. He hated feeling helpless - unable to do anything for her other than to hold her hand and stroke her soft hair. He stepped outside for a moment, breathing in the cool, evening air. Feeling somewhat refreshed, he returned to the elevator and made his way back to her room.

"How's she doing?" Booth asked, as he entered the room.

Cam smiled, told him he'd only been gone 15 minutes, and that Brennan had just slept. Booth nodded, taking the chair Cam had vacated. Cam hugged him and wished them good luck.

"Let us know as soon as there's any news," she said, "and hang in there. Be strong for her."

Booth smiled at his friend, then turned back to Brennan. He carefully took her hand, and held it as she slept. Brennan slept for about an hour before the nurse woke her up, to do another progress check. Exhausted, Brennan barely opened her eyes as she rolled onto her back. The nurse did another exam, then announced that Brennan was now about 7cm dilated. She smiled at Booth.

"She's doing well. I think we're going to have a baby in a few hours!"

Booth kissed Brennan's forehead, as she fell back to sleep. He sank back onto the chair, closing his eyes for just a moment. The next thing he was aware of was the nurse gently shaking his shoulder.

"Dad, we need to do another check. I'm going to wake her, again."

Surprised that he'd dozed off, Booth sat up and spoke softly in Brennan's ear, telling her that the nurse would do another exam. Brennan sighed, but assumed the position. The nurse conducted the exam, then smiled and said,

"OK. You're at 10cm and the baby is fully effaced. You can push with the next contraction."

"It's time?" Brennan was startled. "Booth?"

Noting the panic in her voice, Booth smiled encouragingly.

"It's time! You just tell me where you want me to be and I'll be there."

The nurse suggested that Booth help Brennan sit up, slightly, with his arm behind her shoulders. Watching the monitor, the nurse told Brennan it was time to push. Brennan tried to get control over her stomach muscles, which seemed to have a mind of their own. It took her a few tries to coordinate the action she needed to push with the contraction. Still numb from the epidural, Brennan felt no pain, but could feel the intense pressure. The overwhelming urge to push took over, and Brennan really bore down. Booth could feel the energy she was exerting, and pleaded with Brennan to push.

"Come on, baby! You can do it! PUSH!"

The nurse patted Brennan's leg, telling her that she should rest for a minute.

"That push was great - the baby moved down a bit. I think a couple more pushes and we'll have a baby! I'm going to call the doctor in for the next pushes."

Anxious to continue, Brennan squeezed Booth's hand. Booth held a cup of water for her and encouraged her to drink. The nurse returned a minute later with the obstetrician, who sat down, and told Brennan to go ahead and push with the next contraction. They all watched the monitor, and when the contraction peaked, Brennan started to push. The obstetrician, surprisingly excitable, shouted her support.

"COME ON, MOM!! A little more, come on, keep it coming!!"

Brennan summoned every ounce of strength in her being, squeezing Booth's hand so hard the joints popped. Booth tried to channel his own terrified energy into her, as

his heart pounded and adrenaline coursed through his body. As if she sensed Booth's exertion, Brennan pushed with renewed vigor, bearing down until the doctor told her to stop.

"The head is out - one more small push and your baby will be out! Dad, if you want to watch, you should move down to the end of the bed."

Booth kissed Brennan fully on the lips then moved excitedly to the end of the bed. With the next contraction, Brennan pushed until she felt a sudden release and heard Booth's excited shout.

"Bones!!! WE HAVE A SON!!!"

Booth ran to Brennan, happy tears streaming down his face. Brennan started to sob when the doctor put her tiny, newborn son onto her bare belly. The baby nuzzled into his mother's soft skin, unaware of the extreme emotions his presence brought about in his parents. The new parents' tears mingled as their foreheads pressed together, marvelling at their newborn son. The nurse moved the baby into position so that he could get his first taste of his mother's precious milk. The baby latched on like a champion, his tiny hand splayed out against his mother's skin. Booth placed his hand on the baby's back, his thumb stroking his son's damp hair.

"You did it, babe! Look at our son!"

Brennan blinked the tears out of her eyes, feeling more love and tenderness than she had ever felt in her life. Touching her son's soft cheek, Brennan felt completely overwhelmed with emotion. She tore her eyes from the baby to focus on Booth.

"I love you so much. I love our baby - I can't even express it."

Booth returned the sentiment.

"I love you, too. And I love our son... who needs a name... what do you think??"

Brennan looked down at the tiny form snuggled into her breast. She and Booth had talked about names, but not really settled on anything. Brennan studied her son for a moment, then said,

"William Henry - what do you think?"

Touched by the connection to his grandfather, Booth kissed her again.

"William Henry. Perfect."

The nurse approached the new family, needing to take the baby to be weighed and examined. Reluctantly, Brennan handed her son to the nurse. The baby weighed in at 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 20.5 inches long. The doctor checked him over and proclaimed him healthy. Back in his mother's arms, little William yawned, his tiny face stretching with the effort. Brennan looked up into Booth's face and held the baby toward him.

"Booth," she kissed the baby's face, "why don't you hold our son?"

Booth held the baby close to his chest, strong arms protectively cradling his tiny form. Remembering that their friends were camped out in the waiting room, Booth smiled excitedly at Brennan.

"Do you mind if I take him out to meet the Squint Squad?"

Brennan laughed, and told him to go. Booth held the baby close to her so that she could kiss him again. Booth cradled the baby again, speaking softly to his son,

"Come on, William. I'm going to take you to meet the Squint Squad. They're going to love you!"

Her heart very full, Brennan watched Booth carry their son out to the waiting room to her friends. My family, she thought. Brennan reflected on how important her friends had become to her, and how important they would undoubtedly be in her son's life. With this thought, the concept of a village raising a child came into sharp focus. She knew that she would have all the support and love she could ever ask for. Brennan smiled as the man she loved returned to her bedside, placing her son in her arms. Booth climbed onto the bed, pulling Brennan and their newborn son into his protective embrace.

Young William Henry knew nothing of villages or Squints or anything other than the warmth and scent of his mother, and the soft, deep voice of his father. For now, that was all he needed to know.


The End.